Chapter 354

Two more girls came running outside the door, it was Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue.

The two of them ran over excitedly.

The two looked very excited.

Gao Yue returned to her nest like a swallow, and threw herself into Zhang Sanfeng's arms, her soft voice in the past was a little distorted.

"Big brother, there are a lot of soldiers outside, it seems that they are coming to arrest us!"

Her tone of voice was vaguely frightened.

But a pair of eyes are turning gloomy, where is there a half-afraid look?


Since following Zhang Sanfeng's side, Gao Yue's martial arts cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Especially with the help of Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi martial arts, after learning the Yang Yang technique of the Magic Sound Treasure Box, he has made a new leap.

With her current attainments in yang and yang techniques, she uses yin and yang techniques with all her strength, even if she is a top expert like Xie Xiaofeng, she is not afraid at all.

How can you be afraid of the mere soldiers?

Not to mention, there is a real immortal Zhang Sanfeng here.

However, the big brother's embrace is really warm, I still have to find an excuse and pretend to be able to hug the big brother logically.

A sly smile appeared on Gao Yue's face.

"What's the matter, Master?"

Duanmurong was a little annoyed and didn't like to be disturbed by others.

"Yan Nanfei has an uncle who is a general."

Zhang Sanfeng stretched and said slowly.

"Oh, he doesn't want to live anymore, and he wants to pull his own uncle into the water too!"

Duanmurong suddenly laughed.

She doesn't like being disturbed.

But once someone came up and disturbed her, she was a guy who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

It's better if it's not lively.

Now that there is a commotion, the more joyful the dance, the more lively it will look better.

"Then let's go down and see now."

Zhang Sanfeng said to the two women.

"Well, big brother!"

"Okay, Master!"

The two women answered in unison.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave, the military man felt a little slack in his heart, and secretly said that he was lucky.

The captains of the other teams are not comparable in strength to him. If they encounter these two killing gods, I am afraid that their life will be lost just like him.

But just when he secretly rejoiced that he had escaped the disaster, he heard the cold voice that made his heart feel a little flustered.

"Remember not to be so impulsive in the next life" ˇ.

When Jun Han didn't react, he felt himself flying.

Then, he saw the body behind him.

Then, an idea filled his mind.

Such a fast sword.

After sending the soldiers who broke into the house on the road, Zhang Sanfeng never looked at the other soldiers again.

He is not a bloodthirsty person, he only punishes the first evil.

When going downstairs, Zhang Sanfeng, including the two women, had already noticed the movement below.

"Girl Zi and Nongyu, let's just go and capture them. Killing people is a matter of course."

A familiar voice came from below. After hearing this voice, Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue couldn't help but flash a hint of disgust.

The owner of the voice was Yan Nanfei who had knelt down and kowtowed fifty times before, begging for mercy, but at this moment he was standing beside a grim-faced middle-aged man with a scar on his right face.

Looking proudly at the purple girl, Nongyu, and Xie Xiaofeng, who had been surrounded by soldiers, the other maids had already been subdued on the spot.

"Tsk tsk, unexpectedly, I'm back again."

"Now you will try to kill the enemy with the sound of the piano?"

Yan Nanfei now has a big backer, and when he talks, the pride he once had is back again.

"Yan Nanfei, if you didn't deceive people too much that day, how would we embarrass you?"

"Also, General Yan, you sent troops into Yangzhai City today, aren't you afraid of the anger of the city master?"

Purple Girl is indeed the master of both sides in Yangzhai City. Even in such a situation, she did not give up hope of persuasion.

"My nephew has already been punished. You bully me Yanjia Erlang, and naturally you should accept our Yanjia's revenge!"

"Repaying kindness and revenge for revenge, this is the law of heaven, and before I entered the city, I have already told the city owner, and there is no need to worry about the purple girl."

"It's the purple girl, you should be worried about your situation."

General Scar's face was completely different from Yan Nanfei's fat face, but what he said was still extremely disgusting, and the obscenity in his eyes could not be concealed.

The purple girl couldn't help but feel disgusted when she looked at it. It really wasn't a family, and she didn't enter the house.

The reason why she doesn't do it now is that she is a little hesitant, because the situation is still under control, and she is still delusional about being able to negotiate with the general.

She could accept some compensation and apology, but seeing the naked possessiveness in the general's eyes, she knew that she couldn't be kind today.

"Why haven't the people sent to the second floor been caught, people!"

Yan Nanfei felt a little impatient when he thought of the two groups of soldiers who went upstairs just now. There were also two little beauties on them, and they were not inferior to the Nong Yu and Zi Nu in front of him.

When Zhang Sanfeng and others first entered the city, he notified his uncle who was stationed outside the city.

It took several hours to prepare for this scene, but he was not worried about Zhang Sanfeng and the others escaping.

There are thousands of elite soldiers outside the door, and it is difficult to fly if you think about it.

"."I'm here, it seems that Brother Yan is still not reconciled."

An indifferent voice came from above, quite loud, causing many people to look up.

A handsome young man with a face like a crown of jade is slowly walking down the stairs, accompanied by two girls with different styles but beautiful appearance.

"Haha! You dare to appear in front of me! Zhang Junbao, right! Now I'll see how you run."

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng, Yan Nanfei let out a cheerful laughter and pointed at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Catch him quickly, don't hurt the two little beauties next to me, I want him to see with his own eyes how I love his beauties!"

Yan Nanfei, who has the confidence of a soldier, speaks very loudly and confidently.

After all, these people are not comparable to ordinary generals. All of them are veterans who have come from the battlefield and experienced hundreds of battles. If it wasn't for this time to be stationed at the border for defense, his uncle would not have the opportunity to bring troops back.

"You talk too much, I think you keep your mouth shut!"

The indifferent voice of the young man came again, causing Yan Nanfei to laugh wildly.

"When death is imminent, you are still stubborn here. I am loud and capable. You killed me in front of these people!"

The soldier beside him gave Yan Nanfei an unprecedented sense of security, making him jump there and mock him.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help shaking his head for a while when he saw it, but soon laughed again.

"Then I will fulfill you."

The figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, he arrived in front of Yan Nanfei, and asked with an ordinary long sword against his chest.

"Can you repeat what you just said?"


Yan Nanfei shuddered, looking at Zhang Sanfeng who suddenly appeared in front of him, and immediately wanted to ask for mercy.

But in the next second, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and a black eye appeared in front of him.

Then there is the last sentence that Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Sorry, I don't want to hear it anymore!"

Yan Nan flew to death. .

Chapter 355

In the main hall, it suddenly became quiet, and needles could be heard falling.

Even the rubbing sound of the armors huddled together disappeared silently.

The soldiers were all sluggish on the spot, not moving.

No one could have imagined that this person would dare to kill Yan Nanfei in front of everyone.

This simply ignores their generals.

However, the strength of this kind of martial artist is definitely not trivial.

If they want to go, how many lives will they have to pay.

Some witty veterans have quietly moved a position.

Or turn sideways, ready to let the soldiers behind you get on first.

After all, although the army and warriors can generally win battles, most of them use wheel battles.

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