"Master! What about me! What about me!"

"Yours is not bad, but next time you have to act fast, it is best to let them not react. Only dead enemies are good enemies."

Zhang Sanfeng followed suit and began to teach his apprentices.

"Hey! Thank you!"

Ah Qing came over and bowed to the four of them, saying that Fan Li had disappeared in the crowd just now.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort, these swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom are indeed deceiving people too much."

Gao Yue answered first.

"By the way, I feel like you know me."

Ah Qing asked curiously, just now she did seem to hear the little girl call out this name.

"Yes, my big brother is looking for you."

Gao Yue happily pointed at Zhang Sanfeng and said to Ah Qing.

Ah Qing, only then did he turn his attention to the young man he hadn't noticed just now. .

Chapter 343

This is a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth.

Even though the mourning around him continued, there was still an indifferent smile on his face, and he was completely unaffected by it.

A Qing noticed that he didn't make a move just now, but Gao Yue's words still made her a little interested in Zhang Sanfeng.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I heard that you practiced swords with White Ape, you must be skilled in swordsmanship, so I came here to meet you for a while."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded yes, naturally to see if he could steal it, or learn a thing or two from Ah Qing's white ape swordsmanship, after all, it is also an immortal swordsmanship.

It can be regarded as a rare swordsmanship in the world, and there is no problem in integrating his Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

"However, we should go out of the city first, otherwise, the soldiers of the Yue Kingdom will be here soon."

Zhang Sanfeng said that he had heard the sound of a large group of soldiers marching towards this long street, presumably they should be the guards in Fangcun City.

Killing people in the street, even if it is not a swordsman from the Wu Kingdom, attracting soldiers from the Yue Kingdom is not a problem.

Ah Qing nodded. 17


However, her eyes glanced at Xie Xiaofeng absently, and the surprise in her eyes flashed away.

He said in a voice that only he could hear.

"This man, his breath seems to be different from last time."

Ah Qing felt a little guilty in her heart, it wouldn't be because she recognized her, it would be bad if she wanted to lose money by herself.

But for now, these four have helped themselves.

I can't go first if I say anything, and now I can only take a step and take a look.

The five of them jumped all the way, and under the cover of Zhang Sanfeng's sensitive hearing, the five of them went from a remote alley to a city wall without a city gate.

Jump out with a jump.

the other side.

Fan Li rushed over with the soldiers and saw the empty scene, the petite woman and the four foreigners were long gone.

The look of regret flashed from his face, but unfortunately, it would be great if these highly skilled people could be used by the Yue Kingdom.

Still someone asked.

"Doctor Fan, are you still chasing it?"

"If you don't pursue it, you can just hang a portrait of the wanted order, and give Wu Guo a face and explain it."

"You guys clean up the scene here, I'll go elsewhere."

Fan Li seemed a little unwilling after he finished speaking. He regretted not showing his identity in time and leaving those people behind. Now that they are gone, he can only try his luck outside the city.

It's not good for him to look for it with great fanfare, after all, the Yue Kingdom has not yet reached the time to really show its fangs.

After the five climbed over the city wall, not long after, they stopped at an empty pavilion next to the inn.

"You are the swordsman in black who defeated me with ten strokes that day!"

Xie Xiaofeng was the first to ask the question. He looked a little weird at this time, why didn't he see that the swordsman in black was a woman.

But fortunately, he didn't see it, otherwise, if he was defeated by a delicate woman, he might have suffered a greater blow.

Now, Xie Xiaofeng looked at it under the guidance of Zhang Sanfeng, and some things just go with the flow.

Too much insistence will lead to inferiority.

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Ah Qing denied it, but her tone was a little flimsy. It was obviously a lie that was not as superb as her swordsmanship.

"I can see it all. Your swordsmanship is exactly the same as my enemy that day, and your voice can't be changed even if you disguise it."

Xie Xiaofeng said seriously, he has been observing Ah Qing for a long time, and after finishing the swordsman of Wu State under his command, he has been staring at the girl holding the green bamboo stick in front of him.

The suspicion in my heart has gradually turned into a certainty. A person's behavior and habits, under the imperceptible and natural circumstances, are difficult to pretend in front of a master.

And Xie Xiaofeng is naturally a master, and it didn't take long for him to be sure that the delicate woman in front of him was the girl who broke his Xie Family Divine Sword with ten strokes that day.

"Okay, but I don't have any money. Let me say it first. My sheep are still in the market now. I have no money to pay for your sword!"

Seeing that he couldn't deny it, Ah Qing could only nod his head, but he was still muttering and flipping through his empty pockets, showing it to Xie Xiaofeng.

Show that you really have no money.

"I was a little stronger at the time, and I was fighting vigorously. I didn't expect your sword to be so ineffective, and then you were in a daze. I thought you wanted me to lose the sword money, so I ran first."

"I can't compensate you for that sword, it was given to me by my good friend."

Ah Qing added another sentence to prevent Xie Xiaofeng from hitting her eight-sided ancient sword.

"Sister Aqing, I didn't come to you to pay for the sword, it's my big brother who is coming to you."

Gao Yue stepped forward and said with a smile, she was not afraid of life at all, she gently grabbed the corner of Ah Qing's clothes with her fingers, her face full of hope.

"Oh, that's fine, everything else is easy to talk about."

Ah Qing patted her chest and said with a sigh of relief.

"My name is Zhang Junbao."

Zhang Sanfeng saw that A Qing was hesitant and hesitant to say something, as if he was a little concerned about the name.

After all, she can't learn from that Gao Yue, just call her big brother.

"Then, Zhang Junbao, are you very good at swordsmanship? You want to challenge me."

Ah Qing stepped forward and asked, her eyes were full of curiosity. In her eyes, Zhang Junbao was just like an ordinary rich boy, and he couldn't tell that he was a swordsman at all.

"Generally average."

Zhang Sanfeng humbled himself and continued.

"The main thing is to meet you and see what kind of person can defeat the Sword God."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally wouldn't say that he was curious about Ah Qing's appearance. After all, Ah Qing was one of the most controversial people in martial arts.

Some people say that Ah Qing has no inner power, so he can't beat any master who has inner strength in the future.

Some people also said that Ah Qing broke through [-] Yuejia with one sword and no one could match or stop him. Even if he had the internal strength, he would not be able to achieve this feat.

So Ah Qing is recognized as the number one in martial arts, the kind of land sword fairy.

These are two big differences, of course there are more, but from the point of view of Ah Qing defeating Xie Xiaofeng with ten moves.

The possibility of coming to the latter is relatively high, although it takes advantage of the weapon.

But when it comes to weapons, Zhang Sanfeng thought again that Ah Qing had been holding the green bamboo stick in her hand in the last life, and where did the ancient eight-sided sword come from.

It seems that Ah Qing also has another adventure in this world, and she is indeed a female sword fairy who can teach three thousand Yuejia to swallow Wu.

"What's so beautiful about me? I don't have the same nose, two eyes, and a head on my shoulders. Hehe, you can see it now."

Ah Qing said with a smile, since she was not allowed to compensate Xiaofeng for the sword money, she did not seem to be in a hurry to leave.

After all, the few people who suddenly came out had a good impression in her heart.

Whether it's the articulate Duanmu Rong, or the Gao Yue who jumped and shouted at her sister Aqing.

Ah Qing liked it very much. Zhang Sanfeng, who kept calling Gao Yue big brother, was also a lot more pleasing to the eye.

"Then you can use your sword, I will give you three moves."

Ah Qing said softly, while talking, rubbing Xiao Gao Yue's head, causing the little girl to shake her head again. .

Chapter 344

"Then you can use your sword, I will give you three moves."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Sanfeng all smiled and nodded.

"You said it, three moves."

"But what if you can't hold on to one move."

Zhang Sanfeng first nodded in agreement, then suddenly said.


Ah Qing said carelessly, even though she didn't think she was the best in the world with regard to her own swordsmanship.

But there is a white ape to guide.

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