"Fusu toasted to Zhenren Zhang, and wished Zhenren Zhang a high apprentice."

With that said, he picked up the wine glass, bowed to Zhang Sanfeng, and then drank it all.

"The poor and the outsiders, thanks to the son's wrong love, thank the son."

Zhang Sanfeng said lightly, did not return the salute, and drank a cup on his own.

Everyone didn't care.

Someone like Zhang Sanfeng should be so free and easy.

Although the Son of Heaven (bhaf) comes without being called, and the son is respectful and does not raise his glass, he is the real god in the world.

Fusu turned his eyes to Fu Nian.

"I have long admired the name of Little Sages Village, and just now I was anxious to see Zhang Zhenren's wonderful method, but I haven't had a good look at Little Sages Village."

Since Zhang Sanfeng was here, many of the original plans had to be overturned.

But Fusu didn't want to make a trip in vain, so he took a closer look at the world-famous Little Sages Village.

Fu Nian heard the words and got up quickly.

"Sir, please come with me."

Everyone walked out of the Kendo Hall and came to the backyard of Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

I saw the small bridge in front of me flowing with water and steaming steam.

Flowers and leaves are on the side, and several magnificent and exquisite buildings are hidden among them.

Fusu couldn't help but admire.

"Little Shengxianzhuang deserves to be the Confucian sect in the world, and it really has a lot of beauty."

Just then, a flying crane flew from outside.

With a squeak, it circled and danced.

It falls on the highest attic in the courtyard.

Fusu looked at the attic.

"The poem says: The crane sings in Jiugao, and the voice is heard in the sky. It is the voice of recruiting talents."

"If I'm not mistaken, this building must be the place where the wise men gather."

Fu Nian bowed his hands.

"Master Gao Jian, there is the library of Xiaoshengxianzhuang."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

Everyone went to the library together.

Stepping into the library building, I saw that the lobby inside was hollow, leading directly to the top of the building, as high as several dozen feet.

There are bookshelves all around, divided into countless layers, filled with all kinds of books.

Many things in this world have changed.

The books on the bookshelf of Xiaoshengxianzhuang are also paper books, not bamboo slips.

With so many books, the library of Xiaoshengxianzhuang is really rich.

Fusu praised.

"The Master said: Yu Yu is so eloquent."

"I honestly don't lie to you."

Fu Nian introduced it to everyone.

"Here are the classics of my Confucian sages of all dynasties."

"Here are Taoist classics."

"These are all books of Nongsang."


Zhang Sanfeng picked up a Taoist classic, looked at it, and frowned slightly.

It turned out that the words used on it, he did not understand at all.

This should be the script of the six countries before the unification of Qin.

Fusu picked up a book, glanced at it, and his face changed greatly.

"Mr. Fu Nian, after His Majesty the First Emperor pacified the six kingdoms, he implemented the policy of writing the same text in the same book."

"Order to immediately abolish the original script of the six kingdoms and use the Qin State Xiaozhuan uniformly."

"Mr. Fu Nian should know this, right?"

Fu Nian bowed his hands.

"Yes, Fu Nian knows."

Fusu's expression changed slightly, and he gently put down the book in his hand.

"Then why are the books in this library still written in the original Six Nations?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the library suddenly became a bit bleak.

To disrespect orders is a great crime of disrespect.

Under the rule of the Daqin Empire, no one or any force is allowed to dare to override the empire and disobey the orders of the empire.

For someone like Zhang Sanfeng, Fusu can bear it.

But when did Xiaoshengxianzhuang also regard the empire's orders as nothing? .

Chapter 231

The Qin Dynasty was the first to rule the world with iron and blood.

Anyone who dared to resist Da Qin's rule was ruthlessly killed and suppressed.

Qin law is extremely strict.

The Six Kingdoms.

During this period, changing customs and habits, promoting the same text and the same track for cars, became the biggest national policy of Da Qin.

And Xiaoshengxianzhuang doing this is undoubtedly a public confrontation with the imperial decree.

If the punishment is strictly according to the Qin law, all the little sages and sages are serious crimes.

Fu Nian bowed his hands and bowed.

"The purpose of Confucianism to build the library is to become the source of the culture of my Chinese family."

"The classics of all dynasties can be passed down completely."

"Only can you pursue the merits of the sages, and the descendants of Fuze's descendants."

Fusu smiled coldly.

"Mr. Fu Nian, do you know the intention of His Majesty the First Emperor to promote Shutongwen?"

Fu Nian was shocked.

"His Majesty the First Emperor has a long-term plan, and Fu Nian does not dare to speculate."

Fusu glanced at him, put down the book in his hand, and walked a few steps.

"Wen is born from the heart, and if the text is different, it means that the heart is different."

"For the empire, it is the biggest threat."

"Since King Zhuang of Chu ascended the throne, the war has lasted for hundreds of years."

"The root cause is the confusion of people's hearts."

"His Majesty the First Emperor has learned this deeply, so he formulated this national policy with the hope that the whole world will be united."

"This is the only way to completely resolve the disputes in the world and bring blessings to the common people."

"Other than that, it's all little things."

Fusu's eyes were like electricity, staring at Fu Nian.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes.

Yan Lu and Zhang Liang looked at each other, both worried.

Even Xun Kuang, who had always been calm, had a glimpse of worry in the depths of his eyes.

This matter is extraordinary and touches Da Qin's deepest fear.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Fu Nian, Pindao is very interested in the books in your library."

"These are the essence of the Six Kingdoms, and there are also many Taoist classics."

"Wudang Mountain, a poor road, has also built a library, and is collecting classic books everywhere."

"Pin Dao has an unkind request. I don't know if I can order the disciples of Zhuangzhong to transcribe all the books in the building and send a copy to Wudang Mountain in Pin Dao."

"At least the cost of transcribing books is naturally borne by Pindao."

As soon as this statement came out, it undoubtedly helped Fu Nian get rid of the siege.

Fu Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

"The dissemination of knowledge is the foundation of Little Sage Zhuang's life. How dare Fu Nian refuse to obey Zhang Zhenren's request."

"Fu Nian ordered the students of Zhuang Middle School to transcribe all the books in their collection and send them to Wudang."

Fusu's face changed slightly.

Immediately, he gave Fu Nian a meaningful look.

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