In order to find the "Hetu" and "Luo Shu", he needs to look for opportunities everywhere, so everything goes with the flow.

"That's fine! See you next time."

After negotiating the terms, Zhang Sanfeng helped Ah Qing to retrieve the abandoned sheep on the long street from the soldiers. After counting the number, there was one more sheep. Obviously, this was only added by Fan Li later.

I can only say that this old boy is too slick.

Not long after, the group left Fangcun City and got on the carriage back to Yangzhai City.

This time, there was another girl in the car.

It didn't take long for the two carriages to return to the previous fork, and the girl A Qing, who was carrying sheep money, spoke up.

"Master Zhang, I'll go back first. There are still some things to deal with at home, so I can't go to Yangzhai City with you."


Ah Qing also told herself about this before getting into the car, Zhang Sanfeng persuaded him once and then did not persuade him more.

After all, she is just a passerby with her now.

Estimated friend now.

Ah Qing's delicate voice reached her ears again.

"If your son doesn't mind, Ah Qing can accompany him to the capital of Wu State. I've heard that the capital of Wu State is prosperous, and I want to see it this time."

"At that time, before I go to Fangcun City, I will come here to find you."

"Aren't you going to teach the swordsmanship of the Vietnamese soldiers? I saw that you were a little excited just now."

Zhang Sanfeng answered indifferently, and by the way, he also asked a question, which made Ah Qing hesitate for a while.

"I... I didn't know how to teach swordsmanship in the first place, and anyone can teach this swordsmanship. I'll just leave a simple cheat book at that time."

Ah Qing was a little hesitant to speak, and it seemed that he didn't think so in his heart, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't say much when he saw it, instead he nodded in agreement.

"You are indeed not a good master of swordsmanship. When you taught me, I was afraid that you would like to stab me with a sword. Fortunately, I am good at swordsmanship defense."

Zhang Sanfeng said seriously.

Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue couldn't help but laugh.

"You're making fun of me again. Who made you lose face like that before?"

Ah Qing Bu Yi was about to lift the hand holding the green bamboo stick.

But he let go after a few seconds.

Muttered and said again.

"I'll ignore you! I'm usually in a hut down the mountain. If something happens, I'll leave a note. I'll wait for you here."

Saying that, Ah Qing jumped up and jumped off the moving carriage before the carriage stopped.

The back is slender and free and easy, leaving only the reverberation of her just now in the carriage.

Seeing Ah Qing leaving without looking back, the atmosphere in the carriage was a little sluggish.

But soon came alive again.

Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong got together, afraid that they would not be able to calm down.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the two people who were fighting and couldn't help but sighed slightly while holding his forehead.

Fortunately, Ah Qing left, otherwise the carriage would be noisier.

It took three days to get from Ah Qing to Yangzhai City, but when I went back, I might have increased my speed along the way.

It only took more than two days, and before noon on the third day, the two carriages returned to Yangzhai City again.

When the gorgeous carriage stopped at Zilan Xuan again, Zi Nu came over after hearing the news.

Watching the already glamorous people get off the carriage.

"Why did you get rescued so quickly? I thought that this trip would take you at least dozens of days."

"Sister Zi, don't you know? We just arrived on the third day and found the sister Aqing you mentioned. Her swordsmanship is really amazing."

"But he still lost to the big brother, and he was knocked down with one move. Afterwards, Sister Aqing was not convinced, so the big brother could only be convinced by her beating."

Gao Yue Xiao Nizi was the first to answer, although she had expected it, she couldn't help but admire Zi Nu.

Zhang Junbao's strength is immeasurable, even defeating Jianxin's frustrated swordsman Xie Xiaofeng.

Even A Qing, the female swordsman who defeated Xie Xiaofeng, was not one of his generals.

And it doesn't look like he's using his full strength.

 (bhag) For some reason, the purple girl's face turned slightly red.

Women have a strong mentality.

Thinking that this unfathomable and incomparably handsome Zhang Junbao was very close to her, the corners of her mouth could not help but twitch.

"Is it confirmed this time, she did it?"

Zi Nu asked again, but this time it was Xie Xiaofeng.

Xie Xiaofeng, who was already the same as before, naturally nodded with a smile and replied.

"It's really her. It's not wrong to lose to her."

When Zhang Sanfeng and Ah Qing fought, he had already understood that he was indeed not Ah Qing's opponent, just that round of sword moves.

He changed his position, under the attack of the storm-like sword move, he absolutely could not be able to walk in the courtyard like Zhang Sanfeng with ease and ease.

It feels at best, at most, it is more than [-] tricks to support.

Of course, the premise is that the girl does not take out the ancient sword with eight sides.

It's just a simple competition of swordsmanship.

Without the strength of Zhang Sanfeng, the blessing of the magic weapon has far exceeded the strength of the body.

After all, in a swordsman battle, the one whose weapon was broken first was defeated.

There are very few people who can make a comeback from adversity. That kind of comeback can be said to be rare, and everything that can be done is indispensable.

"Oh, then come in, I'll prepare a nice private room for you, if you want to take a bath, you can."

"The journey is long these days, I'm afraid bathing is also a problem."

The purple girl warmly greeted the four people to get off the bus. Although several of them were bright and beautiful, she also walked that road, and there was no place to take a bath along the way.

There were few inns in the places she passed by, so she knew what they needed most right now.

Although the warriors with internal skills have broken the second vein of Rendu and emptied the impurities in the body, even if they don't take a bath for a few days, the odor is not very big.

But having a hot bath is still a way to travel.

"Oh! Thank you, Sister Zi."

Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong walked down hand in hand and greeted with a smile.

Zhang Sanfeng was still indifferent, he was already a true immortal, and when the impurities of the world entered his body, they would be wiped out by the immortal spirit in his body.

So there is no odor or dirt.

"I don't know girl Zi, can you show me the city records of Yangzhai City over the past few decades? Or where, I can find a way to get it myself."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't beat around the bush and asked directly.

He only had some vague feelings about "River Map" and "Luo Shu".

But the divine book concealed itself, and he had no clue as to where it was.

It is also impossible to come up and ask people stupidly, do you know "Hetu" and "Luoshu"?

However, since he came to Yangzhai City on a whim, there might be clues.

When the cultivation base has reached his realm, the sudden whim is not without cause, perhaps it is the guidance of the Dao.

In this case, it is necessary to know about Yangzhai City.

Therefore, to understand a place, we can only start from his local county annals. If there is really no way, we can only borrow the power of the purple girl. .

Chapter 351

After all, Zi Nu is also a local snake here, and the news in Yangzhai City cannot be concealed from her.

"The county annals? I have someone in the city lord's mansion. I can ask someone to deliver it, but in terms of time... it can't be too long."

The purple girl didn't think much about it, because it was not worthwhile to offend Zhang Junbaobing, who had an unpredictable identity in front of her, for a local county journal.

Besides, this kind of opportunity is hard for her to ask for, and she originally planned to offer it to Zhang Junbao~.

Now you can send the favor in your hand, isn't it - fragrant.

"Well, that's good. When the time comes, it will be delivered to my room. It won't take much time, and it will take a cup of tea to send it back to you."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly, it would be best if someone brought it to the door, and he didn't need to pick it up directly, which would not have a good impact.

It is the best to be able to win without bloodshed, and it is also the least troublesome.

He is the most afraid of trouble.

"Well, I'm going to order someone to do it now."

The purple girl called a beautiful maid and whispered a few words in her ear, and then the beautiful maid gave a bow and left.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't stop there too much. He was exhausted by traveling and traveling. In addition, his Chaos Nine Rank Mysterious Art had reached the [-]rd rank, and he still needed to re-organize it.

After going upstairs, under the guidance of the maid, he entered a beautifully furnished private room. The bed was already made, and there was a rattle on the head of the bed.

You can call them anytime if you need to.

In this regard, Zhang Sanfeng just glanced at it and didn't do what he thought.

Now there is a more important thing that needs to be done by him.

He closed his eyes and sat on the big bed big enough for four people to sleep, and directly activated the Chaos Nine-Turn Mysterious Art.

If someone used spiritual power to perfuse their eyes, they would see that within a few millimeters of Zhang Sanfeng sitting upright, there were countless cyclones, whirling wildly with Zhang Sanfeng closing his eyes.

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