"Big brother, now that we have found "Hetu" and "Luo Shu", are we going to leave Yangzhai City? Sister Aqing is still waiting for us..."

Gao Yue interjected in a timely manner, and her little face was filled with the vigor that only young girls possess.

The nascent fluff on the face is clearly visible under the sunlight of the exterior.

Smart and cute.

"Well, that's natural. After all, if it is solved earlier, it can also end earlier."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the girl in front of him who had been shouting for his big brother, and said softly.

Zhang Sanfeng was also in a good mood to find Hetu Luoshu so quickly.

However, the utility of Hetu Luoshu did surprise him.

Originally, these two divine books were probably similar to the Yellowstone Book of Heaven.

Of course, there is no unpleasantness either.

It is a rare joy to be able to make further progress.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, a very familiar female voice.

It is the purple girl.

"Zhang... young hero, are you there?"

The voice was low, like a groan.

In particular, the young chivalrous voice was as fine as a mosquito.

But no matter how low her voice was, she couldn't hide her from the smart two daughters.

Let Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong both look at Zhang Sanfeng at their own house, and there is a smile in their eyes.

For some reason, both of them were envious of the purple girl.

When will I be able to have such a blessing?

However, neither of them had a trace of jealousy.

Their relationship with Zhang Sanfeng is also very close.

Just a little different from the purple girl.

"The door is open, just come in."

Zhang Sanfeng said lightly.

After the door was opened, it was the purple girl who used to sink fish and geese.

They all put on a lighter cherry blossom makeup, and the cherry blossom marks on their foreheads are inexplicably charming.

Obviously well prepared.

"I went to your room last night and didn't see you, but the slave family is very worried."

As soon as they came in, the purple girl first smiled at the two women, and said to Zhang Sanfeng softly.

Like a good wife and mother.

"I went out last night and forgot to tell you."

Zhang Sanfeng explained.

He looked at the beautiful woman who turned all living beings upside down after putting on makeup in front of him.

Under his warm and jade-like face, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Next time, I will definitely tell you beforehand."


After hearing this, Zi Nu seemed to have thought of something.

The blush gradually rose on his face, and his face was like a peach blossom. .

Chapter 363

This is the first time Zhang Sanfeng has seen such a shy purple girl, like a young girl.

However, seeing that her face was already red as peach blossoms, she did not tease anymore.

He put down his hand and continued to speak softly.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

His original intention was to ask her if she had any impression of yesterday's star beam, but he didn't want Zi Nu to think a little.

Angrily, he patted him lightly.

Muttering and so on, the slave's house is safe or not, you don't have any points in your heart.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt bad, how can anything be crooked.

Quickly hit the circle.

"Did you see the star beam yesterday, in the direction of Cuijing Street?"

After getting the denial answer from Zi Nu, Zhang Sanfeng also understood.

I am afraid that the star beam can only be seen by those who are really in the game.

Since he didn't see it, Zhang Sanfeng picked out some of yesterday's miracles in front of the girls.

When preaching about the secret legend in Yangzhai City, Zi Nu couldn't help covering her mouth, her eyes widened.

"The slave family has been in Yangzhai City for many years, and I have never heard of such a secret legend in Yangzhai City."

"As soon as you came, you directly found the secret legend in Yangzhai City. It's really amazing."

There was a hint of envy in his voice. After all, it stands to reason that Zi Nu was the owner of Yangzhai City and knew Yangzhai City better than Zhang Sanfeng.

She also knew the news of the haunted house, but after hearing the deeds a few times, she had no intention of taking risks.

He didn't let his subordinates die in vain. At most, he told the people in the building about the situation there, not to rush in.

But now that she heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, she really understood that all this was just a trial.

The trial of screening successors, but Yangzhai City has no one, and it has been left empty for more than [-] years without being able to crack it.

It can only be said that it is also fate, and God has destined Yangzhai City to miss this thing.

"Then... Young Master, is your skill soaring now?"

Zi Nu originally wanted to call Jun Bao, but when she saw the other two women, she felt guilty and asked in a low voice.

"That's natural. The two magical arts realized from "Hetu" and "Luoshu" are infinite in mystery and can be called a must, but they only require understanding."

With Zhang Sanfeng's aptitude ranking first in the world, he is still a true fairyland cultivation base, and he is absolutely qualified to say such a sentence.

If anyone could cultivate in "Hetu" and "Luoshu", they wouldn't have been able to choose a successor for fifty years after creating such a formation.

It finally fell into his hands.

"I know this, the big brother has the highest understanding, no martial arts skills can't beat him!"

Although Gao Yue is also highly qualified, in front of Zhang Sanfeng, she can't help but be insignificant.

On the other hand, Zhang Sanfeng is different. He has easily defeated Guiguzi now. His potential is still not exhausted, and there is still great room for improvement.

The so-called geniuses and masters are just left behind, so it is no exaggeration to say that.

In today's world, there are no one who can be called his enemy, except Guiguzi who has already been defeated, and there is not a single one who has beaten him.

This is the qualification of being indifferent. After all, if you can't look down on the world, why should you be invincible.

"But Master, do I have enough understanding?"

Duanmu Rong was a little apprehensive, after all, when she thought of her master's cultivation at the true immortal stage, she said that she needed a little understanding.

It's hard to put it on your own head.

"It doesn't matter, there is absolutely no problem with your qualifications."

Duanmu Ronggu's aptitude can also be said to be unique, otherwise he would not have accepted him as his disciple so easily, which is also a kind of recognition.

"That's good!"

Duanmurong patted her chest, as if she heard Master's affirmation, she took a reassurance pill.

"Then big brother, when are we going to see Sister Aqing?"

There was a hint of happiness in Gao Yue's delicate voice, obviously she had a good impression of Ah Qing at the beginning.

"Are you going?"

Putting on makeup early this morning, the purple girl with a cherry blossom mark on her head flickered.

There was even a sense of loss in his heart, and without waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to reply, he blurted out a question.

"Naturally, we have to deal with this matter before we can leave, but it's only a matter of three or two days."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally saw Zi Nu's expression, but he didn't immediately comfort him. Instead, he first calmed Zi Nu with a look.

After answering Gao Yue's question.

Talk to Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue about martial arts training in detail, and help them solve their doubts.

With the knowledge of true immortals, there are many cultivation barriers that Duanmu Rong Gao Yue and Gao Yue have no way of starting, or do not understand at all.

Following Zhang Sanfeng's guidance, Zhang Sanfeng finished his morning lectures in less than half an hour.

He gave a look to the purple girl beside him who had been waiting for him, and after leaving with Duanmu Rong Gao Yue, the two entered a hidden compartment again.

As soon as she entered the room, the purple girl couldn't help asking.

"Are you really leaving?"

There is endless sadness in his tone, which everyone can hear.

"Yes, I really can't stay in Rizhai City for a long time, you know that too."

"That's right, you are an exiled immortal in the sky, and being able to have a good time with a mortal girl like me is the blessing that my purple girl has cultivated in her eight lifetimes. How can I need so much?"

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