This is like writing different words with both hands at the same time, which is shocking enough.

It is not impossible for a master in the family to control the pen with internal force and write more than ten copies at the same time.

But if the written words are all different, no one can do it.

But now Zhang Sanfeng has written [-] different characters at the same time, and has to combine them.

"."Zhang Zhenzhen is worthy of being the number one person in the world. Such a cultivation level is really unmatched."

Duke Chu Nan was amazed.

He has already seen that this is not something that the inner strength cultivation base can do.

Zhang Sanfeng retracted his fingers and no longer poured spiritual energy, but the full text of the Tao Te Ching, which was condensed by water droplets, still condensed in the hall and did not disperse.

At this moment, the shock in the hearts of everyone has reached an incomparable level.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng, it was as if he saw a god.

Zhang Sanfeng bowed his hands.

"Everyone, the poor way is shameful."

After he finished speaking, he flicked his hand.

The Tao Te Ching, which was condensed into water droplets, suddenly flew back to the water tank in a row, and in a flash, they all disappeared.

But it took a long time for everyone in the field to come back to their senses.

Today's scene is too shocking.

I'm afraid they will never forget it.

Xun Kuang stood up and bowed his hands.

"Zhang Zhenren's cultivation is astonishing and unparalleled in the world, like a real dragon. Xun Kuang learned today that there are real immortals in this world."

Fu Su also got up and bowed his hands in salute, extremely respectful.

"People say that Zhang Zhenren is (Nuonuo's) a real immortal, and Fusu always has some doubts, but now I know that this statement is not false at all."

Xiaomeng stood there, thoughtful.

"Zhang Zhenren, your Dao seems to be different from the Tianzong Renzong. It is a family of its own, but it is deeply won by each family. Xiaomeng is really puzzled."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"Road to Road, very Avenue."

"The Tao is everywhere and contains everything."

"The Daoist Daoists in Daqin divided their own sects from the Tianzong and Renzong, and fell under the Tao."

"You are extremely talented. Although you are young, you are profound in Taoism. You understand life and death. Why can't you see this?"

Xiaomeng's body trembled.

In her eyes, there are countless unpredictable situations, passing by.

She is a Taoist genius, and when she saw Zhang Sanfeng's condensed words just now, she had many different feelings.

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words at this moment, Xiaomeng seemed to realize more changes.

She took a deep breath and bowed to Zhang Sanfeng again.

"Three thousand avenues, the same return in different ways. Xiaomeng would like to worship at the gate of Wudang, follow Zhang Zhenren to practice Taoism, and hope that Zhang Zhenren will take pity on him and accept Xiaomeng.".

Chapter 230

The field suddenly fell into silence again.

Although Xiao Meng was only eighteen years old and very young, she was the head of the Taoist Tianzong.

Among the hundreds of families of Daqin, the seniority is very high, and the status is detached.

But now, she was going to worship Zhang Sanfeng.

For a while, everyone felt that their minds were a little bit insecure.

Fusu's face became even more ugly.

He went to great lengths to invite Master Xiaomeng.

There are rumors in the world that this person is a dragon who sees the head but not the tail, and his cultivation is unfathomable.

Fusu invited her here because he wanted her to suppress the Confucian family and suppress the arrogance of Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

After all, Xiaoshengxianzhuang is so famous that the world admires it.

In the land of Qilu, it has an extraordinary appeal.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he arrived in Songhai City, he would meet Zhang Sanfeng.

This person is cultivated to the sky, his eyes are rude, and he is not restricted by the empire.

Fusu must respect him again.

Now Master Xiaomeng wants to worship Zhang Sanfeng as a teacher, and it makes Fusu's face a little bit unbearable.

However, after all, he is the son of the Empire, the son of Emperor Qin, and he still has a bit of a kung fu cultivation.

Although the thoughts were tumbling in his heart, the surface was not revealing the slightest.

"Xiaomeng, you are the head of Daqin Taoist Tianzong, do you really want to go to Wudang's sect?"

Xiaomeng's face was solemn, and she knelt down and opened her mouth slowly.

"Under the Dao, all living beings are equal, and all things in the world belong to the Dao. Where did Tianzong come from, and Wudang?"

"What Xiaomeng is chasing is only the Dao. Why should you stick to Tianzong and Wudang?"

"The view of the portal, before the avenue, is ridiculous."

"Zhang Zhenren is a master of Taoism, and Xiaomeng is willing to follow him around and be by his side, in order to realize one or two of the Tao."

"Xiaomeng's heart to the Tao is as solid as a rock, and I also look to Zhang Zhenren for a clear lesson. I don't think about being born in a portal, and accept Xiaomeng."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and nodded.


"The heart of the Tao is subtle, mysterious and indescribable."

"You have such insight, it shows that you have extraordinary aptitude, and you have a fate with me in Wudang, and the poor road will accept you."

Xiaomeng was suddenly overjoyed.

"Disciple Xiaomeng, see Master!"

She kowtowed to the teacher.

"Get up."

Zhang Sanfeng made a gesture to signal him to get up.

Xiaomeng immediately felt that there was an indescribable and incomparably soft power that gently lifted her body.

Duanmurong smiled until her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

She had just joined Zhang Sanfeng's family, but she became a junior sister, and there was a senior sister Xiao Yu on top of her head, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Especially, this Xiao Yu's age seems to be younger than her?

At most, she is about the same age as her.

Why do you want to be her big sister?

Isn't that just getting started a little earlier than me?

Now, seeing Master Xiaomeng apprenticeship, Duanmurong's heart blossomed with joy.

This is the head of the Taoist Tianzong.

Extraordinary status, world famous.

But so what, isn't it your own little junior sister?

Duanmurong took Master Xiaomeng's hand.

"Xiaomeng, my name is Duanmurong. I'm a few hours ahead of you. I'll be your senior sister from now on. Remember to listen to your senior sister."

Xiaomeng froze there immediately.

After a long while, he finally came back to his senses.

"Xiao dreamed about Senior Sister."

She is profound in Taoism, and she is very open to this kind of thing.

Hearing this "Senior Sister", Duanmu Rong was overjoyed, and the smile on her face was as bright as a peach blossom.

"Junior sister, in the future, senior sister will cover you."

When everyone around listened, they all wanted to roll their eyes.

Xiao Meng is the head of the dignified Taoist Tianzong, a peerless genius who was able to defeat the six elders of Tianzong at the age of eight.

Now that he has been in retreat for ten years, his cultivation is even more unfathomable.

Does she still need someone else to cover it?

If you really want to say this, only Zhang Zhen is qualified.

You, a little girl, said that she wanted to cover Master Xiaomeng, really...

However, Xiaomeng still nodded and accepted Duanmurong's kindness.

"Xiaomeng, thank you, Senior Sister."

Fusu stood up and bowed to Zhang Sanfeng again.

"Today, I was able to see Zhenren Zhang's wonderful magic and divine Taoism, and Fu Su Sansheng was lucky."

"Master Xiaomeng has met a famous teacher, which is gratifying."

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