In less than ten rounds, the gap has become irresistible.

Daoyi heard a somewhat gloomy voice from his young master.

"Dao Yi, come back!"


Daoyi immediately stopped, without chasing the girl with the fox mask, jumped directly to the second floor, and looked at the purple girl downstairs.

And the girl in the fox mask, also holding the silver ticket on her body, ran to the center of the stage with a smile, and said to the purple girl.

"Sister Zi, look, I found a lot of money!"

The fox girl took off the mask on her face, hung it on her waist, raised her head, and looked at the purple girl with a smile on her face.

"Sister Gao Yue's martial arts skills are really high, and my elder sister is not as good as herself."

Zi Nu knew that it was Gao Yue who took the shot. After all, such a big thing happened in the hall, he must have known it long ago.

Did you lose his face just now?

Purple girl began to worry about gain and loss again.

At this time, when Gao Yue heard her words, she smiled and said modestly.

"Where, it's just that the stupid big guy is too stupid and too slow to catch me."

Gao Yue has been by Zhang Sanfeng's side for a long time, and his knowledge and experience have already expanded countless times. The exercises he has learned, whether it is swordsmanship, boxing, or Qinggong, are top martial arts.

Just leaking some from Zhang Sanfeng's hands can make her proud of many martial arts masters.

Just like the boy in front of Hongjun's door, he is the lord of heaven when he goes out, and he controls the three realms almost. .

Chapter 373

"How dare you humiliate me like this, son, let me take action, I'm going to crush this girl's head!"

Daoyi on the stage seemed to be overwhelmed by Gao Yue's words.

His heart was burning with anger, and even more so, he wanted to take the initiative to ask Ying.

"You can't catch up with her now, how can you beat her, you can get tired even if you are tired."

"And the girl's footwork is a bit weird, it seems to be walking according to the I Ching hexagram, I'm afraid, you can't hurt her."

The young master paused and continued to stare at the faces of the two women with the fan he was waving, and turned to look at the servant in front of him.

"It's okay, as long as I use that forbidden method, there will be no problem."

Dao hurriedly said it, obviously he already knew what he had in mind.

"That's up to you, but don't kill that girl, just break her limbs."

As soon as the young master heard that he was going to use the forbidden method, he didn't say any more, and warned that this little girl is quite a sign.

In his knowledge, he was considered a top-notch beauty. Wouldn't it be a pity if such a beauty was beaten to the head.

Interrupting the limbs and raising them slowly is not more exciting.

Thinking about it, the young man couldn't help licking his lips.

Continue to cast your eyes on the pair of 17 beauties of different sizes below.

At this time, Daoyi seemed to have used some forbidden technique, and the black clothes that had originally wrapped the whole body shattered, revealing the upper body of the hardcover.

The muscles are bulging high, the fists seem to be three points bigger, and the speed is several times faster than before.

His face was full of a hideous smile, and he turned his toes and suddenly jumped directly to the delicate figure.

This time he will be ashamed!

He specially used the first-class secret technique "Seven Meridians Profound Chong Technique" from the Oriental Family, which was similar to "The Great Method of Dissolving Heavenly Demons", but the increase effect was not as strong as "The Great Method of Dissolving Heavenly Demons".

However, correspondingly, the sequelae are also much smaller. Among the servants bestowed by the Dongfang family, there are not a hundred people who can learn such secret techniques.

This is why he ranks first, and naturally he has his reasons.

And being able to freely use the "Seven Meridians Profound Chong Technique" is one of the strengths.

"The big man is not ashamed. He runs around naked and wants to hit me! It's shameless!"

"Sister Zi, go away and take the money. I'll share the account with Sister Rong later."

Gao Yue saw that Dao Yi was rushing towards him faster than before, so he didn't panic, and directly held an ordinary sword that came from nowhere.

His body didn't move, and he looked at Daoyi, who would be able to reach him in the next second.

If you look closely, Gao Yue's pupils are already blank. If someone who understands her is present, she will already know that she has entered a state of full concentration.

All will be abandoned by her.

In her eyes, there is only fighting. Either you die or I die!

"Haha! Don't run? It's not because your feet are weak, you can't walk!"

Dao Yi, who was galloping, was a little suspicious when he saw Gao Yue who was motionless. He braked suddenly, slowed down, and stopped only three or four meters away from Gao Yue.

Looking at the little girl who was only at the height of his elbow, his voice was cold and terrifying, and it was not human-like when matched with what he said.

"Don't worry, I will slowly, slowly, smash your feet and the bones of your hands into pieces!"

"You can't miss a single bone in your hands and feet."

He walked here slowly, trying to destroy the little girl's heart with words, so that she would be afraid when she only used light energy later.

If the movement stagnated for a while, he would definitely be able to seize the opportunity, hold on fiercely, and hold this elf like floating in the sky.

Pull down the dust.

Let her enjoy hell, no, something scarier than torment in hell.

This kind of thing, before he was called Daoyi, and he didn't enter the Dongfang family.

He has done a lot, whether male or female, old or young, all begged him.

Let him give her a good time, and for this kind of request, the middle-aged man who was not called Daoyi at that time usually hangs his life for that person's [-]-year-old ginseng.

Then continue to torture, continue to listen to the wailing, such a cry, and now I recall it, my whole body is trembling!

Daoyi licked the corner of his mouth and looked at the girl holding an ordinary long sword in front of him. The distance between the two was less than two meters.

"Then... where to start first!"

Daoyi suddenly launched an attack and slammed his palm directly towards Gao Yue.

It seems that he wants to fly Gao Yue out like that young master in Chinese clothes, but he still remembers the teachings of his son at this moment.

It was only Gao Yue's arm that he aimed at, and he had to break her arm first, to see how comfortable her Qinggong would be later.

"Broken Palm!"

Facing the direct attack of Dao Yi's right palm, Gao Yue raised the tip of the sword directly and made a strange gesture without dodging or dodging.

If Feng Qingyang or Linghu Chong were here, they would find that this was the sixth form of Dugu's Nine Swords, a palm-breaking start.

It is specially used to crack long punches and short punches, grab acupoints, iron sand palms, and Tong Beiquan.

Daoyi, who had never seen such a strange swordsmanship posture, naturally laughed, and directly used his giant seal to crush the sword in Gao Yue's hand and her right arm holding the sword.

He seemed to have heard the girl's wailing in the next moment, this kind of voice is really nostalgic.

The repression along the way, the resentment that the son did not allow him to take action, was finally released heartily at this moment.

However, in the next second, he felt a chill on his neck and quickly blocked it with his left hand.

There was a sudden pain in the left hand, and the figure under the right palm also disappeared suddenly and turned to the right side of his body.

Another sword stabbed, aimed at his throat again.

Frightened, all the souls of the dead were taken.

Gao Yue was holding a long sword, and others looked at her figure as elegant as a catkin in the wind.

If you move, you will change, if you change, you will pass

There are thousands and thousands of changes, and it is impossible to see what the next sword will bring.

From this point of view, Gao Yue already has a deep grasp of the Nine Swords of Dugu, and the only thing lacking is experience.

However, under Zhang Sanfeng's daily guidance, he made rapid progress, and in the Nine Swords of Dugu, he realized his own set of swordsmanship.

Although Dugu Nine Swords is represented by the fact that there are no moves to win, there are moves, and the momentum is indomitable, only attacking and not defending.

But everyone's swordsmanship is different. Gao Yue's comprehension is top-notch in swordsmanship. Otherwise, Xie Xiaofeng would not have inspired her to accept an apprentice.

Gao Yue can be described as an unquestionable martial arts genius. If you want to talk about kendo talent, maybe only Ah Qing can compare with her.

In the world, only Zhang Sanfeng can teach her.

And this is precisely because the swordsman moves his body like catkins after each sword move.

Find the best attacking position and attack the enemy's flaws.

So the enemy has to defend.

She can continue to attack, without stopping for a moment, without giving the opponent any chance to attack.

Here is why the general swordsmanship in the Nine Swords of Dugu emphasizes that the Nine Swords of Dugu do not need to be defended, only attacking and not defending,

As long as every move is offensive, if you attack the enemy you have to defend, and if the enemy defends, then why do you need to defend yourself? .

Chapter 374


One after another blood light splashed, and in the Zilanxuan Hall, the originally luxurious pear wood seats were missing arms and legs.

fell into a mess.

Below the stage, there is a big man holding a table board that is taller than a person, and he is in a state of embarrassment.

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