As he spoke, he felt self-pity again, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, looking like a little daughter-in-law.


"Did I say I'm going, not take you away?"

Just when Zi Nu lowered her head and looked at the patterned carpet under her feet, she felt sorry for the shadow, when Zhang Sanfeng's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

The information inside made her, who was like falling into an ice cave, instantly feel as if she were skyrocketing into the sky, and she felt relaxed and happy.

Couldn't speak for a while.

"Don't you want to? Well, it seems that Xiaosheng has no luck."

The voice sounded again.

The purple girl, who was full of joy in her heart, suddenly became anxious and blurted out.

"Yes! The slave family is willing."

The purple girl also raised her head quickly, but when she saw Zhang Sanfeng's teasing eyes, she realized that she had been teased by Zhang Sanfeng again.

"Zhang Lang, you know how to bully me."

The purple girl whispered, making Zhang Sanfeng smile when he heard it. If you don't tease her about how to cover up the previous things, it will be all right.

"Well, cough cough!"

Zhang Sanfeng cleared his throat and looked out the window, his back was to the purple girl.

"Since I want to take you away, I can't hide my identity from you."


Zi Nu lowered her head and responded gently, as if it didn't matter what Zhang Sanfeng said, as long as he could follow him.

"Although my real name is Zhang Junbao, you know that, but I still have a name in the world, and that is Zhang Sanfeng."

These three big characters Zhang Sanfeng instantly relieved the purple girl who had come over.

Immediately, I was stunned again, my husband.

Turned out to be the first person in the world.

Zhang Sanfeng. .

Chapter 364

No wonder that Scar General knelt down and called Zhang Shaoxia, no wonder Xie Xiaofeng couldn't stop him.

No wonder... so many unbelievable things before, in an instant, at this moment, are solved.

"You are... Zhang Sanfeng"

In the event of a thunderstorm in Zi Nu's heart, her mind was in chaos, but she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Oh, don't you believe it?"

Seeing the deep puzzlement in Zi Nu's eyes, Zhang Sanfeng wanted to laugh.

"No... no, it's too young."

"Also, I heard that Zhang Sanfeng is the great master of the seven-year-old and eighty-year-old."

The purple girl said a little aggrieved.

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng, he was a bit hilarious.

He brought Duanmu Rong, and when Gao Yue frightened the Qin army and did not dare to move, so many people saw that it was famous in Xianyang to break the Xianyang Great Array alone.

Although there are rumors, it will never be so outrageous.

However, Zhang Sanfeng never expected that in order to save face for himself, Daqin Guojun actually said that Zhang Sanfeng was a fairy who came into the world.

Otherwise, he couldn't defeat the Bronze Man Formation alone, which could block an army of millions.

The King of Qin sent people to the people to exaggerate what Zhang Sanfeng had done, even though he was young at first.

But later, according to word of mouth, some people are still not allowed to change from middle age to old age for the sake of authenticity.

A pair of immortal style bones seems more convincing.

Over time, the rumors that spread to Yangzhai City have become what they are today. Only a small number of people, or those who have seen Zhang Sanfeng in person, know the truth of the rumors.

But they will not stand up and say, after all, in the hearts of the common people, aren't immortals just like immortals.

If it is a handsome young man, it will not match.

"However, Zhang Lang, I'm not in a dream, right?"

Zi Nu's speech was incoherent, and her low self-esteem came up again. How could she be such a dusty woman, how could she be favored by the number one person in the world, Zhang Sanfeng?

Watching the purple girl worry about gains and losses.

The only thing Zhang Sanfeng could do was to block her words.

Use the most practical actions to dispel all the crazy thoughts of the purple girl.


Two hours later, the door opened again.

Zhang Sanfeng walked out full of energy, and Zi Nu had already fallen asleep.

After several hours of physical exertion, Zi Nu was really unable to support her.

It was almost noon now, and the Zilan Xuan was still full of high-ranking friends. It was very lively. After yesterday's battle, the whole city saw such a big battle.

In the morning, when Zhang Sanfeng went out, he saw a lot of people sitting downstairs.

After all, they are not blind, and even if the general Scar after he came out did not mention it, he would not be able to prevent everyone from comprehending the scene in the building.

It is true that the general who holds the military power of a country suffered a big loss in Zilan Xuan, and he went back and listed Zilan Xuan as a forbidden place for a country.

Sergeants and guards are not allowed to move without authorization, and those who violate the order will be punished for treason.

After the news quietly spread from the army to various prestigious families in Yangzhai City, everyone naturally knew that Zi Lanxuan seemed to have a golden elephant's leg.

The background is unfathomable, and it is far from the Zilan Xuan that used to be able to sell face to all parties in Yangzhai City.

This made Zi Lanxuan, who had made the evening banquet without an absence, explode again. Countless people wanted to come in and see what kind of master could defeat the real power general.

What exactly is sacred in this small building, many people came to find out with this question.

As a result, Zi Lanxuan is now lined up at the gate of the city even when it is not dinner time.

This is still under the circumstance that Zilan Xuan did not add more seats in order to ensure the atmosphere in the building.

It is said that when the news reaches the capital, it is estimated that there will be a wave of guests coming here.

Zhang Sanfeng's push out the door did not attract many people's attention. Generally, they thought that some noble son with a background also came to join in the fun in Zilan Xuan.

However, a pair of dark eyes stared at the opening of the door all the time.

As soon as the door opened and saw someone walking out, he immediately turned his eyes away.

I dare not look again, for fear of being discovered by Zhang Sanfeng.

The owner of those beautiful eyes gathered up courage and said to the maid next to him.

It didn't take long for the hall to be filled with cheers.

"Girl Nongyu is actually starting to perform now, we are lucky this time" ˇ

"It's not a loss this time, I thought that Miss Nongyu would have to rest for at least a few days!"

"I've made a lot of money this time... If the girl Nongyu goes out, with the current Zilanxuan's reputation, I'm afraid it won't be difficult for a single song!"


A sudden burst of cheers from downstairs also attracted Zhang Sanfeng's attention.

Looking around, it turned out that the onlookers were clapping their hands and applauding, welcoming a veiled girl, and walking to the stage with the piano in the center.

It was Nongyu who used the sound of the string to turn the sword into a sword and killed Yan Nanfei's subordinates with the sword.

At this time, her attire was the same snow-white long dress as before, except for a white jade hairpin, there was no other embellishment on her body, just like Tianshan snow lotus, extremely holy.

I saw her sitting on the piano platform, playing the piano with her plain hands, her slender jade fingers like phantoms, jumping like a elf on the Yaoqin, and the music of a long thought was played under her hands.

Everyone in the audience was also addicted to the sound of the piano, but Zhang Sanfeng did not appear as confused as the day when Zhang Sanfeng saw her.

It seems that the charm has been removed, but the sound of the piano after the charm is removed is even more pleasant.

Like a mountain and flowing water, it washes the soul.

Even people who don't understand the rhythm can hear the heart of the player.

However, listening to Zhang Sanfeng felt something was wrong, why the rhythm of the piano sound was played throughout.

They are all about a girl being rescued by a boy.

Then there is the girl who has a crush on the boy, but because of all kinds of things, she can't make a public statement, she can only hint.

The following people naturally heard it. The sound of the piano is easy to understand, although it is elegant, but music has been a bridge between people and musicians since ancient times.

A lot can be felt through music.

After feeling Nongyu's current mood, many people began to shout.

"."Ye Qingjie, which bastard stole Nongyu's heart, it makes me feel so uncomfortable."

"I cried, I felt the same way, I went back and confessed to my childhood sweetheart, I'm sorry for my fiancee, I want to regret the marriage!"

"I also thought about it twenty years ago. I missed a good marriage. Now that I think about it, even though it's delicious to eat soft rice, I still failed to live up to the heart of a good girl."


Whether it was the white-haired old man or the young man in brocade, they were all moved by the sound of the piano.

For a while, the hall downstairs was noisy, but Zhang Sanfeng had already left. Feeling the music had changed, he left the corridor halfway and returned to his room.

Downstairs, Nongyu looked up at the empty corridor, a little disappointed. .

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