At this moment, Liang Shaoan, who was already wrinkled, heard the indifferent voice again.

"Step aside!"

After speaking, Liang Shaoan couldn't help but take two steps back due to a thrust. When he reacted, he was already outside the door of the haunted house.

Everything is as usual, the wind is not there, the streets are silent, the candles in the streets have been holographic, and the alleys are pitch-black.

If it was in the past, this kind of darkness would only make Liang Shaoan uneasy and fearful, as was the face he saw before.

When people are afraid, they always make up their minds a lot. For example, it is possible to regard a straw rope as a poisonous snake or a boulder as a crouching tiger.

But now, Liang Shaoan, who came out inexplicably, only felt ecstatic in his heart and stretched out his hands involuntarily.

By the moonlight, he saw clearly.

The hands are still young, not as thin as before, without age spots and dense folds.

I'm not dead and I'm not getting old!Great!

Liang Shaoan was overjoyed by the aftermath of the catastrophe.

He didn't dare to look at the nightmarish yard again, and without turning his head, he ran towards the exit of Cuijing Road Gate Square.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was in a good mood, pushed the young man out. If it was half a minute later, Liang Shaoan would be like those people and die in a haunted house.

There is no internal or external injury, and even a test can't detect anything.

After all, death in illusion has nothing to do with the body, but with the soul.

But the most urgent task is to untangle the terrain of this situation. If he thinks correctly, he only needs to untangle the terrain that appears in this deserted courtyard.

You can get the restored "River Map" and then change the waterway of Zhongshan Mountain, and realize the "Luo Shu" from the change of dragon veins.

It is "River Map" that is the main constant, and "Luo Shu" that is the main change.

I don't know what new changes will be after integrating into the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

The previous Yue Goddess Sword had already made him overjoyed, and he jumped into the eighth floor of the [-]rd turn of the Xuan Gong of the Hunyuan [-]th turn in one breath.

But now that he absorbed two divine arts in one breath, not to mention that there may be rewards given by the chance system.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait.

Zhang Sanfeng stepped in slowly, deciphered the topographic map in front of him, restored the water veins to normal, and then overlapped the mountain range with the dragon veins.

In Liang Shaoan's hands, the terrain is like a pavilion without roots, and it will collapse at every turn.

In Zhang Sanfeng's hands, these transformations are like the most solid tripod. Every change will minimize the influence of the landscape pattern, making it as stable as Mount Tai.

Finally, after the one hundred and eighth water changes and the thirty-sixth mountain migration.

Then try to pull the underground hidden dragon out, overlapping with the water veins or mountains.

Since then, the topographic map in front of Zhang Sanfeng has now taken on a new look.

Not only the water veins are dredged, the mountain range is clearly visible, and the dragon shadow can be vaguely seen under the leylines.

The dragon vein situation has finally come to an end.

Just after the dragon vein situation was completed, Zhang Sanfeng saw the long-lost light on the map of the earth veins, and the lights were scattered in different terrains.

It lit up, and in an instant, beams of light rose out of thin air in the entire compound, pointing directly at the stars in the sky.

Countless rays of light correspond to the stars in the sky one by one.

It constitutes a beautiful and esoteric picture of the starry sky.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng finally understood.

In the so-called "River Map", the word "river" refers to the galaxy, the Milky Way, and the universe, rather than ordinary rivers.

The light didn't last long, and Zhang Sanfeng didn't know whether the abnormality here was clear to the outside world, the only thing he was thinking about right now.

It is the mysterious starry sky pattern, which is the "River Map" that he found with great effort, and the "Luo Shu" gradually merged into his memory along with the meditation of the River Map.

As his memory deepened, he also felt more and more the charm of "River Map" and "Luo Shu".

It really deserves to be the source of Tai Chi, Bagua, Zhouyi, Liujia, Jiuxing and Fengshui.

Just by looking at it for a while, Zhang Sanfeng can realize many moves that he had never thought of before.

For example, the way of Tai Chi transformation, such as the direction and improvement of Yi Jin Jing.

Another example is the maximization of the Chaos Nine-turn Mysterious Art.

It's all to make Zhang Sanfeng, who now has a real immortal cultivation base, have a refreshing feeling.

If "River Map" brought new life to Zhang Sanfeng, Luo Shu brought "Future" to Zhang Sanfeng.

That is to say, foreknowledge, he can predict the direction of things by constantly gathering clues and changing constantly.

It can also be deduced that the future is the most suitable for him and the best path to immortality through constant revision.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng thought that was all there was to it, a familiar system voice suddenly sounded from his ear.

"Ding! Detected that the host solved the mystery of "Hetu" and "Luoshu", and the chance reward is being distributed..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the blueprint "Zhoutianhe Luotu""

"Zhoutian He Luotu" is a formation method derived from "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

Only those who master "Hetu" and "Luoshu" can understand the formation of "Zhoutian Heluotu".

If you don't grasp it, then this opportunity is useless.

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to complain very much, but fortunately, he had the foundation of innate gossip.

For Zhang Sanfeng, who mastered "Hetu" and "Luo Shu", it was just a piece of cake.

But this "Luo Tu of Zhoutian He" is really as magical as the information in your mind says?

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the memory transmitted in his mind, and it was a bit false for a while.

But the conditions are very harsh.

The formation law described in the Zhou Tianhe Luotu is to take out forty items that contain spiritual energy before they can be arranged.

The [-] constellations in the sky and the [-] zodiac signs correspond to the formation base.

After the formation is formed, the person who sets up the formation will become the eye of the formation.

Only by defeating the person who set up the formation can break out of the formation, but with the blessing of this big formation, the realm of the formation person will skyrocket to the peak that can be accommodated in the world.

The larger the area covered by the great formation, the stronger the realm. If the entire world can be made into a great formation, then he is the uncrowned king of this world.

For example, immortality and immortality, covering the sky with one hand, and overturning the river and the sea, it is not difficult under the blessing of the Zhoutian Heluo Great Array.

Simply put, it is.

As long as he is in this formation, he is the ruler of heaven and earth, creating the world and being omnipotent. .

Chapter 361


Zhang Sanfeng completely absorbed the information of "Zhou Tian He Luo Tu".

He couldn't help taking a breath.

If the previous "Yue Goddess Sword" was centered on the ever-changing swordsmanship~.

The formation method of this "Zhou Tian He Luo Tu" is completely to suppress people with power, and to use the power of heaven and earth to suppress all people who are not convinced.

Even the gods of heaven and earth, immortals, if they enter this formation, they can only be devastated and oppressed by the formation master.

However, the materials and layout methods are very troublesome, and it must take several days to prepare.

But it also has limitations, it can only deal with those enemies that are not moving, or traps that lure the enemy into deep.

Otherwise, who will wait for you in place for a few days, wait for your formation to be arranged, and then enter the formation to fight you, and others are not fools.

After the light dissipated, the mansion returned to its original desolation, but this time Zhang Sanfeng had not been able to feel any eerie aura inside.

I didn't have the palpitations I had before.

It's just that I don't know who set up the inheritance of "River Map" and "Luo Shu" in this unknown mansion. Because of the time, Zhang Sanfeng searched the mansion carefully, but did not find any information.

I got some information from Zilan Xuan and Hecheng Chronicle. It seems that the person who knew this house was Zhao, who moved fifty-five years ago, and then the house was sold to others.

The family surnamed Zhao did not know where they moved.

Because the asking price was too high at the time, it was unwilling to sell it at a low price, and it was taken over three years later.

After that, it was a massacre of fatalities.

However, the people who set up the formation are too ruthless and do not give the entrants a chance.

Only two paths were given to those who entered the battle, either die or survive, and accept the inheritance of "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

As a result, no one has been passed down in the past few decades, and it was once rumored to be a haunted house.

It can only be said that there is no evidence of death. I don’t know that there is no decent person in this place who understands the five elements and gossip.

Or to say that this place has done a good job of confidentiality.

But there is one thing to say, this is really hard to find.

If there is no telepathy, Zhang Sanfeng may not be able to find Yangzhai City.

Even if you come to Yangzhai City, if you don't read the city chronicles carefully and just ask, it will be difficult to find that the haunted house is a breakthrough point.

Even a Feng Shui master can only come to the conclusion that this is an extremely yin place where yin qi gathers.

Of course, those who entered are dead, and those who did not enter do not know.

Over time, this place has become a forbidden place for living people, and there may be people with intentions to hide behind it, so the weirdness here is not well-known.

Instead, it circulates in a small area in Yangzhai City.

But now the yard has become normal, and the most important inheritance of "He Tu" and "Luo Shu" has also been taken away by Zhang Sanfeng. This haunted house in Yangzhai City has killed countless lives for decades, and this is how it came to an end. .

"Let's go."

After Zhang Sanfeng obtained the "River Map" and "Luo Shu", he checked the yard again and found that there was indeed no hidden space, such as the basement, and went directly back to Zilan Xuan.

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