In front of him are more than twenty thick books that have been read over and over again, that is to say, a world that is less than one afternoon.

He has already taken a look at all the events in Yangzhai City in the past [-] years, and everything is fine.

He even knew exactly where and when the welcoming pine in front of the restaurant opposite Zilan Xuan was planted.

It can be said that the buildings in the entire Yangzhai City have been more or less refurbished or pushed to rebuild in the past [-] years.

This has also been recorded. According to the previous "Hetu" and "Luo Shu" prompts, there is a certain probability that these two divine books are in this city.

And it's the kind that no one has found until now.

This probability is not great.

At most, it is only one or two percent, but as long as it is possible, you cannot give up.

In this way, according to the city chronicles and the information provided by Zi Lanxuan, Zhang Sanfeng was able to narrow the search area of ​​the huge Yangzhai City to just a few areas.

The most suspicious thing is naturally the murderous house incident [-] years ago. No one lives in this murderous house, and the beggars who once lived in it, as well as passers-by, all died tragically in it.

The methods of death are different, but one thing is the same, and that is all accidents.

In one year at most, more than [-] people died, causing the name of the haunted house to soar, so much so that later, some people would rather be held in jail during the curfew than go into this unattended haunted house to escape.

The locals are even more talkative.

In addition to this haunted house, there is also a nunnery in Yangzhai City that was sealed by the previous city lord. The location of that nunnery is also very delicate, that is, in the city lord's mansion.

In just these few sentences, Zhang Sanfeng was able to make up the plot of tens of thousands of words, which was not described in the local county annals.

This is what Zhang Sanfeng found by reading through the classics of Zilan Xuan.

The county annals only wrote a few strokes on the side, saying that in those years, the nunnery outside the city often reported the case, and the nun disappeared.

After a few years, they disappeared and no one was found. Later, one day, someone found that there was no one in the nunnery outside the city, and such disappearance cases decreased a lot.

There are still a few small doubts that are not as many as the previous two, but they all require on-the-spot investigation.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the sunset outside the house.

Is it night scouting the haunted house tonight?Or visit a nunnery at night? .

Chapter 353

Just when Zhang Sanfeng was planning to go out at night to visit suspicious places in Yangzhai City, a commotion came from downstairs.

Zhang Sanfeng felt that there seemed to be a lot of people coming downstairs, and there was a more or less fierce aura in them.

"Soldiers? Or bandits?"

Only these two professions have such a fierce atmosphere.

But none of this has anything to do with him. Originally, he didn't want to worry about it. After all, Zi Lanxuan didn't eat dry rice in Yangzhai City.

Looking at Zi Nu and Nong Yu, it is clear that they must have their own uniqueness in being able to live happily in Yangzhai City.

Let them handle it themselves.

But what Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect was that there was still an aura coming straight to the second floor, and he aimed directly at this, which was his private room.

This made Zhang Sanfeng a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he had a calculation in his heart.

Although he had provoked people in Yangzhai City, but because he was visiting privately, he didn't do anything ruthless, that is, ordinary friction.

The one who really wanted to count hatred was when Yan Nanfei fought.

He directly put away the pile of books in front of him with his big sleeves, then sat quietly in room 17, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.

In less than ten breaths, a burst of footsteps came from outside the door, and without saying hello, he was about to push open Zhang Sanfeng's door directly.


The door of the private room was pushed open, and an eight-foot-tall soldier in armor with a knife on his waist came over with a few soldiers also wearing armor.

asked proudly.

"You are the Taoist Zhang Junbao who bullied Yan Nanfei?"

Obviously, every move of Zhang Sanfeng and his entourage was taken into consideration by those who had a heart, otherwise, there would not have been evil men approaching the door just a day after returning to Zilan Xuan.

"Yes, dare I ask you?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, still calmly picking up a cup of cold tea by the pear wood bed.

The tea is bitter, but has another flavor.

"That's it, come on, little one, take it for me."

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's confession, the eight-footed man couldn't refute it, so he directly asked his soldiers to come forward to arrest him.

But what he didn't expect was that his soldiers screamed in pain before they could touch Zhang Sanfeng.

"my hand!"

"My fingers!


The hands of the two armored soldiers were already dripping with blood. If they hadn't retracted quickly, they would have lost their palms. However, Zhang Sanfeng deliberately controlled the speed, so the two of them were only wounded.

But the fingers are connected to the heart, and the pain is unavoidable.

"Where are you Yaodao?"

The voice of Bachi Junhan was shocked and angry, and the orders from above did not say that it was a demon, but only said that it was an ordinary Daoist with no cultivation.

How can he even know the magic trick, but these are all in his plan, after all, he has not cut one or two monsters.

They are all crooked and crooked, and in front of the army, they are vulnerable.

So, he still persuaded him calmly.

"Zhang Junbao, I advise you to capture it without your hands. It's all my people outside Zilan Xuan. You and your two little beauties are hard to fly now."

"Where's the purple girl?"

Zhang Sanfeng did not answer, but frowned, looking behind the giant, Zilan Xuan seemed to be in chaos.

He didn't struggle too much. Seeing that the giant man still didn't speak, he got up straight and wanted to leave here.

"Bah! You demon, eat Grandpa's knife."

When the military man saw that Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave, he seemed determined to pull out the long knife from his waist.

A bang!

The dazzling light of the sword came out of its sheath, and the next second it slashed directly across the head of the oncoming boy without any weapons in his hands.

It seems that he wants to split Zhang Sanfeng in half.

But Zhang Sanfeng had already ignored the slashing sword light, and his wind whirl armor had already wrapped his head in the first time.

What's more, his Vajra body was not given for nothing, even if he stood and let him cut it, it would not necessarily be able to break his physical defense.

The reason why he didn't do it was that he just wanted to use these people to test his new abilities, and what was the effect of Feng Xuan after condensing into armor.

Zhang Sanfeng's non-resistance made the military man feel ecstatic, and the blade of the long knife in his hand soared by half an inch, and the hissing sound of the knife blasted in the air.

The strangeness of the military man made Zhang Sanfeng a little curious. He did not expect that the eight-foot giant in front of him was actually a martial artist who had mastered the sword qi.

It is quite rare, even if there is, it will not be just a leader, at least a lieutenant, or a commander.

But what Zhang Sanfeng didn't know was that the military man's sword intent had just been comprehended in the last big victory, and the appointment of being promoted to commander had not yet been made, so he followed his superiors here to encircle and suppress Zilanxuan.

The smile of the military man soared with the light of the sword, and became more and more hideous, as if he had seen the scene of the Taoist being split in half and bleeding all over the place.

When he couldn't help but scream, but the next scene was accompanied by the strange sound of sizzling, which directly made the military man's smile stagnate.

The treasured sword made of his refined steel actually slashed at this man, not only unable to chop, but also making strange noises and flashing sparks.

It is as if the Taoist body is protected by invisible armor.

He wanted to collect the knife and chop again, but found that he could not get back the long steel knife no matter what.

This made the military man a little confused. Although this knife is not a magic weapon, it is not enough to cut down anyone, let alone a young man who has not worn any armor.

But what made the military man more desperate was still behind.

When the long knife passed through the whirlwind just now, the sparks visible to the naked eye flashed wildly, and the long knife was instantly stuck in the center by the whirlwind. , can't support it and it breaks apart inch by inch.

The shattered long knife was directly bounced off by the wind's air current, and the sharp point at one end was directly inserted into the wooden beam.

"Now you can answer my question well."

Zhang Sanfeng's voice rang in the ears of the military man.

Looking at the young man standing by his side, who was half a point shorter than himself, the military man was speechless for a while, and the hand that was able to hold the long knife just now was shaking a little.

"I don't know either. I'm only responsible for coming up, and others can deal with it on their own."

"Oh? Did Yan Nanfei send you here?"

There were many figures in Zhang Sanfeng's mind, but it seemed that this fat man was the only one who could be so presumptuous in Yangzhai City.

This made him a little upset, and he should have killed it if he knew it earlier, saving himself a day or two to find something for himself every day.

"Yes, that's right, General Yan brought us here."

"Yan Nanfei is his nephew."

The strong soldier said to Zhang Sanfeng one by one.

Zhang Sanfeng also understood why Yan Nanfei, who had been defeated before, dared to be so arrogant, and even had an uncle who was a general.

Moreover, he protects people's shortcomings, plus the elite guards who gave him to Yan Nanfei before Nong Yu directly killed him.

There is also the siege of today's Zilanxuan.


"Big brother!"

Two delicate female voices came from outside the door. .

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