"Are you still satisfied?"

"Take it."

The blush on Ah Qing's face has not dissipated, and she doesn't know if she is tired or ashamed.

"You teach good swordsmanship!"

Zhang Sanfeng has long seen that some sword moves in the back are pure feeding moves, and he intends to let Zhang Sanfeng experience the white ape swordsmanship more. "

"Nonsense, I'm just a shepherdess, how can I teach people to practice swords."

Ah Qing categorically rejected it. Although Bai Yuan didn't tell her whether she could teach swordsmanship, she subconsciously didn't want to teach someone she didn't know.

If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's extremely high learning ability, in less than half a cup of tea, she would have learned several styles of white ape swordsmanship.

She wouldn't even think about it. The first [-] moves could be said to be unwilling. She wanted to try and see if she could break through Zhang Sanfeng's defense.

The last [-] moves are purely for the pleasure of seeing the hunter, and if he has a good impression of Zhang Sanfeng, there is nothing wrong with helping him.

"However, thank you Miss Ah Qing."

"Anyway, I don't recognize it, so who can you thank?"

Ah Qing arrogantly turned her head away and did not look at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Haha, Miss A-Qing is really a good-natured person. By the way, I heard that Miss A-Qing has a mouth to break the sword of the Xie Family Divine Sword. I wonder if you can give me a look."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly, the lonely female sword fairy in front of her was really interesting, and she didn't want to admit that she helped people.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng wanted to say something, a system voice appeared in his ears, and the boring mechanical repetition made him a little unfamiliar.

"Ding, I detected that the host learned the White Ape Swordsmanship through observation, and the chance reward is being issued."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the peerless swordsmanship - Yue Goddess Sword."

"I didn't think it would come out."

Zhang Sanfeng thought to himself, he was a little happy when the chance system sounded in his ear, he thought that defeating Xie Xiaofeng before, let Xie Xiaofeng realize and surrender, including even entering Wudang was arranged.

The chance system just didn't appear, so he sometimes thought the system was down. Fortunately, Ah Qing seemed to be very effective.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised by "The Sword of the Yue Goddess". This is a practice, and it seems that it is a practice that can be integrated into the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

Among them are not only sword moves, but also sword tactics, as well as the matching kendo mental methods.

It can be said that if it is placed in the martial arts, it is undoubtedly a top practice.

Moreover, in the Yue Goddess Sword, there is also a world kendo monk, the most anticipated kendo method.

Yun Jianshu can make the weapon in the hand evolve by itself. Ordinary swords are held in the hand, and after the addition of Yun Jianshu, they are extremely sharp, comparable to a thousand-forged sword.

If it was a divine weapon, it would be even better. Seeing this, Zhang Sanfeng probably understood the truth about the broken sword of the Xie family.

After all, it is named after the Divine Sword, and it is also made of various rare ore materials. Even the Divine Swords are made of different materials.

But all in all, it's still half a catty. In Qing Kexia, who has magical soldiers, it is often the cultivation base, exercises, skills, etc. of the soldiers who decide the outcome.

The benefits of weapons are much less.

"The Sword of the Yue Goddess" has more than [-] words and hundreds of sword moves, all of which are instilled in Zhang Sanfeng's mind with the help of the system.

The image of the sword move is also a random visualization in the mind, and it comes to life in my mind. All the sword moves, the reforms and the original moves that A Qing used before can be found on it.

The Law of Heart is paired with Yun Jianshu, but there is one requirement that makes Zhang Sanfeng frown.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

The requirement of the mind method is to absorb the celestial energy between heaven and earth, which is the spiritual power he has now.

Is it actually an immortal cultivation law dressed in kendo exercises?

However, it can indeed be integrated into the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong, which is recognized by it.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't struggle for a long time. After all, the legend of Hetu Luoshu can also make people become immortals. Isn't it normal for me to practice swords and become immortals.

"The Sword of the Goddess of Yue" is not long, but it is written in relatively short words, in other words.

That is, he knows every word, if they are connected together, he will not understand.

However, Zhang Sanfeng has the experience of viewing peerless cheats many times, and there are many convenient ideas instilled by the system.

Zhang Sanfeng read the [-]-word kendo skills very quickly.

The meridians in the body also began to operate with the entry of the law.


However, as Zhang Sanfeng practiced, he felt something was wrong.

The kendo method in "The Sword of the Yue Goddess" turned out to be an internal skill, although he already had some guesses in his heart.

But after confirming it, it is still a bit confusing, because if this is an internal practice method.

Then why does the girl A Qing in front of him have no inner strength, is it that the white ape is hiding?

He doesn't know, but what he can be sure of now is that the white ape swordsmanship in Ah Qing's hands, that is, the Yuenu swordsmanship, may only be a remnant.

There are sword moves in the air, but there is no matching internal strength, and mental methods.

She may not have learned the swordsmanship, so it seems that some things are starting to be confusing again.

But the most urgent task is to integrate this "Yue Goddess Sword" into the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

He had some expectations for his next level of power.

A strand of Sword Intent True Qi was produced in the inner dantian with difficulty after passing through a great Zhoutian.

Sword Intent True Qi is extremely sharp, like a snake in the dantian, madly swallowing the surrounding spiritual energy.

The speed of devouring is extremely fast, but Zhang Sanfeng is now a true immortal, with an endless source of spiritual power, and it is impossible to be sucked up by this wisp of Sword Intent True Qi.

Zhang Sanfeng did not hesitate after seeing the appearance of the first sword intent in "The Sword of the Yue Goddess".

Immediately activated the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong in his body, and used the Sword Intent True Qi seeds cultivated in "Yue Goddess Sword" as an introduction to integrate this practice.

After ten breaths, Zhang Sanfeng closed his eyes and his eyes skyrocketed.

Hunyuan [-]th turn Xuangong [-]rd turn, done!six.

Chapter 347

"Big brother! What's wrong?

When Gao Yue saw Zhang Sanfeng open his eyes, he was the first to run up, look left and right, and asked curiously.

"You suddenly closed your eyes just now. No matter how we called you, you couldn't hear. Sister Ah Qing and that Uncle Xie both said that you are at an important juncture in your practice, so you can't disturb me."

Gao Yue's voice was full of worry, and there were tears on Lianren's little face, presumably because she was anxious.

The sudden closure of his eyes just now was probably Da Zhoutian's natural reaction when he practiced "Yue Goddess Sword".

However, it is not convenient to tell Gao Yue, after all, it is impossible for him to say that he is practising the full version of Yue Nu swordsmanship that Sister A Qing has never practiced.

He could only smile apologetically and said.

"Just now, after I fought with Ah Qing, I got a little gain, so I went into a temporary retreat. I'm sorry, I made you worry."

"It's alright, it's alright, one-two-seven, it's fine, big brother."

Gao Yue burst into laughter, and started jumping around to play with Duanmu Rong again.

Xie Xiaofeng, on the other side of the pavilion, looked at this young man in white clothes and beat the snow, with strong conviction in his eyes.

"Only this kind of talent, the talent that can have epiphany anytime and anywhere, can be the best in the world."

He felt more and more that he was far away from Zhang Sanfeng, when he didn't know each other at first.

Maybe at that time he felt that he and Zhang Sanfeng were on a par with each other, but when he discovered his identity later, he was defeated by one move. Although he was desperate, he knew that the strength of the two was like a moat.

But after all, it can be seen, and now after this battle, he doesn't know what to say.

This can be an epiphany. I am afraid that in the future, I will not even have the qualification to see the back. Fortunately, Xie Xiaofeng's psychological adjustment is already normal now.

Moreover, he has already planned to study in Wudang, so Zhang Sanfeng will not become his nightmare.

Thinking of this, Xie Xiaofeng was a lot happier, and then he thought about if he was the enemy of Zhang Sanfeng.

That taste, tsk tsk, can't imagine.

Ah Qing didn't feel much about Zhang Sanfeng's epiphany. For her, swordsmanship was just an ordinary craft.

Eating and drinking is a craft, driving sheep is also a craft, so is swordsmanship.

It may be that she is not deeply involved in the world, or she may be innocent. Anyway, she has become indifferent to Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts, and is more like a Buddhist state.

In short, in her eyes, Zhang Sanfeng who is a true immortal, or Zhang Sanfeng who is an ordinary peerless master.

It doesn't matter, but Zhang Sanfeng is indeed the first person she is convinced of, this is undeniable.

Therefore, after seeing Zhang Sanfeng's epiphany, the Buddhist girl answered the question asked by Gao Yue, then looked at it for a while, intentionally or unintentionally, and then turned her head to think about her thoughts.

Her mind was very simple, she was just thinking about what to do if the young man had promised to let him deal with it after he woke up.

Now thinking about her proud tone like a little hen, she felt a little ashamed.

The blush appeared on the delicate face again.

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng wake up, Ah Qing glanced at him, then turned his head and never looked at Zhang Sanfeng again.

Zhang Sanfeng, who noticed Ah Qing, had a puzzled look on his face, why did he suddenly get into trouble.

Did he reveal his true nature when he closed himself?Did A Qing see it?

Zhang Sanfeng was a little confused, but he still stepped forward and asked.

"Ah Qing, what else do you know besides swordsmanship?"

"Me! I know a lot of things, and I'm very good at finding sheep. For example, the sheep from the second uncle's house in the village was lost for three days, and I found it for him..."

As soon as the topic started, Ah Qing was in high spirits, so Zhang Sanfeng also dispelled his doubts, as if he didn't do anything.

"That's not what it means, it's swordsmanship. Is there any kind that makes the weapon in your hand more powerful, or the kind that can generate a sword intent in the body?"

Zhang Sanfeng hurriedly corrected the girl in front of him, fearing that she would continue to be crooked.

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