The attacker was a delicate girl, holding an ordinary long sword in her hand, but with a sword intent that penetrated the sky, she was unstoppable.

A table cannot support the second move under Gao Yue's hands at all, and with one move, it will be split in half, and then the enemy will be injured.

The mighty black-clothed man who jumped down from the child with a roar just now, oh no, the shirtless man has already covered his entire body and is bleeding scarlet blood.

The wound on the arm followed with the white bones, which was really scary.

If an ordinary lady is here, it is not uncommon to see Daoyi's wound, her legs become weak, she cannot move, and it is not uncommon for her to faint.

However, Gao Yue, the perpetrator, is naturally not in this ranks.

At this time, Gao Yue was a little resentful, originally just wanting to play.

If it wasn't for this person's law soaring several times, she only needed one sword to take down this person, where would she need so many swords.

Although she has been pressing Dao for a punch, she is still a little unhappy, the sword in her hand is getting faster and faster, and the swordsmanship seems to be changing because of her emotions.

It started to resonate again.

Yi Daoyi is still complaining. Originally, with the blessing of "Seven Meridians Profound Chong Technique", he was able to escape, or avoid the immortal sword in front of him. Now this immortal's swordsmanship is still visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​skyrocketed.

In the end, it still made him live, and he didn't know how sacred this aunt was. At this age, the kendo cultivation level was so unusual.

Is it a wrong choice for him to join the Dongfang family as a servant in order to avoid the pursuit?

Let him look at the sky from the bottom of the hole again and miss a lot of things?

That's not right, the martial arts people I met before are not as good as the martial arts of ten years ago, and they are outrageously weak.

If it wasn't for the son's order, he would rush to Yangzhai City at full speed, and he didn't need to take any shots and expose himself.

He may have started doing the torture he did ten years ago.

The technique is unfamiliar.

But I don't want to meet this fairy today.

At this time, Gao Yue's image in his mind was almost the same as that of an immortal, and only an immortal could beat the servants from the Dongfang family like dogs.

If it wasn't for knowing that he was kneeling and surrendering, not only would the girl disagree, but he would still kill him.

His own son will also feel that he has lost the face of the Dongfang family, and Lei Ting is furious, and he has no good fruit to eat.

Otherwise, he would have wanted to try to stop, or beg for mercy, surrender and other actions.

The sword moves accelerated step by step, making Dao Yi uncomfortable. The sharp sword beams from all directions and angles, one blow after another, God knows the next sword.

Is it attacking the genitals or attacking your eyeballs.

It can only be said that this girl's swordsmanship and swordsmanship have no track to be found, but the moves cost people's lives.

If he hadn't cultivated the body and forged the bones.

His arms have long been like the pear wood table, and he can no longer support it, and he has two moves.

"Come back, Daoyi' ˇ."

A gloomy voice sounded, and the young boy sitting above finally couldn't help but speak out.

As soon as Dao was granted amnesty, he was about to retire and go back. This is what he was waiting for.

But he didn't want to relax at this moment, Gao Yue, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

She finally used the Dugu swordsmanship, she was the most skilled and the strongest sword in attack.

Straight stab.

A sword comes from the west.

Just when Daoyi forcibly left the battlefield, Gao Yue leaned forward and pointed his toes slightly.

Flying up and down, a sword light swept across.

Dao Yi, who couldn't dodge in the air, could only use his hands to protect his neck.

And the young son above also burst out and angered.

"You dare!"


The young boy screamed loudly!

Formless energy emanated from her mouth, and a sound wave similar to a lion's roar wanted to attack Gao Yue, interrupting her sword move.

But he didn't want to, deeper on the second floor, there was an indifferent humming sound.

Then he used the sound wave technique of the unique secret book to dissolve the invisible.

The young man suddenly felt that this hum was like a [-]-jin giant mountain, pressing down on his heart.

He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and he was sluggish, and he was already directly injured.

The chair he was sitting on exploded because he couldn't afford his overflowing anger.

At the door of the first floor, Dao Er, who had no time to block the arrow for Dao Yi, could only see Dao Yi.

He was cut in half by Gao Yue's sword.

His own son was also inexplicably vomiting blood and was seriously injured.

Daoyi was divided into two halves neatly by Gao Yue.

The upper part is above the waist, and the lower part is from the waist to the heel.

The first half of Daoyi is on the second floor, and his legs have fallen to the first floor.

"Sir, save me!"


Dao Yi, whose vitality has not yet been cut off, crawls with his hands instead of his feet, and moves forward with a palm and a palm.

Every movement left a scarlet bloody palm on the wooden floor.


At this time, the young son had long since ignored this doomed subordinate, and his own internal injuries were too late for treatment.

If he was in the Dongfang family, he might be able to get his life back.

If you are outside, this kind of dismemberment will only lead to a dead end.

So, he didn't even look at it.

Adjusting the breath, adjusting the turbulent breath in the body until it will not easily backlash.

With the help of Dao Er who rushed to the second floor, he stood up and said to Gao Yue who had returned to Zi Nu's side.

"Next, Dongfang Mao, dare to ask who your Excellency is, the swordsmanship without a move is really powerful. My Dongfang family has collected thousands of swordsmanship in the world, and I have never seen such a treacherous swordsmanship."

"."And the senior who seriously injured me just now, you can also come out and see it."

At this time, the young son no longer looked at the two with the same eyes as before, but started to look again.

Originally, I just wanted to come here to join in the fun, and by the way, taste the taste of the top beauty in Yangzhai City.

But he didn't want to capsize the boat in this gutter, and a little girl who came out casually would be able to tie the strongest Dao Yi under his men.

Although Dao Er is not inferior to Dao Yi, he is good at defense, not attack.

Do you send him up, and let this girl cut seventy or eighty knives before taking it back?

Moreover, what he is more afraid of is the person who can dissolve his sonic power into the invisible just now.

You know, this is also a big trump card for him, and it is unfavorable to the enemy outside. Even the masters of the same level, there are some who died under the sonic power he suddenly exported.

Qiqiao bleeds to death.

But today, he was smashed into the sand in a small town, something Dongfang Mao never expected.

"It doesn't matter if you are an Oriental cat or an Oriental dog! My sister said that if the compensation for this place is less than one point, you won't want to leave Zilan Xuan."

Gao Yue, who had just cut a person in half, raised his head and said to Dongfang Mao above him with an unhappy expression.

Obviously, this young master who destroyed the original pattern of Zi Lan Xuan, she hated it at first sight, and even looked at the eyes with that Tsing Yi.

"Never wear blue clothes again!"

Gao Yue thought to himself.

"In the next Dongfang family, Dongfang Mao, I want to talk to the master here."

"If you don't listen, there is no guarantee, and there will be disasters in the future!"

"You must know that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky!"

Seeing that Gao Yue couldn't make sense, Dongfang Mao wanted to change the subject and have a good chat.

After all, since he represents the face of the Oriental family, he cannot be taken lightly.

However, another faint voice interrupted his next words.

"My husband said..."

A woman who was also veiled and dressed in a white dress walked out of the private room on the second floor, which was the source of the mysterious hum just now.

"You kneel and talk, maybe he will listen.".

Chapter 375

"You kneel and talk, he might listen."

After saying these words, Dongfang Mao's originally handsome and handsome face suddenly froze, and he almost couldn't hold back the internal injury, and he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The originally stable internal interest began to turmoil again.

"A great shame! A great shame!"


Dongfang Mao clutched his chest and looked at the woman with the appearance of a peerless fairy in the distance. Why did she say such a snake and scorpion.

I really thought that the Oriental World was not ready for decoration, I originally wanted to have a good chat, after all, I was afraid that the water would flood the Dragon King Temple.

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