She was confident that she was no worse than anyone else. The young man in front of her was soft and frail, looking frail, with no flesh all over her body.

And she didn't even have a weapon in her hand. She also saw that his jade-like palm didn't have a sword cocoon like her own, which made Ah Qing extremely sure.

This person is definitely not good at swordsmanship, how can he be his opponent if he is not good at swordsmanship.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng said that she could defeat herself with one move, she was ten thousand unconvinced and categorically rejected it.

Seeing Ah Qing constantly shaking his head, Zhang Sanfeng basked in relief.

"Then it really didn't hold up at all?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked.

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Ah Qing raised her head and said fearlessly.

She didn't feel any dangerous aura on Zhang Sanfeng at all, and the sword intent didn't tremble in her heart.

If she encounters someone with strong swordsmanship, her sword heart will tremble, just like the sword in her hand is eager to fight.

When he went to find Xie Xiaofeng before, the closer Ah Qing's sword heart was to him, the more trembling it became.

However, after watching Xie Xiaofeng's set of swordsmanship, he couldn't help but say that sentence in disappointment.

"[-]% off? Sword God?"

Having said that, Ah Qing looked at the indifferent appearance of the young man in front of him, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

However, her Jian Xin was still unresponsive, as if she was too lazy to move, which made her suspicious and puzzled.

But quickly putting this behind her eyes widened.

Watching Zhang Sanfeng take out a long sword from his sleeve, the long sword is very ordinary, not even a hundred-forged sword.

It's just a few taels of silver from a roadside stall, but what surprised Ah Qing was the way Zhang Sanfeng took it out.

It was actually taken out of her sleeve, which made her exclaim for a while, and asked quickly.

"How did you take it out, are you a conjurer? Can you perform another ' ˇ!"

Ah Qing forgot about the competition for a while, but instead pestered Zhang Sanfeng to perform the action of holding the sword again.

Like a baby who has never seen a toy.

Zhang Sanfeng was still speechless for a while, a black line floated on his forehead, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"It's just a big sleeve, I'll show it to you after the competition is over."

"Then it's settled, you are about to make a move, and I won't do it after three moves. You can make a move, don't be afraid, you won't hurt me."

When Ah Qing heard the reminder, she didn't bother much. After all, she and Zhang Sanfeng had just met, and they were not very familiar with their personalities.

If it was Gao Yue, he would definitely have to grind again.

"Okay, this sword move, you are optimistic!"

Zhang Sanfeng did not argue, this time he originally planned to use one layer of skill, but after hearing Ah Qing's words, he instantly added three and a half layers of skill.

Let her understand, don't underestimate anyone she can't see through in the future.

If it was in the past rivers and lakes, there may be no problem with this behavior.

But now in Jianghu, the protagonist's son of luck is like a crucian carp crossing the river. It is normal to be planted one day.


Ah Qing wondered why he kept saying weird things, but he still didn't act perfunctory. Picking up the green bamboo stick was a defensive gesture.

This was an action she often used when she was comparing swords with the white ape in the early days.

Whether it is a change move or a supplementary sword, it is very applicable, and it is the most suitable defensive sword move for Ah Qing.

Seeing that she was ready, Zhang Sanfeng also smiled.

He started with a sword-raising style. He did not use spiritual power, but the purest sword move.

Don't forget, his martial skills are now at the middle level of fairyland. Among them, his swordsmanship has changed, and his posture has surpassed that of his peers.

In terms of his superb swordsmanship, Ah Qing is a terrestrial sword fairy in the mortal world.

That Zhang Sanfeng can be said to be a well-deserved Heavenly Sword Immortal, the kind that can also be ranked in the forefront among the immortals.

An ordinary sword-raising pose is simple and straightforward, but in the eyes of everyone, it is a dream-like scene unfolding in front of him.

I saw Zhang Sanfeng in white clothes and white robes, raising his sword and shooting.

The ordinary swordsmanship suddenly changed when the sword body was sliding, and the sword body emitted light enough to illuminate the world.

The sword light flickered between the heavens and the earth, one bright and one dark, this sword actually directly triggered the vision of heaven and earth.

A sword of heaven and earth shall answer!

Xie Xiaofeng opened his mouth again in disbelief, but he didn't dare to blink at the two of them, for fear of missing out on the details of the scene.

The heart is also shocked, is this the strength of the number one person in the world!

It seemed that he should go to Wudang to learn art as soon as possible. He really wanted to see what the martial art created by Zhang Sanfeng was like.

Swordsmanship can be called transcendental.

Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue looked at the white shadow under the flickering sword light with admiration on their faces.

"."This is my master!"

"This is my big brother!"

There was a sense of pride in my heart, but there was no crowd watching, or I didn't dare to look out after seeing the vision here.

In this era, the life and death of civilians are sometimes so inadvertently, so most people still don't like watching the fun.

After all, if you are not careful, you will be harmed by Chiyu, no one likes to watch this kind of excitement that can lose their heads.


Facing Ah Qing, who was born with a vision in the world with a sword, at this time, the smile had disappeared and she was full of excitement. Her sword heart trembled this time, faster than ever before.

Violent trembling, hot heart beating.

The green bamboo stick in her hand creaked as she held it.

"Come on! Come on! 3! 2! 1!"

Zhang Sanfeng's sword is about to be drawn, Ah Qing's heart is full of fighting spirit, and she is silently thinking of the countdown, just when she counts down to one hour.

The green bamboo sticks under him are like a dragon, flexibly swiping at a strange angle, only to hear a thud.

A force of energy was transmitted from the green bamboo stick to the palm of the hand, and then fed back to Ah Qing's brain along the meridians.

She was instantly overjoyed.


Just as he was about to grin, he felt a chill in his neck and looked down.

A touch of cold light had reached his neck at an unknown time, barely touching his delicate skin, and the sword holder's grasp was perfect.

Not only does it not hurt Ah Qing, but it also makes Ah Qing feel the chills in her neck.

"How come, I obviously blocked it."

Ah Qing looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a puzzled look in her eyes, she was a little confused.

Even if she practiced sword with Bai Yuan at first, although she couldn't stop it, she could still see the trajectory of the sword move.

"you lose!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't answer Ah Qing's doubts, took back the long sword, and said with a joke.

"Let me handle it!".

Chapter 345

"you lose!"

The voice was not loud, and there was no excitement in Ah Qing's imagination. It was as if he had done something very ordinary. It was common to say "Have you eaten yet?".

A Qing didn't know what to say for a while, and her mood was a little chaotic.

"How come, I obviously blocked it!"

Her beautiful face was full of puzzlement, and she looked at the white-robed boy and continued.

"I blocked it, I felt it."

"Don't believe what your eyes see, use your intuition."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and gave Ah Qing an explanation.

"Don't trust your eyes, use your intuition!"

"Do not believe......"


Ah Qing recited silently, just like Xie Xiaofeng before, silently reciting what Zhang Sanfeng just said.

At this time, a simulation started in her mind. If she didn't block the move, it would be too late to change the move midway.

Soon, she broke free from the murmur and ran to Zhang Sanfeng who was dealing with the conversation between the two girls.

"Come again!"


Ah Qing's words were firm and full of confidence. It seemed that once again, she would be ashamed.

Zhang Sanfeng also smiled and agreed.

Still, he continued to laugh.

"Just now you said that one move will defeat me and let me deal with it."

"Let's talk when you're done!"

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