As for those places that were originally intended to be checked for doubts in the plan.

For example, the strangeness in the city lord's mansion, and the seventh alley that appeared in the middle of the night in the west of the city.

But now that Hetu Luoshu has been obtained, there is no need for him to explore these time-wasting places.

And many of them are based on falsehoods, and people who remember history may exaggerate their descriptions, and some supernatural events are even more mysterious.

If he hadn't worried about the "He Tu" and "Luo Shu", he would not want to care about it.

I originally planned to go to the next place if Yangzhaicheng didn't have it, but I didn't expect the efficiency to be so fast.

In just one day's work, I found "He Tu" and "Luo Shu".

Sure enough, going out occasionally to relax is good for physical and mental health.

After returning to Zilan Xuan, of course, how he got out was how he came back.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even change his night clothes, so he sat on the bed without stopping.

Start to close your eyes and meditate on "He Tu" and "Luo Shu".

The position, orientation, and pattern are presented in his mind one by one, and the changes in the "Luo Shu" are also demonstrated in his mind like slow motion.

With Zhang Sanfeng's tacit approval, the True Qi in his body began to run along the trajectory of the [-] constellations of Zhou Tian.

It didn't take long.

A vast and dazzling infuriating qi appeared in his inner dantian. It was the zhenqi of "River Map".

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Soon, another infuriating seed of silver light quietly emerged, and the shape of the seed was ever-changing, and every second was a new change.

Some are human, some are beasts, and some are things.

However, Zhang Sanfeng, who has the [-]th-turn Xuangong of Primal Chaos, has no time to think about it. When the two seeds of infuriating qi appeared, he ran the [-]th-turn Xuangong of Chaos with all his strength.

Infuriating seeds are introduced into the interior as usual, and then differentiated and fused.

The infuriating energy produced by the infuriating seeds is like the rivers and lakes like the sea, blending into the chaotic nine-turn Xuangong infuriating.

As time passed, the dark blue night turned from light to white, and the first rays of dawn appeared below the horizon.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was sitting on the Jinxiu bed, also opened his eyes.


The divine light in his eyes is immortal, and he seems to be able to see vastness and infinity in his deep eyes.

The temperament exuded by the whole person has changed again. If Zhang Sanfeng didn't do anything before, he might be mistaken for an ordinary person without inner strength.

But now that the divine light is released, it is difficult to restrain oneself. Even if there is no inner strength, ordinary inner strength masters will probably fall into the hallucinations that cannot be extricated on the spot when they see such eyes.

This is the new change that occurred after Zhang Sanfeng refined the infuriating seeds of "Hetu" and "Luoshu" after this night, and the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong produced.

Eyes blazing, captivating.

In the middle pupil technique, they all look at him for ten thousand years. If his will is not firm and he is addicted to it, I am afraid that even if someone helps him outside, he will not be able to help.

Only the caster can save it, or the practitioner can solve it on their own.

Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong has also reached an unprecedented height.

Jump two floors directly.

Hunyuan nine turns Xuan Gong, twenty-fifth turns, eighth floor.

Moreover, not only the pupil magic light in his eyes, the ability of "Luo Shu" to give him true qi is even more treacherous.

The aura is hidden, and the enemy is hidden in the body.

It is like a swimming fish that can swim in a long river of time, which cannot be caught and cannot be detected.

That is to say, if Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual energy is placed on other people, it will become a time bomb.

When you want to detonate, you can detonate it when you want, and when it doesn't detonate, the enemy can't detect it.

Such a bizarre ability can only be given by such strange pictures as "Luo Shu".six.

Chapter 362

There are still many wonderful uses of Reiki, but no one has experimented for a while.

However, Zhang Sanfeng understood one thing.

The aura of his Chaos Jiuzhuan Xuangong can also be turned into an illusion at any time with the blessing of the infuriating seeds of "River Map".

Similar to the state of Liang Shaoan after he fell into a hallucination.

It can be said to be the only way to confuse people.

He had already cultivated the Dafa of Conquering the Soul, but now that he cooperates, his power is even higher.

However, "Hetu" and "Luoshu" are definitely more than these effects.

If there are only these trails in these strange books, how can it be called the origin of several major techniques such as gossip, yin and yang, and feng shui.

There was still some time left before dawn, and Zhang Sanfeng closed his eyes again to exercise.

After the Chaos Jiuzhuan Xuangong merged two cultivation methods at one time, it was a bit jerky and stagnant.

It needs to be run several times to relieve it. This time is when the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is the most abundant.

  It is also the best time to run the exercises.

Otherwise, why did the ancient monks have to eat the wind and drink the dew, and breathe the aura of the heaven and the earth when the heaven and the earth are not divided.

As well as ingesting the innate purple energy of the sky and brewing the dantian.

So Zhang Sanfeng would not miss this opportunity anyway.



With an even breathing sound, Zhang Sanfeng closed his incomparably deep eyes and began to close his eyes to concentrate.

He started the Chaos Nine-Turn Profound Art, which he had already mastered and could no longer be proficient in, although he was still a little jerky and stiff when he passed a few key points.

These are the sequelae after the integration of "Hetu" and "Luoshu", but after several small weeks and one big week.

Once again, the dull and dry feeling will become weaker and weaker until it disappears.

This is the power of the Chaos Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, no matter how powerful it is, as long as it can form true qi seeds.

It can be merged with it without any stagnation, making its various infuriating spirits magical and turning into the advantages of the Chaos Nine-turn Mysterious Art.

Time passed quickly, and when Zhang Sanfeng opened his eyes, it was originally dawn outside the window, but now it was three poles in the sun.

The scorching sun was high in the sky, and there were already traces of heat waves coming in from the window, and there was also a lot of noise outside the window.

After the fortune was over, Zhang Sanfeng saw that it was not too early, so he did not stay in the room, but went to Duanmu Rong, who was on the same floor, and Gao Yue.

When he went out today, he did not choose a white shirt, but a black robe, with brocade-colored moiré boots, and a plain lining.

He looked very capable, and with those dark and moving eyes, he attracted a lot of attention as soon as he opened the door.

Whether it's talent or what happened yesterday, Zi Lanxuan will never forget this person.

What, you say you have no inner strength?

But how could the person who was knelt down and called Zhang Shaoxia by a general was a mortal.

If this is still a mortal, what are the other mortals?

Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue's room was not far from Zhang Sanfeng, that is, next door.

He knocked on the door, and after getting a reply, Zhang Sanfeng pushed it open.

Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue were taking a shower together. Seeing Zhang Sanfeng coming in, both Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong greeted him in unison.

"Big brother! You are here."

"Master, good morning!"

"Master, how was yesterday?"

Duanmurong was the first to ask.

Don't look at how bright the starlight spell was last night.

In fact, they really can't see it.

This kind of thing sounds mysterious and mysterious, and it is rare for mortals to find it.

However, Zhang Sanfeng did not hide it, and directly stated what happened last night.

There is nothing to hide from them.

Gao Yue had almost no reservations about him, and Duanmu Rong was also his direct disciple, so a few exercises were nothing.

Moreover, "River Map" and "Luo Shu" originally belonged to the nine palaces of the gods, so he was just lucky.

"Master! I haven't seen what Hetu Luoshu looks like."

When Duanmu Rong heard that Zhang Sanfeng had obtained the secret books "Hetu" and "Luo Shu", he naturally wanted to read it.

So he looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a pitiful look in his eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but laugh when he saw this look.

A chuckle.

"Hey~ that's natural, I'll draw a picture for you later, and see if you can sense the true meaning of it."

For Duanmu Rong, he was quite concerned.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken her all the way, and Duanmu Rong was a very competent apprentice.

Basically, it will not embarrass him, the master, and some of the details of the behavior are just right and pleasing to the eye.

"it is good!"

Duanmurong had never seen "Hetu" and "Luoshu". If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's statement, she would have thought that "Hetu" and "Luoshu" were magic secrets like books.

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