Zhang Sanfeng saw from Zi Nu's face that she seemed to have something to say, but she was hesitant to say anything.

But less than two seconds later, the purple girl still spoke.

"Zhang Lang, make jade, make jade her, I have something to tell you."

"Oh? What's the matter with Nongyu girl?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the veiled, white-clothed Nongyu, and asked suspiciously.

She had something to say to me, and she also asked the purple girl to be a lobbyist.



Nongyu was speechless for a moment, and there was no text directly behind my words, and then he felt a thrust coming from behind, and the door closed with a clang.

Seeing that Nongyu didn't speak, the purple girl pushed Nongyu in, and then closed the door, leaving the two of them alone.

"Miss Nongyu, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a bit boring, a woman's heart, a needle in the sea, at the non-speaking Nongyu in front of him.

He was never too lazy to guess.

"What the hell are you going to say?"

Just after Zhang Sanfeng said these words, Nongyu seemed to have finally summoned up the courage to pull off his veil.

Eye to eye, look directly at Zhang Sanfeng.

His voice was soft but firm.

"I like you! I want to be with you, just like my sister."


This is what Zhang Sanfeng felt after listening to the first sentence, what is it?

But when he heard Nongyu's next sentence, he was slightly taken aback, no wonder at that time....

"I fell in love with you from the first time we met. You were the first man who listened to my piano and was not affected."

"In other people's eyes, I see a lot of disgusting things, only yours, nothing."

"I can play the piano for you alone in the future."

"I can dance too. No one has seen dancing, only my sister has seen it. In the future, I only hope to show you the dance alone."

"Although the food I make is unpalatable, I will study hard in the future. If it is really hard to eat, I don't need to eat it. I don't mind."


Nongyu talked a lot, and at the end, she couldn't help squatting down, and her eyes no longer looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

He lowered his head and looked at the floor.

The heart is even more tormented, that is, fear and worry.

I was afraid that I was being too reckless, that I was too aggressive in my words just now in front of Zhang Sanfeng, and that my tone was a little firmer.

Add one sentence, if you don't agree, then I can only grow old, is it threatening?

"Hey! Wouldn't I be more confident if I wasn't in the brothel Chu Pavilion?"

This was the first time she started to get bored with her identity. Originally, she didn't care, and didn't care about other people's opinions. Only her sister's words could affect her.

Now, there is one more person who can affect her.

In the afternoon of that day, the boy, with two young girls, looked at him with incomparably clear eyes on the second floor.

She knew that she might have fallen in love at first sight.

But because she didn't want to leave her sister, she could only bury this feeling deeply.

But she didn't expect her sister to fall before her and leave Zilan Xuan, so she had no choice but to confide in her heart.

If you say it after you leave, it will be too late.

Nongyu began to think wildly in her mind. At this moment, she was like a death row prisoner waiting to be executed.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, life and death are only a moment.

If it would be useful to ask for the blessings of all the Buddhas in the sky, Nongyu felt that she would definitely be extremely pious.

Whether it is Sanqing or Buddha, it will do.

At this time, the Buddhas in the sky seemed to really hear her prayers.

A jade-like palm was placed in front of her, holding her hand and pulling her up.

A joke came.

"it is good!"

"But you can call me husband first, I don't want it if it's not good."

His voice was as calm as ever, but with a hint of teasing.

Zhang Sanfeng did not refuse.

His way is to follow your heart.

For a woman like Nongyu, he will also have the desires that a man should have.

Of course, most of these desires will soon disappear without leaving any traces.

However, when Nongyu said it, everything changed.

If he suppresses his own desires at this time, it would be too deliberate and go against his natural way.

Go with the flow.

It is his way.


Nongyu cried with joy, tears almost falling, but she immediately blurted out. .

Chapter 369

At the beginning of the lanterns, the candles flickered.

I don't know when, Zi Lan Xuan, whether it was outside or inside, was replaced by a beaming red candle.

The night wind makes the candle light bright or dark, but it does not affect the elegance of the guests in Zilan Xuan.

Drink and write lyrics, so unhappy.

Especially after the appearance of the purple girl whom they had admired for a long time, the atmosphere reached a peak again.

However, after the purple girl said a few scenes, she left in a hurry.

Even the daily toasting at each table was gone, which made many people feel a little disappointed, or rather angry.

Now that we have a big backer, have we forgotten the old guys who used to support us?

But they didn't dare to say these words. Although the purple girl doesn't look like the purple girl of the past, Zi Lanxuan is not the Zilan Xuan of the past.

Speaking is responsible, and this responsibility is allocated to them, or to the family. If it is true, it will be a disaster.

So this chaotic mood can only be swallowed and slowly tasted.

After a detail of the past is gone, the inertial chains caused by it are unpredictable, but even if the purple girl understands the voices of these guests, it is estimated that she will not care anymore.

In the past, the two sisters depended on each other for life. If they wanted to live in Yangzhai City, it was natural to have both sides.

Now even Zi Lan Xuan doesn't plan to open, so why bother to take care of the guests' moods, after all, which of those guests are really friends who are willing to help her.

Let's just say that when the General Scar broke in yesterday, these so-called old friends who helped each other with righteousness did not all hide away, before the general ordered to clear the scene.

It has already walked out of Zilan Xuan.

Of course, it is instinct for people to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and the purple girl does not blame them.

I just feel that since it's all a business after all, when the song ends, don't say who disregards the past.

After a while, some red silk was hung in the originally elegant Zilan Xuan to add to the atmosphere.

These are all things Zi Nu sent her subordinates out to Chengxi Buzhuang to purchase temporarily after she felt that the matter between Zhang Sanfeng and Nongyu had been completed.

After pulling a full carriage, the boss of Buzhuang was shocked by this unexpected wealth, and he had never heard of any big family who wanted to marry their daughter.

The red candle was the first to arrive, and the candle shop was just a few blocks away from Zilan Xuan.

As soon as the red candles arrived, she began to order the decoration, and the lanterns were also changed to red, but there were no words of joy.

Some of the guests thought they had gone to the wrong place, if they hadn't looked up and saw the three gilded characters of Zilan Xuan on the plaque.

After the red silk arrived, she immediately ordered someone to decorate the Zilan Xuan, which had never changed, with red silk.

This time, Zi Lan Xuan, which was originally elegant and clear, became very festive not long after.

"Now, my sister is also watching you get married' ˇ."

The purple girl muttered to herself, staring at the closed door on the second floor, speechless for a long time.

Listening to the sound of cups being pushed and handed over in the hall, Zi Nu suddenly felt as if the guests were congratulating the host on their great joy.

"Pass my order."

"Every table gave me a snack and daughter red."

"Yes! The landlord."

The maid next to her responded in a low voice and hurriedly went to the back kitchen to prepare.

It didn't take long for everyone in the hall to thank the purple girl one after another.

The purple girl's delicate state of mind began to ripple again.

The night outside the window is getting deeper and deeper, but Zi Lanxuan's fiery heat has not diminished in the slightest.

The popularity is skyrocketing, and the prosperous is red.

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