And he will lead the army and personally step down his house. The sinner of the country will have this end.

Although these words have not been confirmed, but the rumors have noses and eyes, and the general will not come out to refute the rumors. Most people have taken this as true.

After all, if you kill your family, you can still protect it like this. Apart from the background, there is really no other explanation.

But the news went down, and there was another news that was even more striking.

That is, who is the person behind the scene who can stop this catastrophe for Zi Lanxuan.

Some people say that there must be a higher existence than the general, and she is disrespectful to her and commits treason.

The answer is self-evident, it must be my king, or someone with the blood of the king.

But some people refuted the rumors that even the subordinates of the king who killed the general would give the general an explanation or an excuse, and also reward him with gold and silver treasures to stabilize, otherwise the military will be difficult to use.

This time, Yan Nanfei was dead, but that General Scar didn't even dare to let go of a fart. Does the king still have this kind of ability?Not to mention my son.

Not even your father, your son is a younger brother.

Therefore, for a while, the whole city was discussing who the backstage of Zi Lan Xuan was.

However, no matter how they turned it upside down, they couldn't find any clues about it. Everyone who knew it kept silent for fear that it would spread from their own side and cause death.

Besides, if it was said that the general knelt down directly to that young man Zhang, how many people would believe this.

I am afraid that he will be regarded as nonsense, and he can scare a general of a country to his knees directly. What a terrifying figure.

It is impossible for even the Emperor of Daqin to come, let alone how far Daqin is from here.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng, who was unaware that he had once again become the center of public discussion.

Zheng'an was lying quietly in the room, watching his little disciple pour water diligently for him and beat his legs.

Gao Yue also acted coquettishly at Zhang Sanfeng with a smile on her face.

"Big brother, I heard that there will be lanterns here tomorrow night, should we stay for one more day!"

"That's right! That's right! I heard that the lantern festival here is the biggest one, and every household will have colorful lanterns hanging there."

"I heard that there is an activity to answer lantern riddles and recruit relatives in the city."

Zhang Sanfeng enjoyed the two people's beating their legs and pinching their backs with a comfortable expression, and said lazily as he ate the fruit that he took the initiative to pass to his lips.

"You don't want your sister Aqing anymore? Tsk tsk, Xiaoyue'er, why can't I see that you are such a person."

Gao Yue still laughed after hearing this.

"Big brother, it doesn't matter if it's later. Sister Aqing may be shepherding sheep happily now."

Ah Qing said heartlessly.

Let Zhang Sanfeng complain for a while.

"Your sister Aqing sold the sheep, but you are still yelling at your sister. I don't even know that."

"But lanterns, it's really a pity."

There was some expectation in Gao Yue's eyes, which made Zhang Sanfeng shake his head. It seems that the two of them have not participated in such a lively festival for a long time, and they have been busy with themselves.

"Okay then, we'll leave the day after tomorrow, don't be reluctant then."

"No! Big brother."

"Master, you are so kind."

"Heavier on the legs and a little harder on the shoulders, I really can't use internal force!"

"I can resist, it's okay, it hurts, you win..."

Zhang Sanfeng explained twice, and began to close his eyes again, enjoying the service of the two girls.

The life of a true immortal is so unpretentious and boring.

Not far from Zhang Sanfeng's house, the two heads of Zi Lanxuan also walked out the door.

The purple girl's charming appearance was not concealed, but this time she was the same as Nongyu.

They were all wearing white veils, making it difficult to see their faces.

However, the eyes of the purple girl, different from the classical softness of Nongyu, are still sharp and charming.

Once seen, it is unforgettable.

At this moment, Nongyu is asking in a low voice, Zi Nu.

"Sister, is this really possible?"

"Zhang Shaoxia, won't you be unhappy?"

The purple girl spent an afternoon of hard work to figure out how to mellow the jade, recommend it to Zhang Sanfeng, and let Zhang Sanfeng understand and get the jade.

But now the first question is Nongyu.

However, the purple girl seems to be confident.

"It's okay, just ask her for help, I think, there should be no problem."

The purple girl thought of that delicate voice, and a trace of softness flashed in her eyes.

If it weren't for her, maybe after today, she and Zhang Sanfeng would have nothing to do with each other.

It can be said that without Gao Yue's assists, he may not really have the courage to take that step.

Saying that sentence is fine, but in the face of such an exiled character, it really takes a lot of courage to say it in front of him.

Looking at the setting sun outside the window, Zi Nu hurriedly ordered a passing maid to go to the kitchen to arrange the best banquet in Zi Lan Xuan.

Send it to Zhang Sanfeng, make another table, and send it to Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong's room.

After waiting for the maid to retreat, she said to Nongyu.

"Sister, don't think too much. I'll ask about this first. After all, my elder sister promised each other, and Zhang Lang...all agreed. If it was my younger sister that day, it would be no problem to think about it."

Seeing Nongyu's unease, the purple girl comforted her.

Unexpectedly, Nongyu returned angrily.

"I don't allow my sister to belittle herself like this. In Nongyu's heart, you will always be my best and best sister."

"If Zhang Shaoxia refuses, please don't embarrass Zhang Shaoxia, and don't conflict with Zhang Shaoxia."

"It's just that my sister is not blessed. Even if I don't stay with Zhang Shaoxia and always be by my sister's side, it's not impossible."

Chapter 368

After Nongyu said this in one breath, the veil was blown off a lot by her exhalation.

It just happened that someone from the diners below noticed this, and Jinghong saw Nongyu's beautiful face in a glance.

The wine glass in his hand could not help shattering. This was the first time that person saw Nongyu's true face.

But they never imagined that from a distance they seemed to be two women who were arguing for each other.

The matter discussed was actually trying very hard to marry a man at the same time.

Presumably if he knew, it would definitely shatter the three views of people in the whole place, and he would be ridiculed and gossip by many people.

Of course, if you know that man is behind the scenes that created Zi Lanxuan's current status.

Then these satires and gossip will be put away, and instead, they will praise the two women for their good fortune and find such a good husband.

Sometimes, the truth of the world is often so simple, and the fishing reels often depend on the strength of one party.

Strength includes money, power, and force.

In a variety of situations, all three occupy different weights.

As for Zhang Sanfeng and Wudang Mountain, they are all modest in terms of daily progress.

After all, there are thirteen thousand, and it is not a dream to be rich enough to rival the country.

The real immortal cultivation base, the emperors of all countries are shocked by it, and it is too late to please, and there will be 17 offenses, and the power and power have reached the peak.

Such a person, even if they are known to have married two women, most of the world's evaluations are praise and praise for the unique vision of the heroine.

To be able to spot it when Zhang Sanfeng made a private visit in a micro-service, and then muster up the courage to confess, and promise each other, this kind of operation is not something ordinary people can do.

Of course, if there was no Gao Yue's best tool person at that time, I am afraid that Zi Nu would be ashamed and dare not mention it, let alone promise.


Seeing Nongyu who said so much in one breath, Zi Nu couldn't help feeling distressed.

This silly little sister has been thinking about her sister, her heart is sour, and her courage seems to be brewing again.

A bold idea suddenly appeared.

"Why don't we just do it like this. I think as long as you treat people with sincerity, others will treat you with sincerity."


"It's nothing but what you said, don't look ahead, but move forward bravely."

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was right, and she grabbed Nongyu and dragged her to the room where Zhang Sanfeng was.

Nongyu didn't break free, but lowered his head and followed Zi Nu step by step.

When the purple girl knocked on Zhang Sanfeng's door, Nongyu's calm heart began to shake violently as if facing an enemy.

"Purple girl? Nongyu girl, what's the matter with you two?"

Zhang Sanfeng's voice was still indifferent, but he could still feel a touch of warmth from it. He didn't know the illusion of getting jade from time to time.

She did feel a touch of warmth in her tone, like warm tea in winter, which is warm and radiant.

However, Zhang Sanfeng, who had just enjoyed the services of Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue, was in a really good mood now.

Of course, the main thing was to check the Chaos Nine-turn Mysterious Art, and found that the two divine arts absorbed at one time had perfectly matched the Chaos Nine-turn Mysterious Art.

There is no stagnation in the operation, like an arm's finger.

He was also a lot happier. This good mood has been maintained for a long time after Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong left.

"What, is something wrong?"

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