First, it never stopped, and the more and more overcast winds were blowing, and then yellow rain fell from the sky.

Let him tremble holding the pillar under the eaves of the courtyard gate, like a helpless rookie.

Now he didn't dare to go anywhere.

The mood is even more regrettable, and I am more and more convinced that this is definitely not something that can be done by human beings.

Then he suddenly remembered the mysterious voice, and suddenly shouted into the empty air as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"I beg the Immortal Chief to save me! The little one knew that he was wrong, and he knew that he was wrong."

Saying that, he slid down in the posture of hugging the pillars of the courtyard gate, and knelt on the ground. .

Chapter 359

The voice was full of fear and helplessness, completely different from the previous attitude.

However, his voice could not be heard from this courtyard. Outside the courtyard, Zhang Sanfeng could only see his terrified, helpless expression, and his kneeling posture.

But even if he could hear it, it was hard to say whether it would save him or not, it all depended on his mood.

Besides, he has already given him a chance, and if he doesn't cherish it, there is nothing he can do.

"It seems that the "River Map" and "Luo Shu" have not been fully displayed, and the light under the barren grass is not bright enough."

The array image is not clear, but for the current Zhang Sanfeng, the problem is not very big, the biggest point is to start.

And the start of this level has been opened by Liang Shaoan's hand, so it is said at the moment of opening.

For Zhang Sanfeng, "River Map" and "Luo Shu" are already in his pocket.

However, Zhang Sanfeng still has any action at this time, because there is still a more critical moment to wait for,

If he guessed correctly, wait until the stars in the sky appear one by one, corresponding to them.

At that time, it was the truly complete "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

All he needs is to quietly wait for an opportunity here.

As for Liang Shaoan, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care, he had already seen it.

In the early trials of "Hetu" and "Luoshu", basically as long as you don't move and don't trigger, you can be safe.

After that, he can't help it.

However, in order to make "River Map" and "Luo Shu" more complete, Zhang Sanfeng decided to help Liang Shaoan.

If he was lucky, he might still be able to come out before he was wiped out by the illusion.

If the stars in the sky are not hindered by the dark clouds.

Zhang Sanfeng looked up and saw that the moon was sparse in the sky, and it seemed that a few stars were shining brightly at night today.


At the same time, under the same sky.

Niutou Ridge, on one side of the grass.

Ah Qing was holding the eight-faced ancient sword that he took from home, looking at the moon in the sky with some sadness.

She didn't know why she was sad, but all she could know was that there seemed to be another figure in her heart.

In her heart, she seemed to be under the moon and saw countless figures.

There is a decisive figure when swinging a sword.

There are also figures who suddenly realize after the fight.

There is also a figure who has learned all her white ape swordsmanship by fighting two hundred jade moves.

Moreover, every word and deed, every move, has its own charm.

It made Ah Qing, who had never seen such outstanding peers and couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself, sleepless tonight.

"I don't know, at this time, is he also looking at this piece of the moon' ˇ."

Ah Qing looked at the bright moon in the sky and the stars in the sky, and couldn't help but think.

She herself had never imagined that one day she would be entangled, unforgettable, and more likely to be a kind of worship for a man whom she had just met for less than a day.

Women's worship of the strong, when he defeated Ah Qing with one move, Zhang Sanfeng's figure was like a brand, and it was deeply branded in Ah Qing's heart.

Inscribed and unforgettable.

"I don't know how long they will stay in Yangzhai City?"

An idea suddenly popped into Ah Qing's mind, which was very urgent, making Ah Qing a little embarrassed.

Holding my face and thinking, I can't help but think of the nursery rhymes among the herdsmen. If you meet a man/woman you can't forget, and you're not sure whether you like it or not, you might as well ask your heart.

Do you want to fly to his side.

Ah Qing asked herself, do you really want to see him?

miss you.

There is no suspense, I really miss that young man of the same age as me so much, I don't say anything, just look at him quietly.

Just as Ah Qing was feeling pity for herself, under the dark blue night, a few stars suddenly lit up in the sky.

This kind of strange sight, which she had never seen since she was born, directly attracted Ah Qing deeply.

She couldn't help but sigh.

"The stars are beautiful tonight, it's a pity..."

She looked around and found that she was the only one, and felt a little lost in her heart, but she finally saw her heart tonight, and Ah Qing was still very happy.

At the same time, he made up his mind and made up his mind secretly.

If Zhang Sanfeng does not come to her within a week, then she will go to Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, it's not that she hasn't traveled far, but last time there were things at home that needed to be sorted out, and some trivial matters that needed to be handled.

In addition, she had only known each other for a day, so she was embarrassed and followed Zhang Sanfeng directly.

But now, after recognizing herself, Ah Qing is no longer fickle, worshipping and liking the strong, it is instinct, so why resist.

And under the same night, it was just after the stars lit up.

The original haunted house, in the shock of Liang Shaoan's eyes, the pitted wasteland began to undergo earth-shaking changes under the bath of starlight.

The grass subsided, replaced by patches of green grass, and strips of blue water flowing freely in the land.

The mountains are uplifted high, and the basins are heavily depressed, like a tiankeng.

It made Liang Shaoan feel that he was standing on the top of the mountain and watching the sea in the world.

The scene of the small desolate courtyard actually gave him a sense of seeing a miniature world that was comparable to a map.

But soon, with the change of the small courtyard, this world map suddenly went to a dead end.

In front of Liang Shaoan is a scene where the water veins are blocked, the mountains are undulating, and the dragon veins are hard to find.

A deep feeling told him that if he could make the terrain move again, then he might get the most precious wealth in his life tonight.

This kind of fate made Liang Shaoan ecstatic, and the yin wind did not blow him, nor did he get contaminated with that kind of corrosive topaz.

The next few levels were also quietly passed by luck. Could it be that today is his time?

Liang Shaoan didn't have time to think about it.

He plunged headlong into the changes in the map of the ley lines, and followed his confident first (get it) move.

In order to dredge the water veins, the mountains were dumped, but because the mountains collapsed, the unobstructed water flow directly submerged the entire continent.

First time fail!

Although the back of his head is full of black hair, if you look closely, you will find that there is a trace of white at the root of the hair.

After the failure, Liang Shaoan, who was not reconciled, was cautious this time and chose to divert the waterway instead of tearing down the mountains. However, the chain change caused by the cut off of the waterway and the severe drought in the land.

The second failed bin.

The white hair at the root of the hair at the back of the head skyrocketed a few centimeters out of thin air.


The tenth failure, after watching the earthquake, lava, volcanic ash, and haze spread across the continent.

The ecstasy in Liang Shaoan's eyes is gone, but he is deeply puzzled. No matter how he changes, the terrain seems to be unable to escape the fate of failure.

His heart had collapsed to the limit, and when he saw his hands, he was completely mad. .

Chapter 360


Full of white hair, and his body was as thin as wood, not like a young man, but like a seventy-year-old Liang Shaoan, he began to retreat.

It was only at this time that he noticed that at some point, his hands had changed from their original suet and white jade fingers.

It has become as thin as carbon today, and the black age spots are even more scattered in the hands, everywhere.

This is no longer the hand of a [-]- or [-]-year-old boy, but the fingers of an old man in his [-]s and [-]s who know his destiny.

The dozens of previous setbacks had seriously affected his confidence, and now that he had become like this, he began to fear, fearing the three-dimensional terrain in front of him.

"I don't want it!" "Let me out!" "Who can help me."

He doesn't want to play anymore!

Give him anything and stop playing!

Play again, you will really die!

Liang Shaoan, who was close to the door, let out a hoarse wailing and cry for help, which did not belong to his age group.

The sound is like weeping blood, and the words are amazing.

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