Now it seems that his identity is absolutely extraordinary.

I'm just afraid that I'm a little delusional.

"Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I don't know what to do."

Zi Nu's face was a little sullen and she wanted to cry, so she leaned up and said against Zhang Sanfeng's arm.

Obviously, the sudden military disaster left her somewhat powerless.

If it wasn't for him, I don't know if there will be Zilan Xuan in Yangzhai City after today.

The two are not far from each other.

Gao Yue was beside him and suddenly interjected.

"Then how do you repay my big brother, do you promise yourself?"

... ... ...

As soon as these words came out, Zi Nu suddenly blushed with shame and lowered her head.

In her heart, there are [-] and [-] willing, but she doesn't know if others value her?

The purple girl's thoughts flew around.

Once upon a time, she was the master of Zi Lan Xuan.

Set thousands of pets in one.

Countless men fell under her pomegranate skirt.

And she didn't even look straight at these people.

But now, for the first time, she felt so humble and nervous.

In his capacity, I'm afraid I can't see the dusty woman like me.

The purple girl suddenly felt a little sad.

Even if she is in Zilan Xuan, she is like a jade.

But in the eyes of outsiders, I'm afraid it's still hard to escape Fengyue's evaluation.

"The slave family...the slave family is naturally willing to promise each other."

The purple girl suddenly blurted out.

The words just now were clearly said by Gao Yue.

However, she ignored Gao Yue, but said yes to Zhang Sanfeng.

This sentence stammered.

There is absolutely no freedom like before.

After he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

It wasn't that Zhang Sanfeng was asking her.


Zhang Sanfeng suddenly stretched out his hand, picked up Zi Nu, and walked into the elegant room next to him.

With a plop, the door of the elegant room was closed.

A smile appeared on the corner of Gao Yue's mouth.

As long as the big brother likes it, she hopes to let the big brother get it.

She was genuinely happy about it.


Vaguely, there seems to be a hint of bitterness.

When will I be able to reconcile with my big brother Yin and Yang like a purple girl?


Chapter 357

When the moon is on the treetops.

There was silence outside the window, except for the sound of insects.

Zhang Sanfeng pushed open the window, jumped out of the private room on the second floor, and stepped on the eaves outside the window.

Surprisingly, the sound of his stomping footsteps has become almost silent.

There was no sound at all.

If someone is watching carefully, they will find that there is a certain distance between Zhang Sanfeng's feet and the roof tiles.

This is also Zhang Sanfeng's application of the cyclone in the sword of the Yue Goddess. After hundreds of cyclones are condensed into boots, Zhang Sanfeng can walk like a breeze without a trace of sound.

With the blessing of the wind whirl, the light-bodied exercises became more and more light and elegant.

If it wasn't to hide people's eyes and ears, he put on a black night clothes, otherwise if he was wearing a white robe, if he was seen, he might be mistaken for the little sword fairy under the moon.

Although flying was extremely easy for [-] Zhang Sanfeng, this was Zhang Sanfeng's first experimental flight with a cyclone, and the effect was quite good.

The most sparsely lit street in Yangzhai City.


The night wind hit, and the branches and leaves in the courtyard swayed, and Zhang Sanfeng, who was originally on the eaves of the second floor of the Zilanxuan attic, has disappeared.

On the other side, the haunted house in Yangzhai City.

The street of the haunted house in Yangzhai City is already half empty, especially the courtyards separated by the haunted house are no longer live.

The name of the haunted house is too popular, and it is not said much in the local population, which leads to if it is not recorded in the books.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't know this taboo thing from the local population.

Boom! ---- Boom!Boom!

One slow and two fast gongs slowly approached the street, accompanied by the warning sound of "It's dry! Be careful of candles!"

The watchmen also gradually walked to the street where the murdered house was located, Cuijing Street.

It can be said that usually, people who come to patrol and watch at night will not come to this street, at most, they are at the intersection of the street and stop.

Today, it seems to be the same as before.

Two people in plain clothes and hats wandered around the street called Cuijing Street, one holding a lantern and the other a gong.

Boom! ------Boom!Boom!

This is the unique gong rhythm of the three watch days, one slow and two fast.

It's dry!Watch out for the candles!

One shouted at the top of his voice, and the other cooperated with the dong! --Boom!Boom!

The sound of the gong was crisp and pleasant, but just as the sound of the gong disappeared for a moment, the young man among the watchmen asked the other watchman in a dawdling manner.

"Second Master! I heard that there are dirty things here, is it true!"

The one who spoke was the young man who was raising his voice and holding a lantern. It stands to reason that young people rarely do the job of beating others.

The beater, who was called Second Master by the young man and held a gong in his hand, looked at the young man silently.


"Liu Xiaozi! Listen to the second master's advice in that place. Listen to the old man's words, don't go, don't ask, don't care."

"We are in this business, and sometimes we have to be a little deaf, understand."

After the second master finished speaking, he waved the gong again, boom! --Boom!Boom!One slow and two fast.

The young man hurriedly shouted, "The sky is dry! Be careful of the candles!".

After he finished speaking, he looked at the second master, who was walking by himself, and then looked at the sparsely lit Cuijing Street, which seemed to have thought of something, and shivered.

He quickly caught up with the hunched figure in front of him, and stopped looking at the street that had been lit up by the candlelight, which was already pitch-dark.

The word Cuijing, drawn with vermilion lacquer at the gate at the gate of the tall street, seemed to ooze blood under the moonlight.

"Do you really want to go in? I didn't hear the old man say that there seems to be dirty things here?"

Someone was rustling in the dark, at the corner of an alley a few steps behind the archway.

Three teenagers in brocade clothes are getting together, and the last sentence was said by one of the teenagers who looked like a scholar.

But in the next second, a young man with a horse face also sneered at the scholar boy who just spoke in a mocking tone.

"Liang Shaoan, I'm willing to admit defeat! Just now in the Guihua Building, why weren't the girls so cowardly in front of them? Instead, he patted his chest and said, even the haunted house can't hurt me Liang Shaoan. This is what you said just now."

"I don't mean to cheat."

"Then if you don't go, pay each of us thirty taels of silver, and bring the silver."

The sound was also not loud, as if he was afraid of disturbing the two watchmen who had not gone far.

When Liang Shaoan heard this, he was not so happy at once. It seemed that the money stimulated him.

"Go to the side, I, Liang Shaoan, spit a spit and a nail, a manly man, how can I speak without words!"

The timid expression just now seemed to suddenly disappear from his body, but instead he was extremely heroic.

"That's good, Brother Liang, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning..."

"At that time, everyone will take care of you! At that time, our sixty taels of silver will also appear on the table."

Next to the horse-faced son, another taller and smoother boy with a pair of phoenix eyes was a good compliment to Liang Shaoan.

"Well, when the time comes, call Xiaohong to me and let her see. I, Liang Shaoan, are definitely not the kind of person who doesn't believe in words."

Liang Shao'an was arrogant and high-spirited, and his eyes were full of longing when he spoke, as if thinking about how to show off in front of Xiaohong tomorrow.

"That's natural. Then you can call whoever you want. With sixty taels of silver, it's not up to you to choose which girl in the Osmanthus House."

"As long as you don't go to Zilan Xuan to find the jade girl, you're right."

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