Chapter 339

There are three million sword immortals in the sky, and when I meet me, I have to lower my eyebrows.

Although Zhang Sanfeng didn't say these words, his incomparably powerful self-confidence had already flourished.

Duanmu Rong joked with a smile.

"Then Master can't favor one over another, Xiao Rong also wants to learn."

"Learn together, learn together."

Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng wouldn't say such unpleasant words, but comforted the two of them.

At this time, a change has come, the seat is shaking, and the ground is shaking.

The two girls who had surrounded Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but hug his arms tightly.

Zhang Sanfeng was a little embarrassed, but he wasn't taking advantage of the danger, and seeing the two of them panicked.


"Don't be afraid, it's estimated that Xie Xiaofeng woke up."

"I think it's a step closer, otherwise, there will be no such momentum."

He used his spiritual power to stabilize the land, no longer shaking, and the two women's faces were also a little bit embarrassed.

In fact, with their martial arts cultivation, how could they be really afraid?

I just wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Zhang Sanfeng.

But these are all small things, they quickly adjusted and turned their attention to the vibration center just now.

In a side hall on the first floor of Zilan Xuan.

I couldn't see the scene in the room, but Zhang Sanfeng noticed just now that Xie Xiaofeng, who was muttering to himself, was indeed going to this room.

So his guess should be correct, he should wake up.

Sure enough, in less than three seconds, a young man walked out of the room, although he was dressed like a drunk on the street, but his temperament was worlds apart.

It was the Sword God Xie Xiaofeng.

The smile on his face at this time is unimaginable at all. It was him who was a little decadent and decadent just now.

"Zhang...Senior Zhang, today's great kindness and great virtue, Xie Xiaofeng will never forget it. If the senior has any need in the future, just send a letter from the flying pigeon, and Xiaofeng will definitely go to help if you are thousands of miles away."

Xie Xiaofeng knelt down on both knees, saying that Chen Ken is extremely powerful, making people feel that this person is so imposing no matter how he kneels.

"It's all karma, why should you thank me, it's better to thank yourself, to break through the confusion' ˇ."

Zhang Sanfeng did not take credit. After all, it really has nothing to do with him. Xie Xiaofeng's temperament is still okay, otherwise he would not have today.

"Since the senior refuses to admit it, then Xiaofeng will not be too polite. After all, Xiaofeng has already planned to vote for him. At that time, there may be no Divine Sword Villa on the rivers and lakes."

Xie Xiaofeng suddenly threw a heavy bomb, and the people on the spot were a little dizzy.

Fortunately, there are not many people present, and they are all people in Zilan Xuan, so it will not have much influence.

But the news is sure to be hidden.

In the Divine Sword Villa, one of the world's largest villas, the news that the owner of the villa actually wanted to vote for another party would spread like wildfire.

Before the dust settles, there must be another storm in the martial arts.

Xie Xiaofeng's face was rude, Zhang Sanfeng felt in his heart, he naturally understood what he meant, and the word Wudang knew the mystery.

It seems that this time, when I come out, I want to contribute to the Wudang faction again, but that's fine.

The more masters like Xie Xiaofeng, the better, and only this can make him a hands-off boss.

Zhang Sanfeng thought in his heart, his face was still calm, only an invisible nod, indicating that he already knew.

Xie Xiaofeng also saw it, the two exchanged eye contact, and Xie Xiaofeng planned to leave.

But at this moment, Zi Nu rushed over and said to Zhang Sanfeng who was sitting.

"Young Master Zhang, I have prepared the carriage you want, and I have prepared some food for you on the road. If you have any other requirements, just ask."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded indifferently, and casually threw dozens of gold ingots from the universe with his big sleeves to her. Naturally, he couldn't owe him favor because of this.

Besides, Zhang Sanfeng doesn't have the habit of eating and drinking, and Wudang is not the Wudang he used to be. With the help of thirteen thousand, it may be an exaggeration to say that Wudang is making money today.

But the silver taels for Zhang Sanfeng to eat out are enough.

For Zhang Sanfeng, things that can be solved with money are easier than force.

"Senior Zhang, are you leaving?"

Xie Xiaofeng asked in a low voice, just now he was in a hallucination and couldn't help himself. Naturally, he didn't listen to what the purple girl said.

Therefore, there are still some doubts and curiosity about Zhang Sanfeng's departure.

"Yes, go find your man in black, Ah Qing."

Zhang Sanfeng did not conceal much about the trip, and told Xie Xiaofeng very simply.

"Then ask Senior Zhang to take me with you, although I know it may be a bit offensive, even shameless, to say this."

"But I still want to ask Senior Zhang to take Xiaofeng with me."

"Xiaofeng is willing to be your son's pawn."

"Also, Xiaofeng also knows that road. If Senior Zhang doesn't dislike it, Xiaofeng can be the coachman of this senior."

Xie Xiaofeng spoke very fast and hurriedly, as if if he spoke half a second too late, Zhang Sanfeng would disappear in front of him together with his disciples.

By then it would be too late to regret it.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about Xie Xiaofeng's request, he just brought one more person. Besides, when he told Xie Xiaofeng, he wanted to find Ah Qing.

Naturally, he didn't mind if he was with him. Even if he wasn't together, Zhang Sanfeng believed it.

He would still follow behind him to find him, after all, he was looking for someone who could break his sword in ten moves.

How could he not be moved and act.

He couldn't stop Xie Xiaofeng from coming, he couldn't break his leg, that would be too impersonal.

So Zhang Sanfeng agreed to Xie Xiaofeng very simply.

". "No need for a groom. You and I can share the same carriage at that time. You don't need to be a groom."

Zhang Sanfeng doesn't care about these things. He doesn't lack this person, and he doesn't need a swordsman groom to act as a front for him.

Therefore, Xie Xiaofeng refused all other requests.

"You just need to follow me, you don't need to do anything else (get it)."

"If I'm not mistaken, you just broke through, and this time is just the right time to nurture a new sword heart. It's a good time."

Zhang Sanfeng rejected Xie Xiaofeng's push again, and then Shi Shiran took Gao Yue and Duan Murong out of Zilan Xuan.

Two gorgeous carriages were already waiting in front of the door, eight horses were waiting with their hooves kicking, and two capable and experienced coachmen.

Firmly occupy the position of half the street.

The gazes gathered on Zhang Sanfeng and Duanmu Rong were fleeting, and of course some were looking at them in secret.

The young man Zi Lanxuan waited for in such a big battle was able to sell for a lot of money.

Today's Zilan Xuan was different. First Yan Nanfei was beaten out of Zilan Xuan, and then a terrifying sword intent erupted from it.

Xie Xiaofeng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stepped into Zilan Xuan.

Yang Zhaicheng was restless, and countless eyes gathered here.

The three Zhang Sanfeng were the first to bear the brunt. .

Chapter 340

This peeping gaze is harmless, only curious.

Zhang Sanfeng also didn't care much.

He, Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong entered the gorgeous carriage together.

Xie Xiaofeng also came out not long after.

Zhang Sanfeng directly drove the carriage out of Rizhai City to the place where Ah Qing was haunted.

Niutou Ridge.

There are three days' schedule from Rizhai City.

Generally speaking, the nobles of Yangzhai City do not go anywhere.

Although the scenery there is beautiful, and there are many masterpieces of nature.

However, because the distance is too long, the most famous people in Rizhai City usually solve the problem nearby.

After all, if you spend three days on the carriage, just taking a bath is a more troublesome thing.

Only the purple girl, and those who do business abroad all year round, will have spare time to go to places three days away, just to enjoy the scenery.

Of course, regardless of the beautiful scenery there, the water plants are also very beautiful, and it is a good place for sheep and cattle in the villages near Niutouling.

It can be said to be a fairyland suitable for all ages, and Ah Qing was originally a shepherd girl, so shepherding sheep is normal there.

It is common sense to meet White Ape there, but it is a bit strange to be seen by others.

After all, there is a white ape incarnation of the sword fairy, how can it be seen by mortals.

Ah Qing was still fighting with eight swordsmen of Wu State, and then he was attracted by Fan Li, who asked her to teach the swordsmanship of Yue State soldiers. After Ah Qing was taught, the strength of Yue State increased greatly, and there is a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages.

Three thousand Vietnamese armies are invincible, or, in other words, three thousand Viet Nam armour can swallow Wu.

The [-] Yuejia were the soldiers who had been taught by Ah Qing. Although they only learned the fur, they were invincible on the battlefield together with the sword formation.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't think so much. If he went there, if he didn't meet, he wouldn't meet. He didn't force it.

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