Not to fight, not to fight.

I don't want this mysterious person to make a toast, not eat, eat and punish.

Let Dongfang Mao winning streak applaud!Since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ruthless!

"Since it's all said and done, let's see the real chapter under the hand."

"Elder Xuan, I'm sorry to trouble you. After this incident, I will automatically go to the family courtyard to receive the punishment!"

Dongfang Mao gave a wry smile, his hands resting on the railing, and he was weak and didn't know who to speak to.

With only half of his body left, Daoyi, who was still not dead, still had a breath left, heard the name "Old Xuan", like grabbing a life-saving straw.

With the last of his strength, he shouted loudly.

"Mysterious Master, save me!"

"Mysterious Master..."

Before he could say the second sentence, "Save me!", the stern face was split in two from the center of the eyebrows, and the head to the waist was cut in half again.

The nose is also evenly divided into two parts.

It was actually cracked directly, like a sharp weapon cutting, but it was silent, and this silent effort made Zi Nu even stunned.

This kind of kung fu, I'm afraid it would be easy to kill her. She was still proud of her internal strength.

Now that Zhang Sanfeng is beside her, she finds that she has become a hindrance. She can't even figure out Gao Yue's swordsmanship.

He Lun now seems to be even more mysterious than Gao Yue.

However, when Gao Yue saw that the man was split in half, he immediately laughed.

"Dog bites dog, it's funny!"

Gao Yue's mouth has been with Duanmu Rong for a long time. It can be said that the sarcasm is really not false, but any clay figurine will be aroused by her three-pointed anger.

The mouth is so poisonous that one can't wait to tear her mouth apart.


Another invisible sword light, Zi Nu watched Gao Yue, who was still beside her just now.

In an instant, he pulled out his long sword, and with the sword light of bhag training, he rushed behind an empty wall.


A sword slashed, and the sound of gold and stone intersected in my ears.

There was a crisp sound of "ding", obviously Gao Yue's swordsmanship was blocked by someone.

"Little Huang Kou, you know how to say nonsense. Although this Daoyi is just my nameless disciple."

"But I, Elder Xuan, protect my shortcomings the most, and naturally I can't tolerate you insulting my apprentice like this!"

"But you girl, you actually saw my position. Obviously, my apprentice was not wronged by your defeat."

"It's better, you worship me as your teacher now, and I can show mercy."

A purple-robed old man with white hair and spirits flashed out from behind the wall.

While blocking Gao Yue's attack, there was no shortage of words in his mouth.

What he said was even more shocking.

It turns out that there are such shameless people in the world who want to accept their apprentices while killing their apprentices.

Sure enough, the world is so big, there are no wonders.

However, Gao Yue did not return. From the first moment when the fencing intersected, she had already entered a state of unity between man and sword.

"Ding ding ding!" It was a bit of a crisp sound again, and Gao Yue's swordsmanship was blocked by the old man again.

However, there was no sign of discouragement on her face, and she still persisted in picking up the sword in her hand and swiping countless times.

"Haha! This girl's swordsmanship is really good, but if you use swords like this, aren't you afraid that your internal strength won't be able to support it?"

The old man in purple robe held a handleless software and danced against Gao Yue, while one side used words to try to disturb Gao Yue's mind.

However, Gao Yue, who was in the state of the unity of the human and the sword, naturally blocked these trash words and automatically filtered them out.

What the purple-robed old man said was all in vain.

What she has to do now is to frantically gain battle experience and stand beside Zhang Sanfeng. In fact, there are not many opportunities to take action. Most people may be like General Scar that day.

Surrender without a fight, and only a small number of them will resist stubbornly, or they will not know the current affairs.

But such opportunities are rare, and few are left in Gao Yue's hands.

For example, Duanmu Rong's martial arts skills are also higher than her, and she rushes to fight every time she comes out. Last time, Wu Guojian was two more powerful than her.

This wheel-like struggle made Gao Yue a little fascinated for a while.

Some people were born to fight, and today's struggle completely ignited the fire in Gao Yue's heart.

With one sword and one sword, the purple-robed old man who had just made a lot of rhetoric finally felt something was wrong. This girl does not have a lack of internal strength.

Such a huge use of light power to toss and move, looking for the next attack position.

Coupled with the fact that the sword move is elusive, it is obvious that it consumes a lot of internal energy to change the move.

But why, when the two are added together, they fight for more than [-] moves, but the internal strength of this girl does not decrease.

You know, this girl just now fought hundreds of tricks with her unlucky apprentice.

If you weren't in a hurry to get out of the war, you can't say, you can still hold more than [-] moves.

But these are all things that the purple-robed old man takes for granted. If he is not in the game, even if the purple-robed old man's martial arts is several levels higher than his apprentice.

I couldn't understand the situation at that time. You must know that Gao Yue's sword was more fierce than the sword at that time.

If it weren't for the danger of death at any time, Daoyi would say nothing to leave so early.

At that time, he patted his chest to break Gao Yue's limbs and gave it to Dongfang Mao.

If there is room to fight back, he will not run away like a lost dog.

And now the situation of the purple-robed old man is like his apprentice.

Stuck in a weird stalemate.

He can only passively defend, but cannot take the initiative to attack, unless he is not human and can ignore the damage and forcibly attack the sword master.

Injury for injury.

However, this purple-robed old man who is Xuan Lao is best at concealing assassination and the three kinds of skills to save his life and escape.

But now, I can't run, and I have to fight head-on, and the tenth level of skill is six or seven.

Although the invisible sword qi in his hand is still domineering, before others can react, the head is separated and the killing is fierce.

But in Gao Yue's hands, it was like a mirror with a heart like a mirror, and the invisible sword energy could not attack Gao Yue with every move.

Every time he moved, he was able to stay several feet away from the invisible sword energy, making the purple-robed old man feel aggrieved.

"how is this possible!"

"My invisible sword qi is unbreakable. How can I easily see through a girl doll today when I encounter it.".

Chapter 376

The purple-robed old man was full of surprise.

Gao Yue easily escaped his invisible sword qi.

It was as if his sword qi had slowed down dozens of times in Gao Yue's eyes.

However, in fact, he didn't know that he was wrong, his sword energy did not slow down dozens of times, but in Gao Yue's eyes, it played slowly frame by frame at a speed of hundreds of times.

What angle to attack, and where it will go after that, can be seen through at a glance.

Even if the purple-robed old man temporarily changed his moves, there would still be traces of the sword qi transfer, and it was easier for Gao Yue to avoid it.

This is indeed the case in Gao Yue's eyes, she who has practiced the Nine Swords of Dugu.

In Zhang Sanfeng's hands, he has not spoken about swordsmanship all over the world.

Invisible sword energy is naturally a kind of sword move.

Under the broken sword style, there are flaws everywhere, let alone touching her, and touching the clothes-corner is considered a loss for Gao Yue.

The purple-robed old man's teeth were itchy with anger, and he felt his home ground, and gradually seemed to be transferred to this girl.

The big talk just now was as if he was slapping himself in the face.


On the other hand, Dongfang Mao, who was already suffering from above, now sees the two fighting, and he feels that a blood of bitter blood is about to spit out of his chest.

So uncomfortable.

[-]% off?

Was the guardian sent to him by the family fake?[-]% off level?

Is he the most powerful heir in the Eastern world?If so, do you want to send such a guardian to let him die outside?

Sending such a person to protect the Dao, he is not disgusting to take action, I still dislike it!

How can it be the same waste as Daoyi.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these things in his heart.

Although he said so, he also saw clearly.

Dongfang Mao is still a little knowledgeable, no, to be precise, he should be very knowledgeable.

Otherwise, the ancestors of the Dongfang family would not let Dongfang Maolai take over the inheritance of "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

You must know that this took a lot of hard work from the ancestor, so I won't talk about it in time, and it took no less than a few kinds of materials that are rare and hard to find in the world.

Just take it out and sell it, you can easily exchange millions of taels of gold, gold!Not silver.

Can be described as under the capital.

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