Ah Qing was not convinced, then thought about it, and said again.

"If I lose again this time, I'll...I'll..."

Ah Qing was at a loss for words, she didn't know what to bet on, her goats were still in the city.

"If you lose again, I'll let you deal with it twice!"

Ah Qing held it back for a long time and said this sentence, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but smile, Ah Qing looked annoyed for a while and continued.

"If I can be undefeated this time, what I said before doesn't count."

"Well, you have the final say!"

Zhang Sanfeng said that it didn't matter, and he was already thinking silently in his heart whether he should use half more skill.

Let this female sword fairy in front of you understand the cruelty of the world.

"Then get out your sword."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and once again took out the ordinary long sword with the big sleeve Qiankun, looked at the girl in the distance, and said faintly.

"Be careful, use your intuition this time, close your eyes to feel, what your eyes see may not be right!"


After hearing this, Ah Qing also meditated silently, closed his eyes, and felt a sword strike from the heaven and earth.

However, just a few seconds before she closed her eyes.

She heard a snort and a chill on her chest.

When he opened his eyes, he was immediately stunned.

I saw that a long sword had reached my heart. If it were to make another three points, I was afraid that I would die on the spot.


"Why don't you feel at all, what a good intuition!"

Ah Qing looked at Zhang Sanfeng in puzzlement. He had taught him what he said just now. He said he didn't trust his eyes, but his intuition.

But Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel ashamed when he saw Ah Qing looking at him like this, he held back his smile and said.

"I'm sorry, my fault, I didn't think you would dare to close your eyes to feel the sword move..."


Ah Qing, who originally thought it was nothing, suddenly felt a layer of red shyness surge up, feeling like being played by Zhang Sanfeng.

There was reluctance in her soft voice, and she said angrily.

"Zhang Junbao, you lied to me!"

In a fit of anger, he directly called out the pseudonym that Gao Yue had told her before.

"I didn't lie to you, it's just that you can't practice at home."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally denied it. Originally, what he meant was to make Ah Qing believe that his intuition is bigger than the information conveyed by his eyes.

But she didn't want this silly girl to close her eyes and become a blind swordsman.

"No, you're just lying to me, you can't even figure out the trajectory of kendo with your eyes closed."

Ah Qing continued to scold!The more I thought about it, the more embarrassed I became, and I was fooled so foolishly, my face flushed with excitement under the onlookers of a few people.

"If you don't believe me, you can try to draw a sword. I close my eyes, and you can attack as you like. If I am touched by you, I will lose."

Zhang Sanfeng saw Ah Qing questioning himself, and of course he didn't mind giving this girl another lesson.

"it is good!"

When Ah Qing heard this, she immediately turned from shyness to joy. In her opinion, this was the step that Zhang Junbao gave her, and by the way, he also gave him a taste of the blind man taking the sword.

"Then you are not allowed to peek."

Ah Qing said with some warning.

"Humph! Even if you take a peek, you lose!"

Jiaorou continued with a sweet and coquettish voice.

Zhang Sanfeng closed his eyes and said helplessly.

If you don't believe me, you can use a cloth to cover me. Zhang Sanfeng held a piece of black cloth in his right hand that he took out from nowhere, lifted it up, and said to Ah Qing.

Seeing the black cloth, Ah Qing said with joy.

"Okay, I'll tie it up."

Ah Qing ran in front of Zhang Sanfeng, first gestured twice with the black cloth on his eyes, and after making sure it was opaque, then said that the black cloth was covering Zhang Sanfeng's still eyes.

Then I tied a pretty bow-like knot at the back of my hair.

After finishing it, she ran back to her original position. At this time, her face was a little blushing. It was the first time she was so close to a man.

Zhang Sanfeng exudes a certain fragrance, which makes her a little intoxicated. It is a smell she once smelled, very fragrant and sweet.

Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise she would be reluctant to leave.

What Ah Qing didn't know was that Zhang Sanfeng was now a true immortal, and his body naturally exuded a spirit of immortality, and he was no longer a mortal.

The fragrance she smelled was the celestial aura that only true immortals possessed, and only a very few people with the appearance of celestial spirits could smell this aura.

Most mortals just feel that Zhang Sanfeng smells very clean and fresh, not sweet with a little incense.

She had also smelled this sweetness before, and it was the kind of smell that did not degenerate when the Heavenly Sword Immortal transformed into a white ape.

"Then I'll make a move."

"Okay! But you let me handle it twice now!"

Zhang Sanfeng, who was covered with a black cloth, continued to tease Ah Qing with a smile.

"Humph! I will definitely not lose this time. If I lose again, you can do whatever you want."

"That's the last time, you have to be convinced if you lose!"

Zhang Sanfeng followed suit.

"I lost this time, and I am convinced."

Ah Qing picked up the green bamboo stick, looked at the blindfolded boy opposite, and responded.

"Then I'll start!"

After Ah Qing was ready, she flicked her wrist, and the green bamboo stick sprinted towards Zhang Sanfeng, who was blindfolded.


Zhang Sanfeng, who was blindfolded, seemed to be unpredictable. The long sword in his hand moved slightly, and when the sword turned, he held Ah Qing's stick.

Ah Qing was not discouraged, he continued to the side of his body, and then turned again, the green bamboo stick also rotated with his wrist and body.

A crosscut.

But he didn't want this style to be evaded by Zhang Sanfeng's small step back again.

Ah Qing continued to stab, hack, slash, and slash with his sword, while Zhang Sanfeng was the soldier to block and the water to cover.

No matter how Ah Qing uses his sword, he can always resolve it easily.

Without a trace of smoke.


The two fought each other for more than a hundred moves, and Zhang Sanfeng only defended and did not attack. He planned to convince Ah Qing.

A Qing Yue Zhan was more shocked, it turned out that there was such a swordsmanship in the world.

Every move and every style is unexpected, like a stroke of magic, but it is so natural.

It seems that it is not a sword move, but a Dao.

Along the avenues of heaven and earth, what other swordsmanship can beat it?

This is the most brilliant swordsmanship in the world.

The sword is the way.

Finally, after two hundred strokes.

Ah Qing leaned on the green bamboo stick in one hand and was panting.

"I admit defeat! I won't fight! I can't beat you!".

Chapter 346

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

After fighting for more than two hundred moves, Ah Qing was not only in admiration, but also didn't know who taught this young man.

She fed her more than two hundred sword moves, but she didn't even know Zhang Sanfeng's bottom line. Instead, Zhang Sanfeng found out a lot of her own moves.

After several cycles, she had discovered that Zhang Sanfeng was using the swordsmanship she had just used to restrain her other swordsmanship.

If she had told her before, she would never have believed it.

However, after thinking about it, Ah Qing smiled and immediately thought about it.

Yes, only such a fairy-like character can defeat her with one move.

Moreover, Ah Qing knew that if Zhang Sanfeng didn't let go, he would most likely be defeated in the first or second move of the fight.

There is no suspense, because the sword intent she felt was different when they fought at that time~.

Zhang Sanfeng's sword move defense can be said to be impervious to water, and there is not a single gap for Ah Qing to break through.

But defense is defense, this kind of turtle shell is really meaningless, so after fighting more than [-] moves, Ah Qing's physical strength has been exhausted.

Comparing swordsmanship with someone like Zhang Sanfeng is really exhausting.

"How about Miss Aqing!"

Zhang Sanfeng has gained a lot, looking at the petite person in front of him, and smiling.

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