"If my expectations are correct, Dr. Fan's strategy should be to seduce King Wu with beauty, let him indulge in women's lust, relax his vigilance, and then look for masters like Ah Qing in the people to increase the strength of the Yue Kingdom. "

"I'm right, Doctor Fan."

"you know me?"

Fan Li asked in astonishment, could it be that his statement of ambition had already reached Qin?This is not a good sign.

"I didn't know you before. You reported your family name, and I got to know you."

Zhang Sanfeng did not explain much, but instead gave Fan Li a meaningful smile, which made him a little uneasy.

"What Mr. Zhang said is really correct. I really think so. What kind of tricks does Mr. Zhang have?"

"The reason I say slow is that you only think of using women to seduce women. Wouldn't it be faster if you changed the method."

"for example?"

Fan Li was a little curious. Female sex was the most harmless difficulty he could come up with.

"Of course it's something every emperor dreams of."

Zhang Sanfeng continued to speak indifferently.

"Immortal life.".

Chapter 349


Zhang Sanfeng's voice was very soft, but Fan Li could hear it clearly, but he quickly turned the corner with an active mind.

"You mean to let him pursue immortality instead of indulging in beauty?"

"But... where can we find a candidate who can match the character of alchemy."

Fan Li's voice trembled a little. He clearly understood that immortality or indulging in beauty would be more effective in hollowing out a country's wealth.

"Well, she's quite suitable."

Zhang Sanfeng pushed Duanmu Rong out with an indifferent face. She was originally a disciple from the Nine Palaces of the Divine Capital, and she was also a little involved in the elixir of life.

Let Duanmu Rong make the elixir of life is the most suitable candidate.

"She? A female class, I guess King Wu won't believe it at all."

Fan Li questioned, after all, in his mind, although Wu Guo was not difficult to destroy, it did not mean that Wu Wang Fuchai was a guy who could easily deal with it.

If you treat him as an ordinary prince, maybe one day he will have to capsize. After all, he has also risen and defeated the country of Yue.

During the three years that Wu State was a slave, Fan Li thought about this matter very thoroughly, that is, before doing something, he would never underestimate anyone or anything related to that matter.

Regardless of the size, it is worth taking seriously, which is also his business strategy.

"Of course I won't believe it, but with me, a medicine refining boy, I would be as stable as Mount Tai."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and laughed softly.

Fan Li asked immediately after listening.

"What are the conditions of the son, if the conditions are not too excessive, I can agree to it for the monarch first."

Fan Li is very decisive, and he sees people very accurately. Zhang Sanfeng's confident answer just now has made him believe as much as [-]% to [-]% of this plan.

If it can really aggravate the demise of the Wu Kingdom, and there are no sequelae, he believes that the small price is not hurt.

The King of Yue Kingdom will definitely agree without hesitation, after all, he is a man of great endurance.

But the opportunity for revenge is just around the corner. I am afraid that no one can resist the temptation of this kind of revenge. No matter how strong the self-control is, it is difficult to restrain.

"I heard that you took a woman and wanted to dedicate it to the King of Wu Guoguo' ˇ?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked indifferently.

"Yes, what does Young Master Zhang mean?"

Fan Li nodded immediately with a smile, and he was obviously very satisfied with Xi Shi.

Now, to be able to find such a woman with both virtue and talent, and willing to take the initiative to share the worries of the Yue country and sacrifice her life to feed tigers, can be said to be the luck of the country and the blessing of the country of Yue.

"The prosperity of the country should not be entrusted to a weak woman. Put it this way, understand."

The words were simple, straightforward, and straightforward. Fan Li nodded after thinking for a while.

"The original plan was to pursue a two-pronged approach, which may be more effective. Since the young master said that the prosperity of the country should not be borne by women, then I gave up this plan."

"That son, what else do you want?"

Fan Li was very respectful, and it was obvious that Zhang Sanfeng was going to be eaten today.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly to his questioning, as if thinking about it, he continued to ask.

"I also heard that your country has three major specialties, namely swords, food, and servants?"

"Don't hide it, son, it's really like this now."

"If the son needs it, I can make the decision and promise for the King of Yue, and you can choose the five famous swords collected by your palace."

It can be said that Fan Li wanted to let Zhang Sanfeng go to Wu State and use the elixir to harm King Wu, which is a big hemorrhage.

After all, every tribute from the vassal states, for the now weak Yue Kingdom, is to cut flesh again and again, not to mention that this time it is a gift that is more expensive than the tribute.

Not to mention how precious the Yue Guo sword is, let's just say the most famous sword is the Zhan Lu sword.

There is a saying in the ancient poem: Ancient weapon, Wu Chu Zhanlu, Great Xia Longque, the name is the capital of the gods.

Its fame can be imagined.

And the smallest unit sold by this famous sword light is calculated by the town.

If the price is calculated according to the historical data, the starting price is [-] townships with markets, and [-] horses, plus two large cities with [-] residents.

Not counting the added price.

However, Zhan Lujian is indeed unparalleled in the world, but if it is worth this price, only the benevolent sees the benevolence, and the wise sees the wisdom.

After all, in Zhang Sanfeng's hands, it may be similar to an ordinary Tai Chi long sword, after all, before the quality of the sword has reached a qualitative change.

A magic weapon, or an ordinary long sword, for Zhang Sanfeng, it is indeed not as high an increase as he imagined.

The enemy he faces will not be regarded as high because he has the Zhanlu Divine Sword.

And the five famous swords that Fan Li responded to just now officially all have five divine swords forged by Ou Yezi.

Zhanlu, Juque, Yuchang, Chunjun, Shengxie, etc.

Yuchang and Juque are short swords, others are long swords.


"Since Miss Xishi doesn't need to go to the State of Wu to make a compromise, as the so-called beauty matches a hero, I think the young master is very suitable, but now that Miss Xishi is in the capital of the State of Wu, I can only trouble the son to go to the State of Wu to meet her."

Fan Li saw that Zhang Sanfeng hesitated a little, and immediately threw out all his cards, as if he would not agree if you didn't believe it.

". "But after finishing this matter, I can rush to the capital of Wu Kingdom."

Zhang Sanfeng did not refuse, but told Fan Li that he would not be able to go to the capital of Wu State in time.

Because he still hadn't forgotten what his original purpose of coming here was.

The traces of the two strange books "He Tu" and "Luo Shu" have not yet been found, and they are still waiting for him in Rizhai City.

Now that I have seen Ah Qing, the road back to the city should also be put on the agenda.

"Huh, I didn't expect to come out and cause so many things."

"There is one more Wu Kingdom."

Zhang Sanfeng thought while waiting for Fan Li's reply.

Zhang Sanfeng's words actually made Fan Li a little embarrassed. After all, he definitely wanted Zhang Sanfeng to leave now.

But Zhang Sanfeng's remarks made him hesitate.

But when I think about the scene of the eight swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom in Changjie, I look at the boy who is still indifferent.

Fan Li gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

For half a year, he could afford to wait.

After all, I have waited for so long, and I am not in a hurry.

This time, Fan Li took out the thoughts of a businessman and gambler, and he bet this time.

"That's good. Next time, as long as the young master comes to Fangcun City to find a soldier at will, you can find the old man. The old man will stay in this city for more than half a year."

"I can also delay the first half of the year in the capital city, and Miss Xi Shi can also not be in a hurry to offer the king."

Fan Li said his final bottom line, but Zhang Sanfeng understood that these words can only be heard.

If he has not heard from him for ten days and a half, I am afraid that it will not be long before Xi Shi will be sent to the palace of Wu Wang.

Zhang Sanfeng understood this.

However, as a true immortal, does he need to care?

As long as he thought to himself, he could go to the Wu Palace to take Xishi away at any time.

The mere King Wu, can you still stop it? .

Chapter 350

As for Fan Li, he has his own abacus.

Businessmen, who are always split bets, do not put all their eggs in one basket.

Therefore, he can promise Zhang Sanfeng on one side, and prepare to send Xishi into the palace of Wu State on the other side.

Only he didn't know, and Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about it at all.

In Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, it was just fun.

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