You must know that his subordinates are all elite soldiers from a hundred battles killed in the sea of ​​​​blood.

Ordinary people can't even bear this murderous aura.

In front of him, he killed Yan Nanfei, and he was so calm, he didn't care...

"This is fairy spirit!"

General Scar gave a shudder.

"Plop" and knelt down.

"Little man for..."

Having said that, his words suddenly stopped abruptly.

At this point, Zhang Zhenzhen was in a micro-service, and he should be unwilling to reveal his identity.

I can't say it myself.

"The villain greets Zhang Shaoxia!"

General Scar fell to the ground with five bodies, not even daring to move.

For a moment, the whole room was silent, and the soldiers were stunned.

The purple girl also felt messy in a gust of wind. .

Chapter 356

The Scarface General knelt on the ground, still shaking and shaking.

On Zhang Sanfeng's body, he did not feel any aura of coercion.

However, that kind of indifference, like white clouds drifting by, made him feel deeply shocked.

This is fairy spirit.

General Scarface was now quite sure of that.

Only immortals can be so indifferent.

Zhang Junbao.

It was really him.

The first person in the world.

At this moment, General Scarface is not only worried for himself, but also for his family, and even for the whole country~.

Annoying the real fairy, what will be the consequences?

Nobody knows the answer.

The current Scarface General, let alone avenge Yan Nanfei.

It was Yan Nanfei who came to life and appeared in front of him.

He also just wanted to hack him to death with one knife and dedicate his head to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Zhenren, you dare to provoke me?

You are also fighting with Zhang Zhenren for women. Did your head get kicked by a donkey, or did you get into the water?

Zhang Sanfeng nodded lightly.

General Scarface is worthy of being a figure commanding thousands of troops.

Thick and thin.

Responded quickly.

This power of eyesight is far more than Yan Nanfei's.

"Go away, Pin Dao Nian, you were deceived by your nephew, let's spare you this time."

"You remember, next time, bully others with force and let the poor know... hum!"

Although there is no real fairy power.

But when the Scarface General knelt down, Zhang Sanfeng still detected the activity in his heart.

To a certain extent, this great general who is so powerful is just trying to contaminate himself.

This is a commonly used life-saving means, and I can't blame him.

Moreover, this person still has a bit of public heart. He only thinks about protecting his family and defending the country and defending against foreign enemies. He is also a man.

Because of this, Zhang Sanfeng did not kill him.

Otherwise, just by his current actions, it would be logical to kill him at will.

Really immortal, really not mortals can offend.

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, the Scarface General felt a pardon.

In the short moment just now, his whole body was soaked wet.

He kowtowed three times heavily, and without saying anything, bowed and stepped back.

At this time, more words will be lost.

It is wisest not to say a word.

Although General Scarface was dealing with a true immortal for the first time, he often walked in the courtroom. He was very clear about this.

"Remember, don't mention my identity to anyone, otherwise... hum!"

Zhang Sanfeng's voice came faintly.

The Scarface General was shocked and hurriedly bowed.

"The villain remembers what Zhang Shaoxia said, even if it is the king, he will never reveal half a word."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded lightly.

Scarface General, then retreated.

The surrounding soldiers naturally also retreated.

When he walked outside, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"General, what is this person's identity?"

A personal soldier beside him couldn't help but ask.

In the eyes of the Scarface General, a bright light suddenly flashed.

"Presumptuous, are you able to inquire about such things as well?"

The soldier was stunned for a moment.

He has followed General Scarface for many years, and he has charged into battle with him many times, living and dying together.

Although only a personal soldier, he is no different from a brother.

It was because of this that he dared to speak out.

However, he had never seen the general Scarface look so stern.

Even the most secret and urgent decree of the king will not cause the general to lose his temper like this.

Having spent many years on the battlefield, facing thousands of troops, he has already cultivated the ability of Taishan to collapse in front of him without changing his face.

Who is it that makes the general behave so erratically?

"Don't think about it."

"Just remember, that's someone we can't mess with."

"It's someone our country can't afford to offend."

"Keeping a secret and never mentioning it to anyone is the greatest contribution to the country."

"Remember, even if the king asks, you can't say him, say his name."

"Also, from today, Zilan Xuan is a forbidden place in Yangzhai City."

"If anyone dares to come to Zilan Xuan to be wild, let's kill him."

The soldiers froze in their hearts.

From the general's face, he saw a touch of absoluteness.

The personal soldiers couldn't help but glanced at Zilan Xuan again.

What kind of identity is that young man?


In Zilan Xuan, Zi Nu has not recovered from the shock.

General Ba Scarface has a high position.

Even if she has been operating in Zilan Xuan for many years, she still cannot afford to offend such a person.

But I never imagined that Scarface General would react like this.

From his appearance, he probably guessed the identity of the young man.

However, the purple girl still couldn't figure it out.

Even if Zhang Junbao is a pseudonym, and his real identity is the son of the king, it won't make the Scarface General so gaffe, right?

The scar-faced general who holds the military power of a country, even if it is the king, must be afraid of three points.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

However, everything is so bizarre.

The purple girl took a deep breath.

She always felt that she had some fate with Zhang Junbao.

Even fantasized about committing to him.

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