Chapter 365

"Zhang Shaoxia, are you there?"

Not long after Zhang Sanfeng returned to his room, he was closing his eyes and began to sense the changes in the spiritual power in his body, as well as consolidate the two divine arts he had just learned yesterday.

Let's see if the fusion with Chaos Nine-Turn Xuan Gong is still smooth.

However, when he heard the movement outside the door, Zhang Sanfeng sensed it a little, and said indifferently with a familiar aura.

"come in."

"Zhang Shaoxia, I'm sorry to disturb you."

As soon as Xie Xiaofeng came in, he saw Zhang Sanfeng sitting cross-legged on the bed. Seeing this, he knew that he had disturbed Zhang Sanfeng's practice, and he apologized a little embarrassedly.

"Well, it's okay, what's the matter?".

Zhang Sanfeng sat cross-legged on the bed without looking at Xie Xiaofeng, and said lightly.

Xie Xiaofeng, who thought he was disturbing, said quickly.

"Next, I want to bid farewell to Zhang Shaoxia."

"Oh? You're not going to Wu State with me?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised, he thought Xie Xiaofeng would follow him until he returned to Wudang.

"No, I also really want to follow Zhang Shaoxia to Wu country and enjoy the scenery of other countries, but I feel that there is a sword in my heart, and it will take some time to calm down before I can travel far."

Xie Xiaofeng smiled bitterly, although he wanted to follow Zhang Sanfeng very much, after all, if Zhang Sanfeng showed his hand, he would benefit immensely.

But in the past few days, every time he used his inner breath, there was a chaotic sword breath in his heart, which could not be calmed down. This was really unfavorable for his current breakthrough.

And with the chaos of this sword breath, he couldn't get into meditation at all, and if he continued to practice, he was very likely to go crazy.

At that time, the gods will be hard to save.

"Oh, that's weird."

Zhang Sanfeng swept Xie Xiaofeng's body with his spiritual power, and he smiled. This messy sword breath was actually the sequelae of the rapid advancement of the kendo realm in the past few days, and the entry was too fast.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng smiling, Xie Xiaofeng suddenly froze in his heart and asked.

"What's wrong with Zhang Shaoxia?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Xie Xiaofeng, who was a little sad in front of him, and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll give you a prescription, which are some common herbal medicines. They are prepared according to the proportion. If you take them for a week, three times a day, the sword breath will subside, and there will be no hidden dangers.

This is an improved meditation pill, specially used to treat those symptoms of the state of rising too fast, which leads to the disorder of inner breath.

However, it is easier to digest when boiled into soup.

But it is estimated that Xie Xiaofeng also met for the first time. After the realm has advanced by leaps and bounds, there will be such sequelae.

After all, in the past, raising his kendo cultivation was as simple as eating and drinking, but now he has reached the threshold, and once he is mentioned, his spiritual realm has risen.

But the actual operation did not keep up.

This is something he has never encountered (bhag) before. In the past, it was kendo cultivation, which grew in tandem with the kendo state of mind.

When Xie Xiaofeng saw that his problem that had been bothering him all night was solved, he was overjoyed. He took the pill that Zhang Sanfeng gave him, and immediately went downstairs to get the medicine.

Of course, before leaving, do not forget to gently close the door.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and sighed, closed his eyes again, and began to look inside his dantian.

At this time, in a compartment on the second floor, two women were sitting and the other were chatting.

The woman sitting was dressed in a white dress and had no accessories on her body, except for a white jade hairpin. It was Nongyu who had just finished playing downstairs.

However, her veil had already taken off at this time, and if anyone else saw her exposed face, she would definitely be confused by this face on the spot.

That frown and smile, like the fairy who walked out of the painting, is still the most beautiful kind.

The facial features are even more exquisite, and they are just right.

If not covered with veil.

Every move has a subtle charm that makes people unconsciously fascinated.

It's no wonder that you have to cover up your face, otherwise, even if you go up to play the qin with no makeup, I'm afraid Zi Lanxuan will make waves again.

"Sister Zi, you are better."

Nongyu's voice is crisp and soft, and listening to it is like listening to a folk song.

"Uh... it's better, thank you Sister Nongyu for your concern."

The purple girl, who had just woken up not long ago, was somewhat unable to let go of her former sisters.

There seems to be a feeling of doing something wrong.

He quickly broke the topic and said with a smile.

"I heard my sister play the piano just now, but the sound insulation of the room is too good, so I can't hear it clearly, but there must be a lot of people who will be captured by you."

"Sister wants to hear it, you can do it at any time, why make fun of my sister."

Nongyu said with a little guilty conscience, his eyes were looking elsewhere.

However, the purple girl didn't find this, but said to herself.

"Sister, how long have we been together?"

"Ten years."

Nongyu quickly said that in the past ten years, from a lowly status, a little girl in a Qin Lou Chu Pavilion, to the hottest musician in Yangzhai City today.

The change in its central environment is not enough for outsiders.

"Yeah! Ten years, ten years."

The purple girl stretched out her jade hand from the quilt, raised it in the air and held it at a high level, sighing.

"At that time, we were still so tall."

"Every day I do things under the oppression of the prostitute. If there is no chance, I'm afraid that my life and you will pass like that."

There is more or less happiness in the words.

"Well, sister, why do you want to mention those troubles. Now our Zilan Xuan is the most popular in Yangzhai City. No matter how many people ask for it, they can't come in."

Nongyu's voice was cheerful, as if she wanted to remove some of the sadness of the purple girl.

"Nongyu, how about I hand over Zilan Xuan to you in the future."

The purple girl said suddenly, her eyes flickering with seriousness, staring at Nongyu intently, waiting for her answer.

" can this be."

Nongyu's first reaction was to deny it.

Then go on.

"What about my sister? Is my sister leaving?"

"Well, I'm leaving."

When the purple girl said this, she showed a happy smile on her face.

When Nongyu saw Zi Nu's expression, she immediately understood everything.

It was as if I had eaten a coptis in my mouth, and the bitterness was unspeakable.

"Zi Lanxuan has been the hard work of me and you for so many years, so it can't be wasted in vain."

Zi Nu didn't forget to remind her that she had already made plans to leave Zi Lan Xuan to Nong Yu, and she would not take any of it away, just as her sister's dowry.


Nongyu hesitated.

"When I make a decision, I will send you a letter. If you meet your sweetheart, you can tell me at the address above."

"I'll take care of it for you!"

"Unfortunately, I can't see it anymore. It is said that the home in the future may be thousands of miles away. It's too far, otherwise we can meet again."

The purple girl said that she was elated, and seemed to have seen the future.

The longing in his eyes is about to overflow, but it seems to contain a little pity.

The purple girl looked at the younger sister with her head bowed in front of her, who seemed to be listening to him quietly.

If the two of them are together, it's actually not bad, but this little sister is arrogant and cold, and she definitely won't like Zhang Sanfeng.

However, the next sentence, the sister who bowed her head and did not speak.

He raised the face that could charm all beings, and looked at the purple girl fixedly.

"Sister! If so, what if Nongyu has a sweetheart now?"

The voice was inaudible, but Zi Nu could hear it clearly. .

Chapter 366

Seeing her younger sister with a timid expression in front of her, Zi Nu's heart skipped a beat.

No way!

The one in the bottom of her heart may be quickly enlarged, she asked in a surprised tone.

"The person you like, isn't it..."

People didn't say it, but the result is naturally self-evident.

And Nongyu just nodded slightly and didn't respond.

"But you...but you, didn't say..."

After Gao Yue made her move, Zi Nu asked Nong Yu, jokingly asked Nong Yu if she was interested in that son Zhang, and if she was interested, she could help match him.

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