He won a lot of applause, and his seven companions also cheered loudly.

Although Fan Li was from Yue, he couldn't help but shout a good swordsmanship in his heart.

Of course, there are many people who cast pity on the beautiful little girl holding a green bamboo stick.

It is estimated that the best end of this farce is to start now and let it go.

Don't even think about getting the compensation for this sheep. If you can save a few dead, you can burn incense and worship Buddha.

But this little girl was not as expected by those bystanders, she would only silently watch the swordsmen of Wu Guo take her sheep to practice swordsmanship.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Instead, the smile on his face subsided, and he angrily charged at those swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom.

At the same time, he drove a dozen sheep behind him with the green bamboo stick in his hand to prevent them from being used by those swordsmen of Wu to practice swords.

"Why did you kill my goat!"

The voice was soft, but it couldn't hide the anger in it, and bystanders couldn't help shaking their heads, girl, why bother.

That Wu Guo swordsman, who had just cut the goat in half and held a sword covered in sheep's blood, saw that there were still people who dared to come forward and scolded him.

Moreover, it was a soft and weak little girl, speaking the dialect of Yueguo, and her eyes were even more unscrupulous.

Drunk made a few gestures in the air, and when he danced the sword, he was a little swaying, as if he was unstable.

Fortunately, the space set aside is large, and bystanders don't have to worry that the swordsman will hurt himself when he dances his sword.

. . . 0

he laughed.

"Little girl, I'll cut you in half like this later."

After saying this, they walked towards Ah Qing with a sword in hand. The audience nearby couldn't help exclaiming, and some people covered their eyes, as if they couldn't bear to see what happened to this young girl.

Fan Li just wanted to shout, ask the girl to come over, don't care about this drunken swordsman of Wu country, it will be himself who will suffer at that time.

But don't want the next second, swoosh twice.

The swordsman of the Wu Kingdom just thumped as if he had not stood firm, and knelt directly on the ground with his legs.

The sudden scene shocked everyone.

Ah Qing clearly saw the reason why the swordsman of Wu country knelt down, and knowing that someone was helping him, he bowed his hands softly in a certain direction to the east.

"Thank you very much, but even if he knelt down, he has to give me an explanation."

"Even if you are drunk, even if you kneel down, you can't bully people casually!"

"You! Why don't you, the rat, sneak attack on my grandfather."

The swordsman of Wu Kingdom was instantly furious, and suddenly knelt down in front of everyone's eyes, no one could stand it.

"Of course it's your aunt and me. What's the matter!"

Ruan Nuo's voice said such saucy words, and everyone couldn't help looking over there, including Ah Qing and Fan Li beside him.

Then he listened to the little girl's coquettish anger again.

"Sister, let me come, big brother, look at Sister Duanmu!"

Divide the crowd.

A group of four, two women and two men, Shi Shiran walked into the scene.six.

Chapter 342

PS: The chapter name of the previous chapter is wrong, it should be "Spicy Duanmu Rong", it has been changed, sweat!

There were two charming girls, one big and one small, and the older one was naturally the one who spoke savage words.

And Gao Yue seems to be still a little bit reluctant to let go.

Although being together with Duanmu Rong for so many days, it is somewhat contaminated with habits, but there are times, especially when there are so many people.

After all, he still couldn't say what Duanmu Rong said just now.

"Big brother, look at her, look at her!"

Seeing that Duanmurong was a rogue, Gao Yue asked Zhang Sanfeng for help.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but help his forehead, he was afraid of this little girl, and he didn't know what to do these days, it seemed that Xie Xiaofeng wanted to accept an apprentice.

It put a lot of pressure on Gao Yue, the little girl, and wanted to stick to herself all the time.

But when he saw this, he didn't have any impatience.

He gently comforted the little girl, and by the way pretended to say a few words to Duanmu Rong. Besides, he did say last time that the little girl would take action next time, but this time, it was too late for Gao Yue to react.

The two stones flew past again.

It's no wonder that Gao Yue's little girl is angry and unwilling to forgive her.

"Two little girls, dare to shout in front of me, dare to attack grandpa me, and watch me cut you in half."

Duanmu Rong's shot and another sound, the swordsman of the Wu Kingdom, who was mocking the pull of the lever, had regained his fighting posture, holding a sword, and was about to run towards Duanmu Rong.

As for the people around Duanmu Rong, he didn't even take it seriously, a young man who looked nothing but handsome.

A young man who couldn't see his expression clearly was dressed as a servant in black. He had no weapon in his hand, like a waste.

As for the girl who was much younger than Duanmurong, he didn't even put it in his eyes.

He even looked at Ah Qing next to him from the corner of his eye, hehe smiled.

"I originally wanted to chop off your head, but I found out that you are a beautiful little girl. Grandpa, I can't bear it. As long as you don't run away later, Grandpa will..."

Before Wu Guojian could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ah Qing's tender and angry voice.

"You haven't told me why you bully people so much."

Wu Guojian made a color on his companions behind him, and asked them to surround the outsiders who suddenly broke in, not to shoot one.

After a while, he wants to make everyone kneel in front of him. If he doesn't kneel and break a pair of legs, he won't give up.

Especially the cheap little girl, the other one can let go.

"Little girl, when you went out, your father didn't tell you, didn't tell you, can't you mess with people with clothes like ours?"

"Do you know who we are? Hahahaha!"

Swordsman Wu had a smile that he had everything under control, especially seeing that his seven companions had surrounded the four, he couldn't help laughing.

Saying that, the long sword in his hand sticks out, wanting to cut off the cloth belt around Ah Qing's waist.

"We are..."

Before Wu Guojian could say anything, he saw the green bamboo stick in the girl's hand shake slightly, and when he picked it up again, it stabbed his wrist. Wu Guojian only felt severe pain in his wrist.

Staggering back, the long sword could not be grasped and fell.

Ah Qing and Bai Yuan have played against each other many times, and naturally they know how to chase after victory. With a flick of the wrist, the green bamboo stick is stabbed again, but this time the target is the swordsman Wu's left eye.

Wu Guojian only felt the blue shadow flickering, how could he still distinguish the clear direction, only felt severe pain in his left eye, and couldn't help screaming.

The other seven companions of the swordsman of the Wu Kingdom saw this abnormality, and they were also in shock. Some people wanted to help their companions, but they were stopped by one person.

It was Gao Yue who was even more delicate and weaker than Ah Qing.

She drew out the long sword that came from nowhere, and stood in front of the swordsman of Wu State, and said.

"Your opponent is me, don't bully Sister Ah Qing."

"Go away."

This swordsman of Wu Kingdom was worried about his friend, so he stabbed Gao Yue directly without looking at it.

Gao Yue slashed his sword horizontally, and then used the previous transforming strength to transform this domineering sword strength.

"Then it's my sword now! Look at it."

Although this is not Gao Yue's first actual combat, Gao Yue still feels extremely excited, and his blood seems to be burning.

Big brother's daily moves are also slowly deduced and calculated in his mind, and his hands are just like the contact at the beginning.

With a flick of the wrist, the tip of the sword turned slightly, and then lifted it up again, a slanting sword beam suddenly rose.

The swordsman of Wu Kingdom was taken aback at this time. He originally thought that the little girl would not be able to take his own sword at all, and she was about to leave, but she did not want to actually take her own sword.

His remaining sword energy, under the guidance of Gao Yue, also slowly dissipated like a mud cow entering the sea, and did not cause any damage to the little girl in front of him at all...  

On the contrary, Gao Yue's slashing sword made him vigilant, and the long sword in his hand quickly blocked it according to the trajectory of the sword light.

But when he didn't want to touch it again, Gao Yue smiled slightly, turned his wrist, and turned the tip of the sword again. The sword in front was actually a false move.

This was actually a horizontal sword move, which made the swordsman of Wu State unable to react at all. The right hand holding the sword was already injured by Gao Yue's sword before he could change his move.

Wu Guojian only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, he could no longer hold the long sword, and his five fingers were slightly open.

With a clang, the long sword fell to the ground.

Wu Guojian held the wound in his right hand in his left hand, looked at Gao Yue who was blocking his eyes, and couldn't help but take a step back.

Then he looked at the other six and wanted to ask for help.

But he didn't think that his other companions were even worse than him, some lay on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and some rolled on the ground with their eyes covered.

There is also a sword that was headed by someone. The most terrifying thing is that the man with the head, who didn't even have a weapon, was a young man dressed as a servant who was standing half a step behind the boy.

The blood flowed on the long street. This time, the onlookers couldn't bear it any longer, and they all screamed.

Yelling, killing, killing!

The eight swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom, fainted, fell or died, Gao Yue has now adapted, and said with a smile to Zhang Sanfeng, who was still standing there.

"Big brother, how am I?"

"The change of style just now, if it is half a breath at night, it should be the best time. In this case, he can't even react, and he will be slaughtered by you."

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to comment.

  Duanmurong was not to be outdone.

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