Like a miniature storm, circled and rotated.

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng is closing his eyes now is related to the cyclone that suddenly emerged from the body.

He needs to try to run the Chaos Nine-Turn Xuan Gong and the Yue Goddess Sword and Sword Art that he has just learned.

This may make his "Yue Goddess Sword" more in line with Chaos Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong.

He has already felt that after integrating the "Yue Goddess Sword" into the Chaos Nine-Turn Xuan Gong, his spiritual power seems to have some other attributes.

The two feelings of sharpness and tearing are very strong.

If his spiritual power was originally moderate, then now his spiritual power has suddenly transformed into a raging storm.

And the countless cyclones outside the body came like this.

On the carriage these days, he felt it especially clearly.

Occasionally there is a sense of imbalance, and walking is also light.

Sometimes sitting and sitting, every time the spiritual power thread accidentally leaked, a small cyclone will appear around the body.

The cyclone stagnated in the air like a storm, spinning.

If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's mastery of the whole body, it would be very difficult for him to discover that there is a cyclone flowing with his body outside his body.

And the intensity of the cyclone is even more terrifying. Zhang Sanfeng has done more than one experiment.

Under the splitting of this cyclone, the steel long sword will also wear away at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into iron fragments the size of dust.

But fortunately, this cyclone is based on the master of spiritual power to judge the enemy and the enemy.

If in his subjective consciousness, when Zhang Sanfeng feels that someone is harmless, spiritual power is harmless to him, and the same is true when he encounters a cyclone.

Otherwise, in the past few days, Gao Yue has often rubbed against Zhang Sanfeng to make trouble, or when practicing swordsmanship, he would not dare to teach by hand.

In the past two days, under his intentional or unintentional control, there have been hundreds of small cyclones around him, and the positions of the small cyclones are not fixed.

Some are on the shoulders, some are on the waist, some are on the top of the head, and some are in front of the mouth.

However, these cyclones can be manipulated by him. It was inconvenient to experiment on the carriage before, but now it is much more convenient to arrive at Zilan Xuan.

There is no one around, and there is no need to be afraid of accidentally hurting them.

In this regard, Zhang Sanfeng did not hesitate. After several rounds of Da Zhoutian's operation, Duanmurong persuaded Gao Yue, who wanted to come to play after bathing, to leave.

Then began the in vitro cyclone experiments.

In the next hour, Zhang Sanfeng tried a lot.

Hundreds of cyclones said more or less, and said less or less, arranged in front of them, and they were half the size of a table under the perception of spiritual power.

Then a series of changes were made, and a half-body armor made up of cyclones appeared.

In the experiment of the defensive armor, because there was no one, he could only feel the defensive power by hitting the wind whirl with his bare hands, but he did not feel the defensive power, only felt that there were spinning tops on his skin.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

There was a slight tingling, but it was this tingling that made him feel the terrifying lethality of this cyclone.

To know that his own physical realm has also reached the body of a vajra, it is not an exaggeration to describe it with swords and guns, water and fire invulnerability.

Although Feng Xuan was not able to break through his own body, his lethality was undoubtedly strong. After all, who in the world could be like him, to attain the body of a vajra.

But it can only be controlled by spiritual power, and it can't be too far away from the body. A single cyclone is one meter away, and the connection has been lost, which seems a bit tasteless.

After the wind whirl armor experiment was completed, hundreds of wind whirls were transformed in the air like elves.

. . . 0

After a while, Feng Xuan turned into a long sword composed of hundreds of monomers. The long sword was less than one meter long, and there were only two Feng Xuan at the narrowest part of the blade.

In the vicinity of the wind whirl sword, the naked eye can clearly see that the air is slightly distorted.

I don't know if I can hold it, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the wind whirl sword in front of him, and suppressed the surprise in his heart.He touched it lightly with his hand.

To Zhang Sanfeng's surprise, he could not touch the long sword formed by the wind whirl, but stopped a few millimeters away from the skin of his palm.

In other words, he couldn't hold it, and if he wanted to control the wind whirl sword, he had to use spiritual power to push the sword to move.

But this is not in line with Zhang Sanfeng's original intention of the experiment at the beginning. He wants to try the usefulness of the wind whirl, from the three aspects of killing, defense, and movement.

This is also the use of wind whirl that Zhang Sanfeng can think of temporarily.

However, after making a wind-selected long sword, this distance limit seems to be gone. The distance is no longer based on the position of a single wind whirl, but on the distance between the wind on the hilt and the palm, which can also be regarded as a series of connections.

In terms of body technique, when Zhang Sanfeng was overflowing with spiritual energy, he felt that his body movements became smoother, and the resistance in the air became much smaller whether he was walking or running.

With the blessing of the wind whirl, the movement method would not be a problem to increase by three or two layers.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng was thinking about how to control the wind whirl sword.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound from outside the door.six.

Chapter 352

"come in!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even need to listen, he just invited her in.

After hearing the knock on the door just now, he sensed a little spiritual power and knew that the person knocking on the door was the purple girl.

Presumably the local county annals have settled down.

Sure enough, the purple girl with a slender figure walked in slowly with her eye-catching long legs.

He also held a thick stack of ancient books in his hand.

She smiled and said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Master Zhang, this is what you want in Yangzhai City for the past [-] years. If it is earlier, it is estimated that there will be no more. You can only go to the high-profile households in Yangzhai City to find it."


"Hundreds of years ago, a fire burned down the houses where books were stored in the city, resulting in the destruction of all records. There are only a few records from hundreds of years ago."

"It's all written by the civil servants who recorded at that time and their memories."

The purple girl's answer is well-founded, and it seems that she understands [-] very well.

"Then you just said that if you want to find someone from hundreds of years ago, you have to go to the local tyrants, don't you have Zilan Xuan?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked suspiciously. After all, Zi Lanxuan is in this Yangzhai City, so it is a real snake. If there is no record of this, I am afraid that there is no need to live in Yangzhai City.

'Of course we have Zilan Xuan, and I have prepared it for you, come on! '

The purple girl clapped her hands lightly, waited outside the door for a long time, holding two stacks of books of the same height, walked in, and placed the books not far from the city chronicles.

"This is the record of Yangzhai City hundreds of years ago that I have collected over the years, and that Yangzhai City Zhi Gongzi can check it at will today."

"And the information collected by Zi Lanxuan can be viewed anytime, anywhere. After reading it, you only need to notify the maid, and someone will come to clean it up."


Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the beautiful woman in front of him with admiration and sighed.

"As expected of the purple girl who can make Zilan Xuan bigger and stronger, she has a heart."

If you can find a trace of "River Map" and "Luo Shu" in these classics, I am afraid that I owe her a favor.

"Nothing, if there is nothing wrong with Zhang Gongzi, then the slave family will retire."

"Well, don't call Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, just call me Jun Bao."

For those who help him with heart, Zhang Sanfeng doesn't mind showing his good intentions. After all, there are many friends and many paths in the world.

What's more, even if you are number one in the world, what's the point of being alone.

"Then I will call you Jun Bao, and the slave family will retire."

Zi Nu's face lit up with joy, knowing that the mysterious young man in front of him was very satisfied with his work this time, and he had a faint intention of accepting it.

This is definitely a rare good thing for the purple girl.

People like Xie Xiaofeng are all under his hands, and it is a blessing for him to see himself as a little Zilan Xuan.

Moreover, since Zhang Sanfeng changed her wooden box in Qianlongtang, she had the same feeling for Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, she is not too young.

You have to find someone to entrust your life to.

Indistinctly, she felt that the person who would exchange the wooden box with the heavy treasure should be someone who was destined.

This is also the reason why she refused Yan Nanfei to exchange heavy treasures.

However, this thought can only be buried in the bottom of my heart and cannot be shared with others.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded invisibly, then stepped forward and flipped through the city chronicle he brought from the city lord's mansion, and began to read it with full attention.

Seeing this, the purple girl also stepped back gently. After closing the door, she whispered to the maid not to disturb him, just wait for his notice.

After speaking, she went downstairs to do other things. Zi Lanxuan was not closed today, and there were many distinguished guests. She still needed to meet her, say hello, and bring some wine to win over people.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was in the room, had already started to flip through the pages quickly.

The stack of books in front of him was about half a meter high, with as many as five or six books. One book probably recorded events ranging from ten to twenty years in Yangzhai City.

For him, after reading it, it is a matter of several hours.

In Yangzhai City's nearly [-] years of urban chronicles, the records are relatively normal, such as murders and disasters.

There are also officials who hold office, what they do while they are in office, and when the case will be decided. Of course, ordinary cases will not be recorded on it, and ordinary cases will be recorded by someone else.

Generally, serious crimes such as murder and robbery are recorded in the county annals, and the social environment at that time can be clearly seen from the county annals.

Zhang Sanfeng flipped through three books. The nearly [-]-year history of Yangzhai City had already been read through his mind. After finding that there was no doubt, he continued to read the next one.

Time passed silently, and the halo of the setting sun was scattered on the carefully arranged wooden floor in the attic of Zilanxuan.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was still wearing a white robe and white robe, stood up and stretched.  …

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