But in the hands of Xie Xiaofeng, it is no different from the wooden sword.

After all, a wooden sword can kill people in his hands.

Thousands of forgings are the same.

It's just that he couldn't believe his own move, and he was simply blocked by the young man's words.

Even he hadn't seen how he made a move, and he had never seen such a strange and magical shield method.

Xie Xiaofeng's heart has sunk slowly.

He began to wonder if he had been away from Jianghu for too long.

How do you meet such opponents one after another?

The first was the man in black who broke his weapon with ten strokes.

Then there is the ordinary teenager who has nothing but handsome who blocked his strongest move without making a move.

What's wrong with this world?

Xie Xiaofeng couldn't help sighing, he wanted to admit defeat.

But the pride of being a Sword God wouldn't allow him to admit defeat even before the opponent's sword could be drawn.

"bring it on."

Xie Xiaofeng shouted silently in his heart.

Before Zhang Sanfeng was three feet away, Jianhua had disappeared from the sky just now.

Only wisps of sword intent remained, still constantly attacking the barriers in front of him.

But it was a waste of hard work.

It is meaningless other than consuming the sword intent and making it weaker and weaker.

As the last strand of sword intent dissipated, the sheltering barrier visible to the naked eye also disappeared.

On Zhang Sanfeng's face, there is still that same smile that sees through the world.

However, it can be seen from his eyes that he is very satisfied with Xie Xiaofeng's swordsmanship.

After all, there are not many people who can match Xie Xiaofeng along the way.

And those few people, fighting against Xie Xiaofeng, won't know until they win or lose.

After all, there are many keys that determine the victory of a battle.

Moves, martial arts, and inner strength are only part of it.

And more importantly, the mood.

The duel between masters may be just a small flaw in the state of mind being seen, and it will end in defeat.

"Come and don't go indecent, go!"

After Zhang Sanfeng digested Xie Xiaofeng's Sword Intent, his own Sword Intent also gained a bit of charm from Xie Xiaofeng's Sword Intent.

Naturally, he has not forgotten his previous appointment.

Picking up the scattered wooden chopsticks on the table in his hand, he made a sword art with his hand, and a fast phantom that was invisible to everyone had already galloped away.

Zhang Sanfeng's momentum was only fast in the eyes of everyone.

It is not as fancy as Xie Xiaofeng before.

But what they, including the purple girl standing beside Xie Xiaofeng, never thought of.

Xie Xiaofeng, the martial arts swordsman.

Facing the galloping wooden sword, there was only one movement.

Kneeling down on one knee, the Sword God succumbed. .

Chapter 336

Kneel like this?

This is not the voice of one person, but the voice of everyone except Zhang Sanfeng, including Duanmu Rong, although Duanmu Rong knows that her master is very strong.

Zhang Sanfeng raised his hand at will, and he knelt down before he had used any magical, mysterious swordsmanship.

It was still a bit difficult for Duanmu Rong and others to accept.

But in Xie Xiaofeng's heart, the heart that had been sinking had already trembled, if other masters of the same level as him were here.

For example, after Feng Qingyang saw it, they would definitely be able to see through it at a glance.

Knowing that he was frightened by Zhang Sanfeng's sword intent, causing his sword heart to be unstable, if he can't get out, I'm afraid Xie Xiaofeng will never be able to hold the sword again from now on.

At that time, Xie Xiaofeng had nothing in the way of swordsmanship, but couldn't hold a sword, so what could he call a swordsman god.

Or to put it another way, this kind of person can't even be called a swordsman~.

After all, a person who can't hold a sword can't be called a competent swordsman-.

A swordsman, a swordsman, with a sword, only a guest, without a sword, is just an ordinary person.

However, at this time, Xie Xiaofeng's kneeling on one knee had a deeper impact on him than he thought.

Time went back a few breaths, and Xie Xiaofeng faced the wooden chopsticks shaped like a small sword.

The wooden chopsticks were ordinary and unusual, and they were wooden chopsticks made of pear blossom wood, which was more common in Zilan Xuan.

But the sword intent on it, which was aimed only at him, made him face the storm with his bare hands, and face the illusion of thunder.

In the face of natural disasters, mortals are helpless and can only sit and wait for death.

He couldn't even lift his anger at all. What can be mentioned is that the man in black broke his Xie Family Divine Sword before, which caused a haze in his heart, and it was a little slow to draw out the sword.

But after this battle, the haze that the man in black brought to Xie Xiaofeng is gone, and if he faces it again, or mentions it, there will be no reaction.

But unfortunately, a higher and thicker layer of haze, like a mountain, weighed heavily on Xie Xiaofeng's heart.

It made him irresistible, as if there was a huge pressure in the air, pressing down from top to bottom.

This was due to the pressure of the young man, but this kneeling seemed to make Xie Xiaofeng understand a lot.

He had an epiphany!


Who can claim to be a genius in martial arts!Self-proclaimed invincible!

How can there be so many invincibles!

He just thinks he is invincible in the world, but when he encounters someone who cannot be beaten, he is directly desperate.

How can such a person be number one in the world!

A true swordsman should not be afraid of everything.

When you see someone who is stronger than yourself, there will be no fear and despair in your heart, but only endless fighting spirit and struggle.

When kendo reaches a bottleneck, what is more important than seeing the realm above kendo.

Fear and timidity in the heart, but a weak person, even if the talent is excellent, no matter how superb the swordsmanship is, it is still a weak person.

Thinking so much, Xie Xiaofeng understood his future path and how to go.

Climb the peak of martial arts and go to the end of kendo to see the scenery there.


Xie Xiaofeng stood up in horror, and then knelt down again, with two legs.


Kneeling heavily on both knees, a crisp muffled sound resounded in Zilan Xuan.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior, Xiaofeng has realized it."

There is no killing intent in this sword intent, Xie Xiaofeng already understood it after Zhang Sanfeng shot.

At the moment when Xie Xiaofeng knelt down, the wooden chopsticks also stagnated in an instant, and flew backwards directly back to Zhang Sanfeng's table.

The bystanders didn't even see it clearly, they only knew that the sword god in front of him, one kneeling was not enough, and two knees were needed. This is an addiction to kneeling, right?

If it wasn't for Zi Nu's convincing claim that he was Xie Xiaofeng, she might even be thinking that someone hired someone to pretend to be Xie Xiaofeng and deliberately made this mess.

However, there is a purple girl who confirms that Xie Xiaofeng's identity is beyond doubt.

Therefore, the only thing that everyone can suspect is whether Xie Xiaofeng has regressed his swordsmanship.

Now even a teenager with ordinary inner strength can bully him.

But only Xie Xiaofeng knew.

The person in front of him seemed to have no inner strength at first glance, but he was sure that this young man named Zhang Junbao was definitely several times stronger than the man in black.

And he also delusionally convinces him with swordsmanship.

But it is laughable and generous, and ended up with a man's arm blocking the car.

The previous misjudgment was just another arrogance of his own, and he looked down on the world, but this master in front of him ignored his past suspicions, and instead used his sword intent to help him break through the obstacles, and his heart was no longer dusty.

Xie Xiaofeng could only repay this kind of great kindness with one knee for the time being, and the right is the interest.

Although Xie Xiaofeng is now bearish, and he doesn't consider himself to be a Sword God, after all, Zhuyu is in the front.

After seeing the sword intent of such a high-level man, he still claimed to be a sword god. If he had a thinner skin, he would be ashamed to death.

This kneeling, Xie Xiaofeng did not kneel very hard, he kneeled willingly, after all, in his heart, Zhang Junbao looked like a teenager.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

But in his heart, Zhang Sanfeng must be a master with a good face.

Maybe it looks like a teenager, and it's enough to be his grandfather behind his back, so he kneels without any burden.

"It's all your own thinking, I've never helped you."

"By the way, can I teach now, whether I am qualified or not."

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