Therefore, Dongfang Mao, who can accept this opportunity, is not stupid, but his eyes are above the top.

But the people who came out of the aristocratic family don't have eyes above the top.

He believes that he is the invisible controller of the world, whether it is the royal family or the martial arts, there are forces supported by them. It can be said that it is not too much to say that he is an underground emperor.

After all, the emperor changes every few years, and the family does not move for thousands of years.

Therefore, Dongfang Mao also saw it.

This little girl has a completely strong style of play, and can forcefully beat people two or three levels higher than five to five.

Then, through the skilled kendo experience, deal with people to find flaws.

The most terrifying thing is that this girl with an ordinary long sword seems to be born for the sword.

Every fifty or sixty moves with the sword, there will be a new change.

When the same sword move is used again, there will be different visual senses.

It can be said that the progress is rapid, as if taking medicine.

If the heir of the Dongfang family had such a monster, then Dongfang Mao would have been able to go out and become an ordinary deacon long ago.

Also talk about inheriting the great wealth, status and inheritance of the Eastern family.

"Oops, I'm going to lose!"

As the purple-robed old man was inattentive, a sword light flew by, no matter how fast he hides, the software in his hand can block it in time.

The long sword in Gao Yue's hand had no choice but to break a hole one inch Yuyu in his chest.

The blood instantly dyed the purple robe, and the piece on the chest was instantly dyed purple.

Through the groove of the clothes, you can still see the rolled meat, and the blood that is gushing out like running water.


The purple-robed old man covered his chest and looked at Gao Yue in disbelief.

One more point.

Where did this kind of genius come from, not to mention the weird kendo moves, but also to break through.


As an assassin, the purple-robed old man's first reaction was to escape.

After all, if he thinks he wants to run, few people in the world can catch up with him.

He thought that he still had a Dongfang Mao here, and he could only forcibly dispel this idea.

Running with Dongfang Mao, he can't run for long.

Can only fight to the death.

The old man in the purple robe had no time to control the blood on his chest, and he tapped four times on the chest, waist, abdomen, neck, and four places.

When the four gates opened, the blood flowing in the purple-robed old man's chest stopped bleeding and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

In less than one hour and three minutes, the terrifying sword wound on his chest had already recovered, except for a bevel on his clothes.

With the blood scattered around, it was completely impossible to see that he had suffered a deep sword wound.

"Seven Stars Lighting the Lamp to Continue Life"

It is also a practice similar to "The Great Method of Disintegrating the Heavenly Demons".

However, with his strength, he can only light up four stars, but this is enough.

Although there are sequelae, it does not last long.

But it is enough to deal with this little girl, speed, killing, no fear of pain, accelerated flesh and blood recovery.

Waiting for the miraculous blessing, the purple-robed old man really doesn't believe it, and he can't cut this brown candy with all his strength.

...... 0

The soft sword was like the wind, and a defensive sword circle danced around the purple-robed old man in an instant.

Strict and tight, no gaps are left for Gao Yue to drill.

But at this time, Gao Yue looked at the purple-robed old man whose breath suddenly soared again in front of him, and was not annoyed at all, not afraid.

Put away your sword and do not attack.

The steps under his feet began to take a strange step.

Just when the old man in the purple robe thought that he was in a four-star full-bright posture, he would definitely fight Gao Yue again in a destructive posture.

But he didn't want to, with the stabbing of a sword and a sword, sluggishness reappeared on his well-maintained face.

"How... how is it possible!"

Even if he could see through all his swordsmanship, he couldn't avoid it.

"Old Xuan, be careful, she is walking the Eighty-Four Hexagrams of the Book of Changes! This step is a bit weird, a bit like the long-lost Lingbo Weibu."

Seeing that the purple-robed old man had all four stars on, he was at the end of his streak, and he quickly reminded him.

A second reminder early, one more second to win.

"The Sixty-Four Trigrams of the Book of Changes, Lingbo Microsteps!"

Looking at Gao Yue's footsteps, the purple-robed old man began to shake his heart.

Why is it that I am a person now, with the peerless swordsmanship, and the peerless Qinggong roaming the rivers and lakes?

You must know that what he is learning now is only the concealment method of the intermediate level, plus one or two top martial arts.

Not forever.

But in the hands of the female doll in front of her, she was like Chinese cabbage.six.

Chapter 377

The purple-robed old man wanted to cry.

Yes, the kind that really cried.

Thinking that he sold his life to the Dongfang family for several top exercises of the Dongfang family, but in the end.

Might as well just meet a girl doll.

Knowing that the rivers and lakes are so simple, he sold the body of a hammer!


Thinking about it, in Gao Yue's extremely surprised eyes.

The old man in purple robe, who had been fighting with her, suddenly seemed to have suffered an internal injury, and a mouthful of blood spurted straight out.

It was so frustrating!

"Elder Xuan, her internal strength won't last long, she just needs to hold on to find an opportunity!"

Dongfang Mao's anxious reminder came from upstairs.

The eyes of the originally decadent old man in purple robe lit up. Indeed, this kind of movement technique is light, and the internal energy that is naturally consumed is not easy to bear.

His "Seven Stars Lighting the Lamp Against Destiny" can still hold a stick of three-nine-three incense sticks, and she probably couldn't hold on to a cup of tea.

Just persevere and he can win, until then.

These embarrassment, who remembers.

Thinking of this, the purple-robed old man hurriedly ordered a few acupoints for himself, and began to stabilize the chaotic aura.

"Hey! Old man, I said that you and your sons have the same morality, don't you want money for blood? You vomited blood before I tried."

Gao Yue saw that the old man was adjusting his breath. If he didn't fight her, she was happy not to fight, after all, if he were to use Dugu Nine Swords now.

Swapping injuries for injuries is not a wise move. Playing steadily is the strategy her elder brother has always said.

Whether it's a martial arts competition or practice, you must pay attention to strategy.

"Nonsense, I just vomited blood intermittently."

Although the old man in the purple robe was a little irritated by Gao Yue's words, but he was old and well-informed, so naturally he wouldn't get angry again because of the girl's words.

After all, the dawn of victory is now in sight.

He glanced at Gao Yue and found that she did not act as before, but stood in place, motionless.

"I'm afraid her internal strength will support him to avoid three or five tricks."

The purple-robed old man thought in his heart, the movement in his hand was not slow, and the soft sword without a handle was like a silver dance, stabbing directly towards Gao Yue who was not far away.

Under the light of the few candles in the room, the soft sword without a handle can be slightly seen, and the double edges of the soft sword are lit with lavender patterns.

It emits quenched purple fluorescence.

Obviously it was poisoned, and it was also the unique poison of the purple-robed old man. Except for himself, there was no cure.


The invisible sword qi bursting out from the fingers of the left hand also complemented the soft sword, galloping towards the motionless Gao Yue.

Seeing this, the purple-robed old man couldn't help but smile proudly, and the pain in his chest seemed to have eased a lot.

"Look how you block this time!"

The purple-robed old man's sword attack continued without stopping, and the invisible sword qi that had been brewed in his hand also sprinkled on Gao Yue as if he didn't want money.

But Gao Yue's figure was not like the purple-robed old man, Dongfang Mao had expected, his internal strength couldn't keep up with the consumption of light work, and he finally blocked from left to right and was defeated.

After the two fought again for dozens of moves, the purple-robed old man felt that his moves had been completely seen through by the girl in front of him.

As soon as she made her move, the next moment, the female doll's figure had already avoided the sword energy, or the poison-stained soft sword that was pierced fell into the air.

This premonition is really comparable to a prophetic god.

The purple-robed old man has lived to this day, and he has never seen such a bizarre battle.

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