In one minute, eighty to ninety soft sword attacks, plus fifteen sneak attacks with invisible sword energy, all failed.

Not even the corners of the clothes were touched.

Is this still human?

What made the purple-robed old man even more desperate was that Gao Yue, who had no internal strength, would soon stop doing light work, and could no longer easily avoid his attacks.

The hell's internal strength is not enough, these dozens of tricks will come down.He didn't see the slightest weakness.

On the contrary, his face was rosy, but it was himself, he already felt that a force was slowly withdrawing from his body.

The effect of "Seven Stars Lighting the Lamp Against Destiny" is fading.

This is an inevitable problem, and sequelae are coming.

The old man in purple robe, who had defeated Gao Yue, naturally didn't need to think about this issue, but for a while he began to worry about the situation after the war.

If he fails to defeat Gao Yue, it means that the sequelae are coming.

It was when his purple robe died that the king of assassins who used to be proud of the five continents and ten places died at the hands of a female doll.

Although this girl's talent, cultivation, and reaction can be described as terrifying, the purple-robed old man was not reconciled.

He can still live for many years, and in the first half of his life he worked hard and suffered a lot, not for the end of the second half of his life, when he was randomly killed by a martial arts warrior...  

So, his figure began to move towards the door intentionally or unintentionally, but this behavior was imperceptible.

The acting is very realistic, at least Dongfang Mao above, and his servant of Dao Er, did not see it.

I just feel that Elder Xuan seems to have a lot of physical strength, so what should I do next?

The last hole cards are out, and there is still no way to take a little girl, let alone a mysterious person.

"MD, I shouldn't have eaten the stew that night!"

Dongfang Mao thought that he foolishly wanted to find a place to play yesterday, but the owner of the Luzhu stall recommended Zilan Xuan to him.

He was out of breath.

Wouldn't it be fragrant to go to another brothel, Chu Pavilion? If you have to come to this Zilan Xuan to pretend, you also want to go hunting for beauty.

The beauty hunts him more or less.

But this kind of hunting is the kind of real hunting.

Downstairs, the old man in purple robe already felt that he was about to reach the end of the road.

Looking at the second floor with shame on his face, he said in a tragic tone.

"Insult my son, I fought with you today."

As he said that, in front of Gao Yue, his aura rose again, and his long sleeves were all windless, making noises.

The purple-robed old man suddenly appeared all over his body, giving a sense of sight of the great master of martial arts.

Gao Yue couldn't help but be startled, as if he was really overwhelmed by his aura.

"Old Xuan, what you did, I will go back and tell the ancestors, your purple girl will definitely get preferential treatment."

Seeing that Elder Xuan was going all out, Dongfang Mao froze in his heart, shouted loudly, and then quickly whispered a few words to Dao Er.

He leaned back slightly and disappeared at the end of the purple girl's field of vision.

Going up the first floor, Dongfang Mao was no longer visible.


Just when the purple girl was suspicious.

The purple-robed old man who was like a great master of martial arts also shouted angrily.

"go with!"

He threw the soft sword Qiankun directly in his hand, originally thought it was thrown at Gao Yue.

But he didn't think that the target of this Zhan Zi soft sword would be until the purple girl left.

Gao Yue only had time to shout.

"Sister Zi, be careful, there is nothing else."

Because, right in front of her, a purple-robed old man in a robe was rushing towards him with an angry face.

A punch and a kick, all with a strong wind! .

Chapter 378

The soft sword galloped, and the purple girl was reminded by Gao Yue.

It is also a dodging, avoiding this flying sword, but after easily dodging it, the purple girl is a little surprised.

Because logically.

With a martial arts master at the level of the purple-robed old man, especially an assassination master, his hidden weapon skills cannot be too low.

And even with Gao Yue's reminder, she would not be able to avoid it so easily in the face of hidden weapons.

This is why she was surprised, it is too simple.

It's not like a hidden weapon that a master can throw out.

Instead, it was like a deliberate perfunctory.

And the other side.

The purple-robed old man swelled all over his body, as if there were dozens of hair dryers underneath, his robes rattled.

With the roar of fists and feet, he was about to slam towards Gao Yue who was blocking the door.

With indomitable courage.

The empty door opened wide, and the whole body was full of flaws.

However, Gao Yue didn't do it directly, but once again cleverly used Lingbo's micro-step to deal with him.

However, it was this time that he evaded, allowing Zi Lanxuan to make way out of the door.

The purple-robed old man's eyes lit up, and he immediately seized a fleeting opportunity.

With a little more force on the toes, the wooden floor squeaked on the branches, and an abrupt toe mark was engraved on the floor.

Then the whole person is like a Dapeng bird taking off, jumping to the opposite tall building with one jump.

After a few more jumps, he disappeared in an instant.

Gao Yue was stunned, this old man said that if he didn't fight, he wouldn't fight.

The desperate effort just said was completely disguised.

In the end, Sa Yazi ran wild.

"Really boring!"

Gao Yue complained.

"Seven old and eighty, you know how to run if you can't beat it, don't you think? Sister Zi."

Gao Yue seemed to be a little bit unhappy, watching her opponent run away, she was helpless, and complained to the purple girl who came over.

Although she is very powerful, she also understands the reason why poor thieves should not chase.

Didn't the big brother teach her for so many days.

"Okay, that old man is so miserable, you still want to let him continue to lose face!"

The purple girl sighed as she looked at the girl who was not breathing at all in the two battles in front of her.

"How talented are you? I suspect that Xie Xiaofeng has greatly underestimated your talent."

"You can go back and forth with that kind of old monster. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it anyway."

"It stands to reason that at your age, you are definitely not a match for that kind of person."

The tone of voice is mostly sigh and envy, this kind of talent can't be obtained.

However, Zi Nu's knowledge was too low after all, and the old man in purple robe did not understand that Maxima still needs Bole.

Even if your talent is high and you don't have a suitable exercise, what if you have a full golden bell cover or a full black tiger sword.

Not even by some advanced martial arts, the first floor can be hanged and beaten.

Therefore, the root cause is still in the martial arts secret book, whether it is Yi Jin Jing, Bei Ming Shen Gong, or Dugu Nine Swords, Lingbo Weibu.

They are all first-class martial arts skills. It seems that these things are piled up on a genius. If you can't beat these old monsters, then what's the use of the skills.

It's not enough for everyone to go to the countryside to learn the hand-styles, but also learn some martial arts moves.

Gao Yue naturally understood this point, shook his head humbly, and explained to Zi Nu with a smile.

"It's not that I am talented, but that my big brother taught me well. If there is no big brother, Yue'er is afraid that she will still be a mermaid."

Gao Yue seemed to sigh, these days, being by his big brother's side, he has changed too much.

She herself had never thought that in front of her big brother, she was like an ant, but in front of these martial arts masters, she was like a moat, playing at will.

The sense of difference suddenly arises.

After this battle, Gao Yue admired Zhang Sanfeng even more, and more affirmed the dream in his heart.

She must do it!

for sure!

"That's also because Yue'er's talent is good, and others are willing to teach it. It can't be one person's reason."

The purple girl followed Gao Yue's words.

But he didn't want to be rejected by Gao Yue.

"Sister Zi, you don't know, a genius who doesn't grow up is nothing. Only by my big brother's side, my talent can be useful."

The words were sonorous and powerful, and Gao Yuexiao's face was full of doubts.


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