Zhang Sanfeng's calm face finally had a few ripples, and asked with a joke.

"Enough! Enough! If you are not enough, I am afraid that no one in the world can teach her."

Now Xie Xiaofeng didn't dare to look at Gao Yue any more. After all, no matter how good his qualifications were, if Zhang Sanfeng was there, he wouldn't be able to teach him.

So he lowered his head and never looked at Gao Yue like he did before.

"Xie Xiaofeng, what, he..."

. . . .

Although Zi Nu had a bit of kung fu, she still couldn't understand why the two people shouted and killed a few minutes ago.

Why is he bowing his head and becoming a minister now, and the one who bowed his head is actually Xie Xiaofeng.

This makes Zi Nu's worldview a bit broken and messy.

"Purple girl, you don't understand, this senior is the real master of kendo, a figure like a sword fairy on the land. In front of him, I am like a child playing swords!"

Xie Xiaofeng bragged for a while, after all, as a sword god, he still has this vision.

Zhang Sanfeng was a little embarrassed to hear this, and a little annoyed in his heart.

"If I had known that I would have taken a little more strength, I shouldn't use [-]% of the sword to test it. Maybe with [-]% of the sword accidentally venting, I can make him retreat."

But with the experience this time, I won't make this mistake next time.

So Zhang Sanfeng's annoyance didn't last long, but what he didn't expect was next.

Xie Xiaofeng knelt down again suddenly, very smooth, after all, again and again, and again, very accustomed.

"Senior, Xiaofeng wants to learn the sword! I beg the senior to accept Xiaofeng"

The voice was loud and clear, and before Zhang Sanfeng could respond, Xie Xiaofeng knelt down and kowtowed.

One, two, three….

There is a belief to be achieved.

"...Next time I'll definitely not push so hard."

"It's too exaggerated."

Zhang Sanfeng thought angrily in his heart, but his face was still indifferent, and he didn't feel that it was a great thing for a sword god to kneel to him.

"You can't accept apprentices!"

The indifferent voice sounded, as if he was going to sentence Xie Xiaofeng, who was kneeling and kowtow, to death.six.

Chapter 337


Zhang Sanfeng's speech speed is not slow, but in Xie Xiaofeng's ears, it is like a word like a year, and the previous sentence and the next sentence have a feeling of several years.

"But it's not impossible to teach you a few tricks!"

"If you really want to come to me, then you go to that place and come to me."

With that said, Zhang Sanfeng flew the pear-flower-wood chopsticks into Xie Xiaofeng's hand not far away.

"Is this sword intent?"

Is this a sword move made of sword intent?

Every stroke, there is a rhythm of kendo, which makes Xie Xiaofeng fascinated for a while.

If he could understand the sword intent given by Zhang Sanfeng, it would be too exaggerated, but there is still some progress.

After all, the realm of Sword God has reached the top of Kendo, and it is extremely difficult to go further.

This is also the reason why Xie Xiaofeng became so decadent after meeting the man in black before.

Anyone who encounters it will feel a sense of frustration, and Xie Xiaofeng who has experienced a lot is also unavoidable.

After all, he is only a sword god, not a terrestrial sword fairy.

The sword rhythm on the chopsticks can make him improve a little, and he is already ecstatic.

It wasn't until Zi Nu's reminder that he reacted, and when he heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, he hurriedly said yes.

But when he saw the words made up of Sword Intent, he completely understood who the person in front of him was.


"You are!"

Xie Xiaofeng was shocked when he saw the words engraved with sword intent on the wooden chopsticks!

The expression that was originally just looking forward suddenly became excited, but it seemed that he thought of something and suddenly shut up.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng's message with wooden chopsticks meant to keep him quiet, so even if he had guesses, he wouldn't say much.

So even when Zi Nu asked, Xie Xiaofeng didn't show her the wooden chopsticks, but just bowed down and thanked her again.

"Zhang...Senior Zhang, this junior will go to the place you said."


"Ruzi can be taught."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly, very satisfied with Xie Xiaofeng's actions, after all, when he gave Xie Xiaofeng the word Wudang.

As long as he is not stupid, he will think of the number one master in the world, Zhang Sanfeng.

Xie Xiaofeng naturally thought of it, after all, he is not a fool.

Coupled with Zhang Sanfeng's age at this time, how can you not guess that Zhang Junbao is Zhang Sanfeng, and Zhang Sanfeng is Zhang Junbao.

"The junior will retire!"

Even though Xie Xiaofeng knew that the young man in front of him was not a talented person, he was a few years older than him.

But thinking of his cultivation, this junior shouted more and more skillfully.

It is not ashamed to call him the predecessor of the master as a teacher.

Moreover, I can still go to that place in the future, a new saying in the Jianghu, the holy place in the minds of martial arts people - Wudang Mountain

Originally, he sneered. After all, masters and masters have the arrogance of masters, and no one is convinced by anyone.

If he hadn't fought in person and was directly crushed, Xie Xiaofeng would not have the respect he does now for Wudang Mountain.

At most, it is just another one with top secrets, possibly the same power as Divine Sword Villa.

But when he played against Zhang Sanfeng today, Xie Xiaofeng's worldview was like a wash.

Wudang, which was not important at first, was only in the heart, and became more important.

If I go to Wudang, I should be able to improve my swordsmanship again.

Xie Xiaofeng thought, resigning, although it was a little disrespectful, but he really wanted to go back first, no, in the attic of Zilan Xuan to understand the sword intent that Zhang Sanfeng gave him.

Then pack up and rush to Wudang, where he should be able to learn a lot.

He is like a young child who has just realized the world. He is eager for any knowledge. It can be said that this time he met Zhang Sanfeng drunk.

Invisibility opened a door for him, a door to a new world.

Let him no longer sit in the sky and consider himself arrogant. If the man in black kicked him into the abyss, Zhang Sanfeng's role is to pull him up and see the benefactor of the new world.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhang Sanfeng had two female relatives beside him, I was afraid that they would not like it, so he might have to be posted as a servant.

After all, even if he is a groom, he is the best groom in the world, and he will not lose his share.

"Yeah! But I want to hear what you said about the man in black just now. I'm very interested. Can you talk about it?"

Now that Xie Xiaofeng respects him immensely, Zhang Sanfeng can naturally ask what he wanted to know just now.

He was still quite interested in the man in black who could break the Xie Family Divine Sword.

"Senior Zhang, the man in black is short in stature, holding an ancient sword with eight sides, and his voice is not like someone from our local world, but like someone from Dongyue..."

When Xie Xiaofeng heard that it was Zhang Sanfeng's problem, he didn't talk about his previous attitude.

Now, of course, he knows without saying anything, and he speaks endlessly, telling the details that he can observe, even the style of the bucket hat.

Zhang Sanfeng also nodded while listening. In this world, there are not many weapons that can break the Xie Family Divine Sword, but not many...  

Moreover, many divine weapons and weapons had never been fought before, so he couldn't tell whether the peerless sword was stronger, or the Xie Family Divine Sword was stronger, right.

Only after one game will you know.

However, with the Eight-faced Ancient Sword, this range has been greatly reduced.

Coupled with the Dongyue accent mentioned earlier, the swordsmanship is stronger than that of Xie Xiaofeng, and it is not even a star.

That made Zhang Sanfeng suddenly have a candidate in his mind.

A Qing, a Vietnamese girl, is said to have beaten [-] soldiers with just a single piece of ordinary bamboo, and lost their helmets and armor.

No one is her opponent.

However, it is also a prerequisite for the sword fairy to transform into a white ape to teach Ah Qing swordsmanship.

Otherwise, mortal force, if you want to use a wooden sword to fight three thousand people, you have to open a lot.

"I don't know if the seniors know each other."

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was thinking, Xie Xiaofeng couldn't help but say, after all, he still wanted to know the identity of the man in black.

Although the haze in his heart was gone.

"You mean, you didn't feel the slightest inner strength from her?"

"To beat you all with sword moves?"

Zhang Sanfeng did not answer Xie Xiaofeng's question, but instead asked him two more questions.

"Yes, this is also strange for the younger generation. I have never seen a swordsman who has no inner strength."

"And that man's swordsmanship, like an antelope hanging its horns, can't be traced, and it is impossible to judge the position of the next move.

Therefore, the junior was defeated in ten moves, but the main reason was that the sword was broken, and the sword heart of the junior was also broken. "

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