The horse-faced boy agreed.

"Yeah, Zi Lan Xuan is really expensive, and I went there with my father last time."

"That guy asked three girls to drink, sing and sing, and the few hundred taels were gone, but the deal was finally negotiated."

"But I heard that Zi Lanxuan was surrounded by the army today, it seems that it is to capture the court felon."

Liang Shaoan interjected.

"Hmph, it was said earlier that the purple girl from Zilanxuan had committed a crime, and they all said that, but in the end, it wasn't the fat man from the Yan family who died."

The horse-faced boy continued.

"Okay, okay, don't say a word, it's getting late, brother Shaoan, we'll pick you up tomorrow, go in now."

The round-faced boy hurriedly rounded up the field, otherwise he might not be able to go on today's trip to the haunted house.

"OK then."

Liang Shaoan smacked his mouth and walked a little sluggishly. He was at the back of the three, after all, it took a while to delay.


Suddenly, a scream was quite loud under the silent night sky.


"Liang Shaoan?"

The round-faced boy and the horse-faced boy turned around and shouted. If the city guards were attracted in the middle of the night, it would be bad. If they were caught by them, even if they had their parents to help them survive, they would be spared the calamity of prison. Bamboo shoots fried meat.

Yangzhai City has a curfew in the middle of the night. Of course, the street in Guihualou is not included in this list.

All night long without any problem.

But Liang Shaoan's next sentence made the back of the two of them shine.

"I seem to have seen a human face."

Liang Shaoan's voice regained the timidity he had just before. .

Chapter 358

"I seem to have seen a human face."

Liang Shaoan replied in a low voice, as if he knew he had done something wrong and did not dare to speak out.

But the scream had made both of them not surprised for a moment.

Among them, the young man spoke more cautiously.

"Second Master, there is a voice behind, it seems that someone is screaming."

"Is there a sound? The second master's ears are a little hard, but he didn't hear it. If he goes back, he may have to work overtime again tonight, so he might as well not go back."

The second master spoke hoarsely, but his tone was full of affirmation.

It seems that even if the young man reminds him to go back, he will still be determined and never turn back half a step.

"Then... that's fine."

Under the light of the candle, the young man looked at the extremely dark night behind him, and the little curiosity that he had raised was quenched by the old man in front of him.

He didn't dare to see it alone.

The two no longer ignored the strange sound behind and continued to move forward, the sound of gongs and warnings drifting away.

"There's no face."

The timid horse-faced boy stood in Liang Shaoan's position, looked around, and didn't find the face that Liang Shaoan said at all.

He asked with a sarcastic look on his face.

17 "Liang Shaoan, you don't want to stay away!"

"I do not have!"

Liang Shaoan categorically rejected it.

"If you don't have it, hurry up! The girls in Guihualou are still waiting for me to report back!"

The round-faced boy urged.

The three of them walked slowly to the courtyard with two stone lion town houses.

The courtyard door is half-closed, and through the gap, you can see the desolate weeds in the courtyard shining brightly under the moonlight.

As if covered with a layer of silver hazy veil.

"go in."

The two worked together to push Liang Shaoan, who was hesitant, in.

Then, without waiting for Liang Shaoan to continue speaking, he plopped and closed the door, and then hung a newly bought copper lock in front of the door, blocking the only way out in the yard.

Only Liang Shaoan was left looking at the desolate yard, trembling a little.

Just as he was half-leaning against the door, ready to spend the night like this, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"If you don't want to die, I advise you not to stay here."

The voice is indifferent, indifferent, without any emotion, like a fairy standing on the cloud overlooking all living beings, all living beings are ants.


Liang Shaoan was frightened by the sound, and he looked around, but found that there was no figure in sight, only his voice was heard, but no one was seen.

"The person who saved you, do you know why those two people made such a big bet on you?"

"Sixty taels of silver is not a small number."

The man's voice continued, still emotionless, as if it were a ruthless manuscript reading machine.

"They...they said, that no one can stay in this haunted house in the city for a night."

"I didn't believe it, so I made a bet with them, saying that Zibuyu is strange and chaotic, and that the haunted house has at best its name."

Liang Shaoan stammered out what happened.

A gust of night wind blew, and the weeds and the doors, windows and branches of dilapidated houses rattled.

He looked around a little tremblingly. If he were to say what his current mood was, to describe it in two words would be regret.

I regret drinking a few more glasses, otherwise I would not have been sent to this haunted house in the middle of the night.


The owner of the indifferent voice seemed to laugh, but this kind of laugh made Liang Shaoan a little creepy.

"Actually, you can continue to believe it."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking, letting Liang Shao'an snort for a while, feeling a little uneasy.


Another gust of gloomy wind blew past, and weeds and broken doors danced wildly in the wind.

"How can the wind be so strong!"

"Who is pretending to be a ghost!"

The gloomy wind is getting stronger.

Liang Shaoan is like a small boat under the storm of the sea, drifting with the waves, and there is a danger of overturning at any time.

The wind never stopped, and Zhang Sanfeng stood on an eaves, watching this strange scene quietly.

In his field of vision, he couldn't see any disturbance, the person was still the same person, the grass, the broken house, the normal can no longer be normal.

But when he first stepped into this yard, he already had a vague feeling, as if the "Hetu" and "Luo Shu" were here.

But with his cultivation in the real fairyland, there was no response after stepping into this yard, and for a while he almost thought that he was wrong.

However, after Liang Shaoan stepped in, Zhang Sanfeng discovered that there was a difference in the yard. There seemed to be some lights flickering under the soil.

If he read it right.

That's why Zhang Sanfeng and Liang Shaoan heard the sound, and wanted to borrow Liang Shaoan's body to explore this legendary haunted house.

If he expected it well, this compound is not so much a haunted house as it is a trial.

The trial of selecting the successors of "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

"He Tu" and "Luo Shu" are actually not a practice method recorded in words, but graphics.

Its historical origins can be traced back to the period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times. There are immortals entrusting dreams, Huanglong presenting books, black turtle negative pictures, or dragon horse back pictures.

It's all a fairy tale.

But in all immortal legends, the so-called "Hetu" and "Luoshu" are a mysterious, mysterious and mysterious pattern.

There are Tai Chi Yin Yang, Zhou Tian Xing Dou, or two dragons on the tail, and those who are not destined are insoluble.

Since these two divine books were brought out by the traitors of the Nine Palaces of the God Capital, they have been lost here.

The Divine Book hides itself and seeks its own master.

And the people who broke into this haunted house by accident over the years have entered the trial of "River Map" and "Luo Shu" by accident.

Of course, it's not that no one has noticed the abnormality of this haunted house in these years, but the "Hetu" and "Luo Shu" are so exquisite, how can they let a group of ordinary people see clearly.

Breaking into the battle, if you are not proficient in Zhoutian gossip and the five classics, you will be dead and alive.

That's why, Zhang Sanfeng just said to Liang Shaoan, who was leaning against the door, trying to fish in troubled waters.

If you don't move, you will really die.

However, seeing Liang Shaoan's disbelief, Zhang Sanfeng didn't plan to continue speaking.

If it weren't for the fact that he helped trigger a trial similar to "Hetu" and "Luo Shu", he might not even be able to open his mouth.

Letting it arise and die on its own is also a causal cycle.

On the other hand, Liang Shaoan, who was unexpectedly involved in the trials of "River Map" and "Luo Shu", was fascinated by the illusion of the formation.

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