"Then I should know who it is, you are not wronged."

"After all, her master is not from the world."

Zhang Sanfeng's dull eyes suddenly became a little deep, and he said something that made Xie Xiaofeng a little confused.

"You mean, that person's master is not in this world, or?"

"You guessed it right, his master is here!"

Zhang Sanfeng pointed to the sky with one hand and said to Xie Xiaofeng with a smile.

"You mean!" Xie Xiaofeng opened his mouth wide and said incredulously.



"There is a sword fairy in the sky!"

"So, you are not wronged to lose."

However, Zhang Sanfeng's face is still indifferent, it seems that the sword fairy in his mouth is like Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, and it can be seen everywhere, so it is not surprising at all. .

Chapter 338

"Is there really a fairy?"

Xie Xiaofeng had mixed feelings in his heart at this time. He didn't know that he was envious of the person who had to teach the immortal swordsmanship, and he was not wronged to lose.

Or, I was a little unwilling in my heart, if I had to teach the immortal swordsmanship, it would not be much better than the man in black.

But to say too much is false, only improving oneself is the real power.

"Martial arts have no end, immortals are the sublimation of martial arts."

Zhang Sanfeng is a true immortal, and naturally he has a say in this.

After all, his whole body's inner strength has washed away the lead, and it has been transformed into a fairy spirit.

It's not much different from the Qi trainer in Yamano Zatan.

Except that they won't sit on the top of the mountain in the early morning like those qi practitioners, swallowing the first ray of purple qi born in the heaven and earth at dawn.

"Martial arts have no end, immortals are the sublimation of martial arts."

Everyone else seemed to be at a loss, only Xie Xiaofeng was muttering to himself like a madman.

"Martial arts..."


The purple girl was about to wake up Xie Xiaofeng, who was suffering from hysteria, but was interrupted by Zhang Sanfeng.

"Don't wake up, you will wake up when you need to wake up."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently.

"Yes, let's close the door and thank you today."

Seeing that Xie Xiaofeng couldn't recover for a while, Zi Nu simply called in a few 17 attendants.

I ordered them to invite the guests upstairs to go out. Today's Zilan Xuan will not entertain them.

After all, with Xie Xiaofeng like this, it would be impossible for him to be alone, so he could only let him mutter to himself, and Zi Lanxuan had no choice but to open the door to welcome guests.

But the purple girl doesn't matter, after all, it will be closed when it is closed.

She is not short of money for the past few days. Zi Lanxuan's role was originally to win over people's hearts and listen for news.

For things like money, as long as there are two things in the front, the latter will come rolling in.

This is also what she has been operating for many years. Taking good care of Xie Xiaofeng and sitting in a Divine Sword Villa, will he still be short of money and unable to pay the rent these days?

It is not a problem to double the profit, as long as the purple girl speaks.

However, what made Zi Nu a little puzzled was that Zhang Junbao, who had no internal strength, completely convinced Xie Xiaofeng with just one shot.

Doesn't that mean that his previous guesses have come true?

After all, the first mortal option has been ruled out, no matter how stupid she is, she will not think that Zhang Sanfeng is an ordinary teenager with no power.

But seeing Xie Xiaofeng's appearance, he already knew his identity, but the young man didn't tell him, which made Zi Nu a little angry.

But after thinking about it, after all, I played him once at the beginning, and I have to lose that the person in front of me is really a sloppy wild crane and doesn't care about his little offense.

Otherwise, thinking of this, Zi Nu has some lingering fears, and she seems to be breaking through in front of the gate of hell.

After that, she didn't dare to think about it, even though there were only a few who were stronger than Xie Xiaofeng in the martial arts, and the two beautiful women beside Zhang Junbao must be a weather vane.

Sooner or later, Zi Nu is reluctant to investigate things that will be known sooner or later, and even if she knows Zhang Junbao's identity, what can she do.

Selling information or doing other things, she is not short of money.

What's missing is money.

Therefore, her mentality quickly adjusted, she suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhang Sanfeng with a smile.

"Master Zhang, I suddenly thought of a clue about the man in black. I thought it was a joke. If you're right, the man in black should be her."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Zhang Sanfeng is still quite concerned about the news of Ah Qing. The swordsmanship of the immortal disciple may even make his Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong level even higher.

Although there is a treasure map of the God of War Catalog, but only two pieces have been collected now, and I don’t know when it will be seven pieces.

But this can be passed back to Wudang, and let those Wudang disciples help find it.

After all, his Wudang faction is full of talents, and it is not an exaggeration to include all the talents in the world, and all of them are protagonists.

It is not easy to find a fragment of the God of War catalogue. As long as luck comes, and you can walk anywhere, you can drop bags in the sky.

Luck Child is no nonsense.

"Well, I heard a message in Zilan Xuan as a joke the other day."

The Purple Girl organized the words so that their words were not too long, and tried their best to express them briefly and clearly in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

"It is said that in the mountains not far from here, there is a girl who is practicing swords with a white ape every day."

"Master Zhang said just now that the sword immortal turned into a white ape to teach swordsmanship, and that mountain is located on the border of Yue."

"Presumably if Young Master Zhang is right, then the man in black may be the girl."

After the purple girl finished speaking, she looked nervously at the jade-like youth in front of her.

Originally, she could still handle it calmly in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

Now, after defeating Xie Xiaofeng with a sword, her attitude towards Zhang Sanfeng can only be said to be respectful.

You have to think for a moment before speaking, for fear of angering the worldly experts in front of you.

After all, the temper of an expert is not so easy to figure out.

Although she had behaved more casually before, she would not really treat her casually. If she died, she really only had one.

She wouldn't think that the boy on the opposite side would bypass her life because of her beauty.

"Well, since there is a white monkey practicing swords, it must be her, but."

Zhang Sanfeng pondered for a moment, and originally planned to continue looking for the God of War catalogue, but now there is a Yue girl, Ah Qing, who can go to see him last time, and maybe he can trigger the chance system like Xie Xiaofeng.

"How far is that mountain from us?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked the purple girl.

"If you are riding a horse, you will travel day and night. You only need one day and night. If you are a carriage, you may need three days of scenery."

"How's the road going?"

"The scenery is beautiful, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and it is an excellent road for outing."

"I've been there twice before. Although there is no prosperous Rizhai City along the way, the mountains and rivers along the way are still worth appreciating."

"Then you arrange two carriages, find two coachmen who know the road, and show us."

Since it was also a private visit, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't be in a hurry to see her.

After all, A Qing, a Yue girl, is easy to find as long as you know the location.

According to the time clue, she should have just practiced swordsmanship not long ago, and it will take a while for Bai Yuan to teach her swordsmanship.

As for why she found Xie Xiaofeng, it may be this world, Xie Xiaofeng is relatively close to Ah Qing, so she can't wait to get someone to try swordsmanship.


The purple girl nodded in succession, and then stepped back to make arrangements.

"Big brother! Ah Qing is very powerful, are we going to find her?"


Zhang Sanfeng took care of Gao Yue's messy temples and smiled.

"She's great, just as great as I am."

"The hero of women's middle school."

"Really! When Ah Yue grows up, she will be as powerful as Sister Ah Qing."

Gao Yue smiled and looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes full of dependence.

"Big brother, you have to teach me, I don't want anything but big brother."

"rest assured.

Zhang Sanfeng was a little speechless, but he still promised her.

"You will be stronger than Ah Qing."

"Even if her master is a Sword Immortal, it won't work."

Zhang Sanfeng was extremely sure, and his voice was full of confidence.

"Three million sword immortals in the sky, and you have to lower your eyebrows when you meet me."

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