Quan Dang is to travel and relax. Although the original purpose of coming to Rizhai City was for "Hetu" and "Luo Shu", it is necessary to relax and relax.

The victory over Xie Xiaofeng just now seemed to be unsuccessful, and Zhang Sanfeng had no choice.

I can only sigh that the current opportunity is getting harder and harder to trigger. Is Sword God so clueless?

Xie Xiaofeng's carriage was at the back, and Zhang Sanfeng and the two women's carriage were at the front, just one after the other.

We spent three days laughing and scoffing all the way.

There is no need to repeat the beautiful scenery on the way. Three days later, the outline of Niutou Ridge has appeared in the mountains in the distance.

It's only a distance of twenty or thirty miles, and with the strength of the horse's carriage, it can be reached in less than an hour.

"Look, someone is herding sheep."

Gao Yue, who was pulling the toilet by the window, was the first to shout.

This was not the first living person they saw in three days, but as they approached Niutouling, Gao Yue was eager to express herself in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

If he is the first to find Sister Ah Qing, then the big brother will be very happy.

Gao Yue thought about it, and then shouted.

Zhang Sanfeng looked out through the rolled up carriage curtain. A plainly dressed boy and an equally plain girl were driving the sheep.

With a flushed face, while driving the sheep, he was still curiously looking at the two gorgeous carriages that appeared on the road, based on their experience.

Naturally, I don't know the origin of these two carriages, but I still know how precious it is.

So I was cautious in my eyes, for fear that these carriages would be damaged, I timidly retracted my eyes after a few glances, then looked again, and then retracted.

"Master, I'll go ask them."

Before Zhang Sanfeng could say anything, Duanmu Rong jumped out of the carriage and walked towards the crowd of sheep over there, while Gao Yue looked at herself pitifully.

Like a kitten, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but laugh.

"Next time you go, let your sister Xiao Rong go this time."

After Gao Yue heard this, she finally calmed down, looking angrily at Duanmu Rong who was already talking to the two shepherd boys in the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

"This little brother, have you ever heard of a woman who competes with a white ape here?"

"If you know, this is yours."

With Duanmu Rong's left hand, a piece of snow-white silver appeared on her tender jade hand, which made the shepherd boy's eyes warm for a while.

It's not that he saw Duanmu Rong, such a beautiful girl had already been equated with holy in his mind, and he didn't dare to feel the slightest blasphemy.

It is the piece of silver that is hot on the eyes. If he has him, then the marriage between himself (bhag) and Xiao Ran, I am afraid it can be a step closer.

The shepherd boy did not immediately take Duanmu Rong's money, but glanced at the shepherd girl who had been holding his hand at some point, turned his face and smiled at him, as if to cheer him on.

The boy swallowed his saliva and stammered.

"Are you talking about Sister Aqing? What are you looking for with Sister Aqing?"

"We're looking for her specifically to invite her to meet. Don't worry, we're not bad people. Besides, isn't your sister Aqing very powerful?"

Duanmurong was overjoyed when she saw the shepherd boy uttering Ah Qing's name at once, and she didn't expect to find Ah Qing's clue the first time she came out to ask questions.

It would be so easy to find "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

But Ri Zhaicheng couldn't run away. Even if she turned over three feet, she couldn't believe it, and couldn't find a word.

"Well, yes, sister A Qing is really powerful. She can kill those wild wolves with a stick, and she can beat the white ape."

The shepherd boy started to praise Ah Qing seriously. Obviously, he was familiar with Ah Qing, and he was a frequent person.

"However, Sister Aqing went to the city today. I heard that she was going to sell sheep. It's been half an hour since she left. Compared to Fangcuncheng, she's almost here."

After the shepherd boy finished speaking, Duanmu Rong got the news he wanted, so he threw the silver ingot directly to the shepherd boy, and then said thank you with a smile.

Then he fled away, leaving behind two boys and girls who got windfalls.

"Master! Master!"

"I have a clue for Ah Qing!"

The voice has arrived before the person arrives. Duanmu Rong's voice is very soft and sweet, which makes it easy for people to imagine.

But at this time, the one who spoke faster than Zhang Sanfeng was the charming Gao Yue.

"Sister Rong, you are lying, obviously I came first."

"Hey, little Gaoyue, next time next time."

Duanmu Rong naturally knew that she had robbed Gao Yue, and apologized with a flattering smile.

"What did the shepherd boy say?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked, he was also a little surprised.

He originally thought he would search for a while on Niutou Ridge, but he set himself a day, and if he didn't find it, he would give up the search.

After all, his main mission this time was to find the Hetu Luoshu that was lost in the eight palaces of Shendu, which he did not forget.

"I gave ingots of silver, and they said everything."

"Aqing, go to Fangcun City."

"The coachman, do you know where Fangcuncheng is?"

Duanmurong suddenly asked the driver who was leading the way.

"Miss Huiyi, Fangcuncheng is at the fork in which we came before, just walk a stick of incense to the left and you will arrive."

The driver replied quickly.

"Then change lanes and go to Fangcun City."

Zhang Sanfeng ordered without hesitation.

The ornate carriage turned around.

The target, square inch city.

It didn't take long for this field to return to peace again, leaving only a pile of flying dust. .

Chapter 341

Fangcuncheng is a small border town in the country of Yue.

The city wall is made of irregular gray and white rocks. It is not high, but has natural terrain advantages.

Built on a rocky slope five or six meters high, why is it named Fangcun.

The existing city records cannot be assessed either. Some people say that the wandering monks chose the name specially in order to repay the city lord's kindness with a meal.

Some people say that when the city was built, a stone with the word "square inch" was dug up.

Time has passed for so long that no one can remember the origin of the name Fangcun City.

I only know that there is such a city on the border between Yue and Wu, where people from Yue and Wu often trade there.

Although there are frictions between the two countries from time to time, they are still calm. Of course, in the end of all disputes, the people of Wu will always win, and at least they can't suffer big losses.

A draw will take a small profit.After all, it is still biased towards the people of Wu.

After a defeated country, you still have to bow your head when you encounter a victorious country.

After all, the King of Yue had guarded the tomb for King Wu for several years, and even your great king had to surrender, let alone He Zimin.

It also led to the soldiers and common people in Wu State that it was normal for the people of Yue State to be inferior to them.

Even in the city of Yue State, officials of the State of Yue will consider things related to Wu State.

If there is a dispute between the two countries, they will be the first to be unlucky.

Couldn't help but they weren't careful.

In Fangcun City, people come and go today, it is very lively, a long street is like a long dragon on both sides, full of stalls.

Selling cloth, selling food, or setting up a stall in a remote location, to name a few.

There was also a lot of personnel exchanges. There were simple peasant men, and richly clad young men in brocade clothes. There was already a swordsman in the arena with strong clothes and a sword in his hand.

The border cities are always so prosperous, of course, it may also be because Fangcun City happens to be on the only way for traders from several countries to travel and trade.

Many people will also refer to this route when they walk in the rivers and lakes. After all, there are always supplies on this route, and there will be no situation where they can’t go to the village before and can’t go to the store after.

Ah Qing squeezed her own sheep into the crowd, looking east and west.

Her goal in coming to the city this time is to sell the sheep, and then go to the world.

The previous trials have given the young girl full of self-confidence. After all, it seems that the man who calls himself the Sword God is nothing more than that.

No white ape can beat yet, Ah Qing thought arrogantly, the green bamboo stick in his hand was waving from time to time, and he could always beat a dozen sheep of his own to the routine road.

It won't rush around, it's neat and tidy, like a whole, so many people from the village are amazed.

At such a young age, this little girl has such a good shepherd kung fu. If anyone married her back home, wouldn't she be blessed.

Of course, Ah Qing's appearance is not only extremely beautiful, but also very delicate. She looks like a girl next door, with a warm smile on her face forever.

It never seems to be sad.

Just as Ah Qing was chasing the sheep and thinking about who to seek for the next sword test, a group of swordsmen from the Wu Kingdom came with swords, appeared on the west side of the long street, and headed east.

Looking like a drunk, shouting and shoving, everyone saw that it was a swordsman of Wu State, and they dodged one after another.

A large space was vacated in the market for a while, but Ah Qing didn't notice everything.

This time, she is going to drive the sheep to West Street, where there is a special sheep market, where the purchase and sale of sheep are carried out.

Soon, when Ah Qing drove her dozen sheep past the group of Wu swordsmen, one of the eight Wu swordsmen seemed to have a sudden interest in seeing the sheep.

He directly pulled out the sword hanging from his waist, and the inside was sprayed thinly, and a pure sword light cut vertically.

Before Ah Qing could react, the swordsman of Wu State directly bisected the sheep closest to him with one sword.

It was neat and tidy, from the beginning to the end, it was broken into two halves, and it was not bad at all. If there was a scale, it was estimated that even the weight would be exactly the same.

The red-faced swordsman proudly raised the half-cut sheep corpse and showed it to the audience who stopped to watch.

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