Began to fight again with Duanmu Rong.

At this time, on the other side of the long street.

A man in blue clothes (bhag) with a graceful demeanor and eyes with sword eyebrows and eyes, and two attendants in mysterious clothes, also walked into this lantern street.

"Hey, Daoyi, what do you think this is good for? Why did the ancestor let me spend three months to get here, and what is the haunted house of Lao Shizi, saying that there is a big chance."

"But these are not annoying. Isn't it the most annoying thing? I found a haunted house here, and in the end, there was nothing. Since I entered the city yesterday, I have been eating, drinking and lhasa there, and there is no response."

"Daoyi, what does the old ancestor mean?"

The young man looked at the two servants behind him and said.

"My subordinates don't know, I have just passed the book by flying pigeons, and I will reply in seven days."

"But what the subordinates know is that the fables of the ancestors have always been accurate, but it may not be the day when the treasures are born."

"Young master, don't wait any longer."

The man named Daoyi on the right behind him spoke softly.

"Well, I'm going to take a good bath tonight. As soon as my son enters the city, he will go to the haunted house non-stop. He has never even visited the brothel Chu Pavilion here."

"Daoyi, do you know what the most famous brothel, Chu Pavilion, is here?"

The young man seemed to be very interested and asked the servant who was following him.

"Subordinates don't know."

Dao Yi's answer was still straightforward.

"It's boring, it's boring."

"It's really boring, how could I pick you out as a servant, one is boring, the other is cold."

The young man fanned his fan, looked at his two servants, and shook his head.

"You can only rely on yourself."

The young man smiled and sat casually at a roadside braised food stall. He ordered a common braised meat, and he just picked it up and ate it regardless of whether it was hot or not.

After eating, I complimented the stall owner.

"Good workmanship."

"It's a pity not to go to the restaurant."

The simple and honest stall owner could only laugh and wipe the white cloth on his shoulders, and said with a simple and honest smile.

"It's good that the son likes it."

"Hey, what is the most beautiful place for girls in Yangzhai City?"

The young man said excitedly.

"Of course it's Zilan Xuan, even someone like me who doesn't know it knows."

The simple and honest shop owner seemed to be interested, and began to praise the beauty of the pavilion master Zi Lanxuan as being in the sky and not in the ground.

Like the person in the picture.

Then I went to Zilan Xuan. After listening to the young master, he was very interested and planned to go to Zilan Xuan, which would make the general retire for a while.

However, in the next second, he was on the tip of his ear, not far from the next door, and the news of the second floor of the restaurant reached his ears.

Sounds like a few young people.

"It's a pity that Zi Lan Xuan doesn't open the door tonight."

someone sighed.

"Yes, yes, the door is not opened, and I don't want to leave the money. Isn't that stupid."

Someone agrees.

"You are all wrong! I just heard that Zi Lanxuan is going to be sold, and Miss Zi Nv won't do it. It will be auctioned at noon tomorrow."

And people who just got the news are starting to announce.


It was a burst of exclamation.

Downstairs stew stall.

The young boy who heard a single sentence did not pull, and the corner of his mouth slightly outlined an evil and charming smile, which was interesting and interesting. .

Chapter 371

Days go by so quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it's the second day of the Lantern Festival.

The city of Yangzhai was suddenly blown up by a thunderbolt, and one thing was amazed by the crowd.

That is, two days after Zi Lan Xuan opened, it suddenly announced that it was going to be sold.

The transfer ceremony will be held on the spot in Zilan Xuan.

This old hen who can lay golden eggs is sold out - everyone has different opinions.

It is said that the girl Zi and Nongyu planned to go back to the mountains and forests, no longer make public appearances, and decided to start over.

Some people also said that the girl Zi and Nongyu met the nobles that day, and now the nobles have left, for fear of the revenge of General Scar, they took the opportunity to leave and start over.

Others said that all of this was a conspiracy of Zi Lan Xuan and General Scar, who deliberately raised the price of Zi Lan Xuan and let people take over.

However, in the final conspiracy, except for a small number of flawed people who believe it, most people can see that this conspiracy is completely nonsense.

It is completely for conspiracy and conspiracy, many arguments are also baseless, and bugs can be made.

For example, Yan Nanfei didn't die at all, and was only buried in a tomb of clothes.

There is a beginning and a tail, as if I had seen the coffin with my own eyes.

And don't even think about it, is a country's real power generals looking at this kind of property?At most, it is a few days of military spending, so why do you still use so much effort?

But there is no way to know what happened that day, and it is impossible for them to chase the army that has already been launched, and find the insider of the day to ask for clarification.

The parties in Zilan Xuan are even more silent. In the past, if they said it, they might just be kicked out. Now if they say it, they may really die.

After seeing the little servant who betrayed Zhang Junbao's name, that is, the one who took Yan Nanfei's money, he was beaten to death, and he knew the fate of the betrayer.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhang Sanfeng and others who are preparing to leave, and Zi Nu and Nong Yu don't care about those rumors.

To resell Zilan Xuan is just to sell the building, they don't sell the brand.

She made this very clear in the notice. After all these years, the two of them are not short of money.

Zi Lanxuan was the two sisters who had worked hard for several years, and even if they were smashed in their hands, they would not be able to ruin the reputation of others.

"Sell it at any price. If I had known that there were so many turmoils, it would be better to transfer it to a few old customers in private."

Zi Nu sighed slightly, knowing that she would not be so flamboyant. After all, Zi Lan Xuan is not worth a lot of money.

In this kind of building, the most valuable thing is people. After all, they come here to drink and eat, or to have fun.

Drinking and eating is to talk about business, and Zi Nu will help facilitate it. After all, with her network of connections, it is not a problem to be a good broker.

This is what people eat.

The reason for finding joy and having fun is that the girls in Zilan Xuan are proficient in everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the overall quality of the girls is also high.

There is also a Nongyu who doesn't know his appearance, but the sound of one hand can make people intoxicated.

Those who are looking for flowers and willows are naturally endless.

This is also human.

That's why, Zi Lanxuan is not worth a lot of money, the only thing that is valuable is people.

Today's Zilan Xuan is not open for business, and the servants have been dismissed.

There are also a lot of girls with generous severance pay, either going back to their hometown to see, or already planning their wedding.

I have seen many people over the years. As soon as the news of Zilanxuan's suspension in the pavilion came out, many letters were sent to Zilanxuan.

Wanting to marry them back home, or hiding in a golden house, is a choice.

After all, changing the boss may not be as considerate as Zi Nu and Nong Yu, and it is impossible to force them to do things they don't want to do.

It's also good to take this opportunity to leave.

In the past, these purple girls were ignored and never forced.

It all depends on the communication between the guests and the girls. If she can take it out, or be a dewy couple, she will open one eye and close the other.

When she finds the right one, she will match them in the middle.

But if the guest wanted to force it, not only would Zi Nu not ignore it, but she would completely drive the guest away, forbidding him to step into Zi Lan Xuan again.

Although this is to protect the short.

But this is also a way for the purple girl to screen guests, otherwise, it is a girl who can be forced by anyone.

There is a difference between that and those low-level check bars, and how does the grade go up?

This is Zi Nu's business philosophy. It can be said that Zi Lanxuan used to be so popular, which is inseparable from her business philosophy.

At noon, guests from all walks of life have been invited, and many people want to see who this Zilan Xuan is going to be.

They are all here to watch the fun. If you want to buy it, you probably don't have any thoughts. Everyone knows this well.

However, the main reason is that the purple girl didn't even want to sell the plaque, and the most important person inside was gone, so this building was just an empty shell.

By the time the Purple Girl was about to take the stage, it was already the afternoon of Shen Shi.

Zilan Xuan was already full of seats, and many people were standing.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

The noise also came to an abrupt end after the purple girl came to power, as if they were all waiting for her to speak.

The veiled, unadorned purple girls walked from behind the stage to the front.

Say the belly draft that has already been typed in your heart.

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