After introducing a series of information about Zilan Xuan, the personnel, location, and buildings, as well as the decoration inside, are well organized.

At this time, some people discovered that although Zilan Xuan was not as valuable as its name, it was more expensive than any building in Yangzhai City. This was true.

As for ordinary incense burners, the cover of the incense burner is made of precious agarwood, which makes its fragrance even higher.

The wooden teacup held in the hand is also made of the best pear wood, which is luxurious in a silent place.

Even the paintings and calligraphy thought to be fakes in the hall are genuine works, and each copy is worth thousands of dollars.

...... 0

"So, the starting price of Zilan Xuan this time is [-] taels, and the minimum price increase is [-] taels."

"If I can't sell it for [-] taels, I'd rather burn this building down."

There was a hint of determination in Zi Nu's voice. It seemed that if it wasn't worth [-] taels of silver, it would be destroyed.

After the purple girl finished speaking, she was replaced by a temporarily invited auctioneer.

The auctioneer was also very skilled, and he started touting how good Zi Lan Xuan was.

Even if all the raw materials are dismantled, it can be recovered. It is really a good business to pick up money.

The auction staff spared no effort to raise the price, and naturally there was a commission included.

Auction prices are rising steadily.

"[-] taels"


"[-] taels"

"Three hundred and forty thousand taels"

"Three hundred and fifty-five thousand taels"

"Five million!"


"one million!"

A voice came from upstairs, the sound wave was not too small, but it was enough for everyone to hear the words clearly.

"one million!"

This price has far exceeded the value attached to this Zilan Xuan.

Let the field suddenly be quiet, and no other dare to follow.

With the three finalizations, the Zilan Xuan auction came to an end in three times of one million.

A young man in Tsing Yi with a folding fan stood up from the private room on the second floor and bowed his hands to the person below.

"I've just come to Yangzhai City to rejuvenate the East, I hope you will bear with me."

It was the young man who entered the city yesterday and ate Luzhu in front of the Luzhu stall.six.

Chapter 372

Young Master Dongfang, whose surname is Dongfang, faces everyone in the audience from afar, and LANXESS praised him.

"Who is this?"

Someone asked the people around.

"I don't know. The surname is Dongfang. There is no country in our country that can spend one million taels to buy Zilan Xuan."

The man was quite familiar with people.

"Dongfang is a little surname. If you can spend one million taels on Zilan Xuan, you must be a big family."

Some people also began to guess the background of the young man.

"Prodigal son, tsk tsk, looking at the appearance of this slut, one is a fool."

Of course, there are also young masters who are also wearing Chinese clothes.

Looking at this young man named Dongfang, he sarcastically said in a sour tone.

But the sound was so small that only he could hear it.

Then just as he said these words, the young gentleman who looked extremely genial tightened his wrists and suddenly opened his fan.

A thin [-] worth of invisible hair flew very quickly into the young man in Huafu who was talking weird.

Just as it was about to be approached.

But after listening to a coquettish scolding, an incomparably bright light appeared from the background.

Just like a god-man's sword, the hair was cut by the sword light before it hit, and it turned into two soft flying states without a sharp edge.

"The visitor is a guest, why do you want to do it in my Zilan Xuan!"

"If you do it again, don't blame me for being rude!"

The purple girl suddenly came out from behind the stage, and felt the fluctuation of the internal force outside for the first time.

She also sensed the reckless killing intent from the young son, and felt a chill in her heart, but she was still not afraid.

If it was a chance encounter on the road, Zi Nu naturally wouldn't meddle in her own business.

However, in her Zilan Xuan, without his permission, she made a killing move.

Then where did you put her face as the owner of Zilan Xuan?

Besides, today is the auction. Although the auction has ended, as long as Zi Lanxuan's land deed is not handed over, she will be the owner for one day.

Naturally, you can't helplessly watch others commit murder in front of your own face.

"Now I spent a million taels, isn't this mine?"

The young gentleman's original gentle and modest disguise seemed to be completely torn after that sword glow, and his eyes were staring at the veiled purple girl.

"Now this Zilan Xuan should be mine!"

Although he didn't say the words to the auctioneer, the auctioneer, who was already overwhelmed by his aura, couldn't help stammering.

"Purple... girl, this gentleman... did spend one million taels of silver to buy this building."

"Zi Lanxuan's auction is also closed everywhere... it's over!"

With the cry of this life, the crowd below suddenly surged and walked out.

Some people have already seen that something is wrong, and it is better to stay away from the scene of a pair of swords drawn.

Although I missed the melon-eating scene, life is the most important thing, there is no doubt about this.

As one person left, even the young master Huafu, who had escaped the catastrophe just now, panicked and wanted to escape from Zilan Xuan.

He even crawled to the gate, but he didn't want to be punched in the chest by one person, and the whole person was directly knocked out.

It flew tens of meters in the sky.

Along the way, he bumped into countless seats and benches. In the end, he vomited blood, his chest was sunken, and he fell unconsciously at the foot of the stage. The blood stained the wooden floor.

Some red and shiny.

Suddenly, two immobile figures in black appeared at the door, like door gods.

One person has withdrawn his hand and once again became motionless.

But the words on his mouth, but just finished speaking, the lingering sound shook.

"Whoever insults my son, die!"

It was Daoyi who had followed the young master before, who didn't talk much, and the other person who was a little more mature was Daoer.


After being hit by Young Master Huafu, some of the seats and benches finally couldn't support it and were scattered all over the floor.

The purple girl looked at this scene with an ugly face. She didn't expect that on the last day, there would be such a shitty thing, which made her particularly angry.

"Now, I count three numbers. If I apologize now and compensate me for the cost of Zilanxuan's table and chairs, I can let you go out of this door safely, otherwise..."

The purple girl's hand suddenly lit up, the meaning is obviously self-evident.

"Haha, interesting and interesting."

"There are such interesting people here, Daoyi, don't you think so!"

After hearing this, the young master laughed instead of angry, his eyes were like gluttonous, as if he was going to swallow the purple girl out of thin air.

"The mantis arm is the car."

Dao Yi spit out this sentence as a response to the young son.

"Yes, yes, Daoyi, you are right, that is, the man's arm is the car, but the courage is commendable, this young master has a reward!"

The young man laughed and threw a stack of banknotes to Dao Yi.

It is thick and thick, and the face value of each one is [-] taels of silver. The bank above is the largest bank in Daqin, Tiandi bank...  

It can be exchanged for the same silver tael in any country. If it is not fake, I think this money is used to buy Zilan Xuan.

However, just as the silver ticket flew into the picture, a figure suddenly appeared.

All I saw was a petite figure with a fox mask swiping in the air, and the thick bundle of banknotes flying in the air disappeared out of thin air.

The unpredictable Daoyi shouted angrily.

"Dare to be a thief!"

Just mentioning the figure, like a cannonball, he clenched his fist and charged towards the fox girl.

"A little bit! It's mine!"

The fox girl was not afraid when she saw someone chasing her, and turned around and made a face.

This stance is not good for a while, with a figure like an iron tower, rampage in the small hall of Zilan Xuan, punching and kicking.

However, the fox girl's agile figure moved around, no matter how Dao Yi attacked or threw his fists, he couldn't touch the girl's clothes.

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