"So, today, although I know it's not good to say this, my sister is going to leave. If I don't say it, there will be no chance~"

Nongyu's eyes turned slightly red, her upper teeth bit the lower lip, her mouth pursed, and she stared at the purple girl.

"If you had said it earlier, I wouldn't have done that at all yesterday... I wouldn't have done that..."

The purple girl was tongue-tied, and her words were a little awkward.

Although she thought about this possibility in her mind, she was only limited to thinking about it.

Really face to face, in reality, it is still a little difficult.

"I naturally know that if I were with Zhang Shaoxia, my sister would probably never rob me in this life. After all, my sister gave me everything from childhood to adulthood."

Nongyu's voice was soft and her tone was a little low, as if she was recalling the past.

"You didn't argue with me at that time, it was just that I used my sisterhood to force you everything."

After speaking, the purple girl shook her head and sighed.

"Do you really like Zhang Shaoxia? He is not an ordinary person, and it may not be just you and me in the future."

Zi Nu considered Zhang Sanfeng's identity, but she still didn't tell her, she just scolded her sideways.

"Like it? I naturally like it. In fact, I was overjoyed when I saw him for the first time, but I felt a little ashamed when I saw that there were two girls beside him."

Nongyu lowered her head shyly, and twisted her two jade-like fingers together.

"Then I see you usually...?"

The purple girl was a little speechless, did she really not notice when she looked up?

"I don't want to leave my sister! Although I liked Zhang Shaoxia at that time, when I think about leaving my sister in the future, I can only try my best to suppress that kind of love."

Nongyu suddenly raised her head, her voice was not loud, but she spoke very hard, and Chen Ken could be seen from the water-like eyes.


Seeing this, the purple girl could only sigh again, not knowing what to say, if she didn't marry for the rest of her life, then...

She asked a little out of the blue.

"If I don't marry and leave Zilan Xuan for the rest of my life, then you..."

"Then I'll accompany my sister."

Nongyu smiled, obviously not reluctant at all.

"And, sister, do you still remember the oath we made when we were sworn in as children?"

"what happened?"

Zi Nu looked at Nongyu suspiciously, why did she suddenly ask this question.

"When we were seven years old, we became sworn brothers. We said that if we want to marry in the future, we must marry the same person. Our sisters will not be separated in life and death."

"Harm! What are you talking about, Tong Yan Wuji."

When Zi Nu heard Nong Yu's mention of getting married, she was suddenly a little shy, and the thoughts in her mind began to chaotic.

"I take it seriously, I always remember this sentence."

Nongyu said it very seriously.

"From the age of seven, you protected me from the maid, I remember it."

"I wasn't your sister at that time, I would definitely block it for you, otherwise how could I call you sister in front of you."

The purple girl smiled casually, the past is gone.

"But I was so scared at that time. When you protected me that day, my body didn't hurt, but my heart started to hurt."

"Sister~ I remember all these."

After Nongyu finished speaking, her hand involuntarily held Zi Nu's hand, clenching it tightly, as if letting go would mean separation.

"Don't say it, say it, I will cry with you later."

The purple girl picked up the bedside handkerchief and nodded at the corner of her eyes.

"Then, sister, do you really like Zhang Shaoxia?"

"Even if you don't want Zi Lanxuan, you can still follow us. These family businesses are such a big deal that you don't want them, but things like getting married can't be forced."

The purple girl asked again, for fear that her silly sister would feel sorry for herself alone, so she thought of buying one get one free.

"No, I really like it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't think about him all the time."

It was the first time that Nongyu discussed this with Zi Nu in a serious manner, but she still showed her intentions, and the blush on her face gradually rose.

Naturally, the expression couldn't be faked, and with the repeated inquiries, Nongyu didn't look reluctantly.

The purple girl was also relieved.

"Then let me introduce you?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Zi Nu had no confidence in her heart when she spoke, so she couldn't go up directly, or wait for Zhang Sanfeng to come and tell him directly.

My sister likes you, can you even pack her up and beat her away?

After saying this, it is estimated that the purple girl can't wait to find a crack from the ground to get in.

"I don't know either. Today I came out to play the piano for me. He listened to half of it and left."

Nongyu is a little disappointed.

"How is it possible? Your piano sound is so good, but he actually left halfway after hearing it?"

Zi Nu questioned, she was naturally well aware of the level of Nongyu.

"What did you play?"

The purple girl asked again.

"One of the first Siqu, I learned it from other geisha, it is said that it is specially played for those who like it, so..."

"So you played this song in public?"

...... 0

Zi Nu didn't know whether to cry or laugh, she was really a silly little sister, and she didn't know whether to call her stupid or naive for this kind of operation.

But she can only blame herself for protecting Nongyu well.

Only let her talk about love, her business and foreign affairs are all up to her, plus Nongyu itself is a strong martial arts, and the piano is in the way.

It is also remarkable to have a skill in Yangzhai City.

Naturally, she doesn't care about the details that many ordinary people care about, but what she didn't expect was that her stupid sister actually did such a stupid thing.

"This kind of tune is meant to be played alone, otherwise, others will not know who you are playing for."

The purple girl poked Nongyu's forehead with her finger, and after Nongyu was poked, she quickly covered her head.

Dissatisfied moan.

"Pain! Got it, then I'm going to find Zhang Shaoxia and play a song for him."

Nongyu continued to ask stupidly.

"Let me think about it, don't act rashly."

The purple girl didn't know how to deal with it for a while. This kind of thing was also the first time she met in her life.

and no experience.

"Then listen to you."

If it wasn't for the purple girl to stop him, it is impossible to say that the jade would really stop Zhang Sanfeng and do something to play the piano for him alone.

At this time, Zi Nu's current heart can only be summed up in chaos.

First, the twists and turns of yesterday, and then the sudden and definite relationship.

Then the high-end operation of Nongyu today made her show her face again.

Alas, how can I say it so as not to arouse Zhang Lang's disgust? It seems that Zhang Lang has no feelings for Nongyu.

Now the purple girl's heart is a little melancholy now.six.

Chapter 367

Purple Orchid.

The little servant is helping in the back kitchen, or soliciting guests at the front desk.

The maids are carrying dishes and wine, like butterflies, interspersed in each seat.

At this time, the hall was already very lively, but the current Zilan Xuan lacked some flavor.

That means that there are no more people who speak out nonsense. In the past, there were always people who wanted to marry Zi Lanxuan's two owners back home.

Anyone who dares to say this now may either have a bad brain or be someone who is not well-informed.

But nowadays, Zilan Xuan is very popular in the whole city. When you mention Zilan Xuan, it is impossible not to mention that night.

And those who know that night will surely know that even a general of a country can't make it difficult for this small Zilan Xuan.

They will also think to themselves how much they have compared to the generals with real power in a country, and they will also weigh them.

After weighing it down, what can be said and what cannot be said, naturally I have a bottom line in my heart.

 Therefore, today's Zilan Xuan, although it has been in business for many years, is so sober and refined on the first day, and there is not a single meat joke.

There is no longer any need to make Zi Lan Xuan's jade, and the purple girl will marry her home.

After all, beauty is good, but life is precious.

The momentary hilarity made the experts unhappy, and it was not a good feeling to be sentenced to life or death in one sentence. Besides, there was also a lesson from Yan Nanfei.

I didn't see that the corpse was already cold and couldn't be colder, and his uncle, the general of a country, who was related to him by blood, didn't even dare to let go of his farts.

In addition to listing Zilanxuan as a forbidden area, he also ordered his subordinates and other officials not to do anything to Zilanxuan, otherwise they would all be punished for treason.

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