Then I don't know if this is a serious matter, and it will have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

"Oh, no, I only know a little bit of swordsmanship."

Ah Qing said without hesitation, after all, these swordsmanships were taught by the white ape, and there was nothing else.

"Oh, did White Ape give you anything else?"

Although Zhang Sanfeng is somewhat certain now, he is still not sure.

"No, that white ape disappeared after he taught me swordsmanship. I climbed a few hills and couldn't find it, not even the footprints."

Speaking of Bai Yuan, Ah Qing seemed a little discouraged, and there was a hint of frustration in her tender tone.

"Then it seems that my Yue Goddess Sword is the complete version, including swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and a series of matching...  

But the name is a bit weird, why is the Yue Goddess Sword, is it... .

Zhang Sanfeng had some guesses, but he couldn't be sure. After all, it sounded a bit bizarre.

Could it be created by the future Ah Qing?Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the swordsmanship passed down by the white ape will become the sword of the Yue Goddess.

Shaking his head and pushing the idea out of his mind, Zhang Sanfeng continued to speak to Ah Qing.

"Aqing, what are your plans next?"

This kind of female sword fairy, of course, is more secure in Wudang. Zhang Sanfeng made no secret of his purpose and stared at A Qing intently.

Waiting for her reply.

"I plan to go back to the city to see if the storm has subsided. If it subsides, I'll go find my sheep."

"That's good, we have nothing to do, so let's go with you."

Zhang Sanfeng is still quite interested in abducting the female sword fairy to Wudang, and he is full of action.

He didn't want half a minute and a half at night, if he was bumped into by Fan Li, it would not be beautiful to go to the country to teach swordsmanship.

When talking about Fan Li, the first thing that comes to Zhang Sanfeng's mind is a character whose appearance is consistent with the past and the present, leaving a deep legacy in history.

One of the four beauties, known as sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers, Xi Shi.

I don't know if it was delivered to Wu State at this time, or it was still in Fan Li's hands.

If he is there, then he will have a good understanding of what the four beauties are.

After all, even when Ah Qing saw Xi Shi, he would be ashamed of himself, gave up Fan Li, and walked away directly. The lethality of Xi Shi's appearance is evident.

The female sword fairy who could not be stopped by [-] people, she only saw Xi Shi and walked away in anger. It was a bit of a legend.

The walking speed of the five people is not slow, Fangcun City Gate has returned to its former prosperity, and the deaths and injuries of the eight swordsmen seem to have never happened.

The soldier who guarded the gate checked it and let him go without questioning.

Fangcun City is a mixed bag, and there are a lot of foreigners. If you ask questions, there will be many twists and turns. This city owner is a smart person.

"Big brother, look at this."

After entering the city, Gao Yue, who has always been sharp-eyed, pointed to a place full of signs and said, Zhang Sanfeng followed the instructions and looked over.

"This is, a wanted order?".

Chapter 348

"Wanted order?"

The other three also looked over when they heard the words, and Duanmu Rong even ran close. After careful observation, they ran back with a smile on their faces.

Although Zhang Sanfeng's field of vision was already ten meters away, he could clearly see the tiny words on it, but he didn't mind Duanmurong repeating it.

"This city owner is really a wonderful person. He is wanted, but it doesn't match our portrait at all."

Duanmu Rong was delighted to tell them about the arrest warrant, and what happened to him corresponds to the arrest warrant.

Eight feet tall, with an eight-foot-thick waist, a giant man with big shoulders, big waist and round waist.

Xie Xiaofeng is a beggar with abscesses all over his body and likes to poison.

Zhang Sanfeng did not do anything, and he had an accomplice suspected of being a slender, flattering dwarf with a hook nose.

And Gao Yue is a mature and sexy royal sister style, with a pair of long legs.


Zhang Sanfeng felt a little embarrassed after hearing it. Although he had seen it long ago, he was still a little embarrassed to be told.

But just as everyone was discussing, a man who looked like a 17-year-old Confucian scholar in his forties walked towards him.

Beside him was a soldier in armor, pointing at Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng also noticed this Confucian scholar, but thought it was just an ordinary old man, but when the man opened his mouth,

He couldn't help laughing, it can be said that there is nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Just as he was thinking about Xi Shi, Fan Li came to the door.

"All chivalrous men! Next, Fan Li, I have seen you all."

To be honest, it is not clear to describe Fan Li as an old child.

At nearly fifty years old, he still looks young, but the frosty whiteness of his temples and the deepness in his eyes all show that this man has unusual characteristics.

That's right, he went to Wu State with the King of Yue to be a slave for three years. How could a person who has no patience and patience to be a cow and a horse in the enemy country.

"you are?"

Duanmurong looked at Fan Li curiously, she didn't seem to have seen this person today, why did she get close to him as soon as he came up.

On the other hand, Ah Qing looked at Fan Li thoughtfully. She seemed to have the impression that the man in front of her seemed to be behind her.

"Knights, I am here today because I have a happy event to discuss with you."

"Today, I was honored to be in Changjie. I saw all the swordsmen of the state of Wu with swordsmanship and swordsmanship. One of them is a master of swordsmanship. It can be said that he is highly skilled. I wonder if you are interested in coming to our Yueguo and doing things for our Yueguo."

"Our King of Yue has always been kind-hearted, and all the chivalrous men come to vote. As long as we teach our soldiers of the country of Yue well, our King of Yue will definitely not treat you badly!"


Fan Li was hailed as a business saint by later generations. The eloquence necessary for businessmen must be indispensable. It is easy to explain the whole thing clearly in just a few words.

Including why he came here to meet them today, and promised to impress them with heavy gifts and money.

And it is not only for the benefit, but also for the affection.

Said to Aqing.

"Girl, I see that you are from Dongyue, don't you bear it, Dongyue has been arbitrarily driven by Wu State.

Even in the territory of Yue Kingdom, the people of Yue Kingdom do not live as dignifiedly as Wu Kingdom, and today's incident is not an exception. I think you have seen it, girl. "

How dare the swordsmen of Wu State oppress our civilians unscrupulously, even if they don't talk about the slightest reason, they will only use force to oppress people, girl, are you right? "

"And what our Yue Kingdom lacks now is a girl with extraordinary swordsmanship like you. If a girl comes to teach us the swordsmanship of Yue Kingdom soldiers, then how dare the Wu Kingdom swordsmen come to the city of Yue Kingdom to wantonly oppress the people?"

Fan Li talked incessantly, even Xie Xiaofeng didn't let it go in a one-on-one match. Only Zhang Sanfeng, who didn't take action, was ignored by him intentionally or unintentionally.

It's not that he didn't know the importance of Zhang Sanfeng. He had discovered several times before that the girl named Duanmu Rong, Gao Yue, was talking to him.

Although there is a change in the eyes.

But every time he looked at the young man with red lips and white teeth, it was obvious that the decision was not up to them.

However, the young Fan Li looked at him and flinched a little.

There is no certainty that he will be able to convince him.

So what he fought was to persuade the other four first and then to persuade Zhang Sanfeng, so that the obstacles he encountered would be much less.

The person next to you who is persuaded will also help, so that the success rate is greatly improved.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at these, and sighed secretly in his heart, Shang Sheng is worthy of being a Shang Sheng, and his words and deeds are full of logic and purpose.

"I don't know what to call this gentleman?"

Xie Xiaofeng ignored him at all. Among the other three girls, Ah Qing, a native of Vietnam, would be moved by Fan Li.

Ah Qing's petite face was already in tears, as if she was moved by Fan Li's words that the people of the Yue Kingdom are so pitiful, and we can't be moved by the remarks that the Yue Kingdom is oppressed.

"Zhang Junbao."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the man in front of him who was later called Shang Sheng, and smiled.

"Master Zhang, what do you think of the old man's remarks?"

"No idea, it's nothing more than a simple drama to weaken the enemy and increase one's own."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently, but this drama is still powerful enough. After all, he can find Xi Shi, who weakens Wu State, and Ah Qing, who grows Yue State.

This is strength, unquestionable strength.

The ability to seek talent can be regarded as first-class. If you don't serve as a counselor to the country, you will be a master in the martial arts sect as an apprentice elder.

Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts flew in his mind.

"Zhang Gongzi is high! The old man admires it. Seeing that Zhang Gongzi is neither Wu nor Yue, I don't know which country it is."

"From Qin's side."

What Zhang Sanfeng said was half true and half false, and did not say the exact location.


Fan Li was thoughtful.

"What's your comment on that old man's plan?"

"too slow."


Fan Li was puzzled and questioned Zhang Sanfeng.

"Why so slow?"

Fan Li asked.

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