Zi Nu was silent, and it seems that this is the same reason. Throughout the ages, if every genius had a Taoist protector like Zhang Sanfeng, there would be no origin of the word premature death.

After all, a master can't protect his life forever.

As for Zhang Sanfeng's direct knowledge and immortal-level guidance, plus the talent of the person being pointed out is excellent.

You don't need time to grow up, you can stand at the peak of martial arts, compete with a small group of people, and die prematurely.

It can be said that it has been difficult.

After all, he has already reached the peak, and death after the peak is not a premature death.

But this model is extremely difficult to replicate. Let’s not talk about how many martial arts skills there are, let’s say that the true immortal cultivation base is not Chinese cabbage.

Can be found anywhere.

Although a genius is one in a hundred, there is no one in ten thousand, but a good teacher and a mentor are one in a million.

"Let's not talk about this, I'll take a look at the little money I found."

Gao Yue excitedly took the thick bundle of silver notes from Zi Nu's hands, [-] taels, a stack so thick.

Although by Zhang Sanfeng's side, he has never been short of gold and silver.

But in a sense, it was the first money Gao Yue made.

"Give all the money to big brother later, hee hee."

Gao Yue thought happily.

On the other side, several hundred meters away from Zilan Xuan, Dongfang Maozheng and his servant Dao Er were running wildly.

Across two more streets is the city gate.

At that time, just hide in the mountains and wait for a letter from the family.

Let's see how this small building will die at that time.

Even if I lose the right of inheritance, I have to watch this Zilan Xuan, which angered the Dongfang family, be razed to the ground in Yangzhai City.

Dongfang Mao, his mind turned like electricity, vicious thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Selling braised cooking, delicious braised cooking!"

"No twenty, no ten, just nine! Just nine!"

At this moment, there was a sudden scream of hawking, which attracted the attention of Dongfang Mao, who had already been flooded with anger.

Dongfang Mao followed the hawking sound and saw that it was not where he was yesterday.

But the boss is still the same boss, simple and honest.

At this time, after greeting a guest, he was casually draping a white towel on his shoulders to greet passers-by.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Mao's heart was filled with evil thoughts.

The grievances he had suffered in Zilan Xuan were unstoppable.

He turned around directly, ignoring Dao Er's dissuasion, and walked towards the Luzhu stall.

He wanted to smash the Luzhu stall directly, and then send the boss a ride, hoping that in his next life, he would not talk so much.

But to do these things, you need an excuse.

So, he stepped forward and said to the boss.

"Boss, come with a bowl of stew, no soup, no stewed meat.".

Chapter 379

This made the Luzhu boss stunned for a moment and asked.

"The guest officer, what do you want?"

"No soup, no braised pork, isn't that just an empty bowl!"

"I don't care, you can't do it, I'll kill you!"

Dongfang Mao sat down, patted the table hard, and said viciously to the owner of the Luzhu stall.

He watched the surrounding environment, and the Luzhu booth still only supported three small tables, besides his own table, there was another table.

At that table was a boy in white and a girl in blue.

The boy is handsome and the girl is beautiful, but there is a look of indifference on his face that is not suitable for this age.

Seeing him, Dongfang Mao seemed to have seen his ancestor for a while, but this feeling came and went quickly.

Taking a closer look, I felt that apart from being a little more handsome than himself, this young man was just an ordinary person with no inner strength at all.

The girl in blue has some inner strength, but she is also an ordinary character.

A very ordinary combination, Dongfang Mao retracted his vision, and then continued to remain silent, looking at the embarrassed look of Luzhu boss.

"Don't embarrass the small one, the small one is just a small business. I hope you have a lot of it, let the kid go."

The boss of the braised cooking is low and small.

This is the sadness of a small person, but it is also to see that this young man in Tsing Yi has an extraordinary bearing and is not like an ordinary person.

If it was an ordinary rogue, he would have driven him away with a knife long ago.

"I remember the guest officer. I came to my stall last night and ate Luzhu, but what are you dissatisfied with? Why are you looking for a little trouble today?"

The owner of the Luzhu stall seemed to remember something, and suddenly remembered that this person had eaten Luzhu at his own Luzhu stall last night.

His eyes lit up slightly.

But unexpectedly, not to mention yesterday was fine, but when he mentioned yesterday, Dongfang Mao was like a cat, and his hair was fried.

The original Gujing waveless face was instantly distorted, as if a [-]-pound boulder had been dropped in the ancient well, and a thud made waves.

Dongfang Mao directly pulled the sword out of the scabbard and cursed in his heart.

"It's all fucking boiled" ˇ!"

Then he had to sever the stall owner with a sword, and then escaped. Of course, this was his plan.

But he didn't want to, the sword that contained his full blow was actually blocked by a blue-clothed girl who picked up the blade with her bare hands.

It was the girl in blue who was eating braised boiled meat at another table just now, with a piece of braised pork in her mouth.

"Why are you blocking me?"

Dongfang Mao felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell the feeling.

"Then why are you hindering me from eating braised cooking!"

The blue-clothed girl leaned on her waist, chewed and swallowed the marinated meat in her mouth, and asked Dongfang Moji.

"I didn't stop you from eating the luzhu! I want to kill the owner of the luzhu stall!"

Dongfang Mao felt that his temper was really unprecedented, if he wasn't worried that the little girl in Zilan Xuan would come after him.

He might have a fight with this blue-clothed girl here.

After all, there are two people on his side.

"That's not good! You killed people in front of me and affected your appetite!"

The blue-clothed girl is unrelenting.

"Dao Er, you go to solve it!"


Dao Er, who was dressed in black behind him, heard Dongfang Mao's order and shot without hesitation.

Although most of the exercises he cultivates are mainly defensive, such as horizontal exercises such as golden bell hood and iron cloth shirt.

But the speed is actually not slow. In three or two steps, he stepped on the pace and slapped the head of the boss Luzhu with a slap.

If it is real, the head of the stew stall owner may directly show a negative growth, that is, the head is forcibly punched into the chest cavity.

However, just as Dao Er took his breath away, he heard his son's reminder.

"Dao Er, be careful!"

The sound entered his ears, and Dao Er also felt the strong wind behind him, and the surface of Dao Er's body instantly turned into a layer of pale gold.

Even the black black clothes on his body have become golden light and translucent.

This is a variation of the golden bell - the fifth layer. The diamond is not bad, the whole body is golden, and the ordinary sword can't hurt him without inner energy.

However, this is not enough, feel the pressure of the terror behind.

Dao Er directly gave up the stall owner who had been paralyzed with fright in front of him, because he had a feeling that if he didn't fight back.

Even if he cultivated to the fifth floor with his golden bell hood, he would not be able to stop the attack of the person behind him.

So the only option is to turn around and punch, and have the chance to survive this sneak attack.

Dao Er is still very confident about boxing techniques. After all, apart from conjoined exercises, the only attacking method he cultivates is Arhat Fist.

A fist can suppress a tiger, and a palm can capture a dragon.

Dao Er immediately turned over and punched the force. He had already thought about the next move in his mind, how to change it.

If the attacking person wants to test his internal strength and doesn't let go of his fist, then he will turn his fist into a palm.

Grab it directly, and let that person taste why Arhat Boxing, a fist can suppress a tiger, and a palm can capture a dragon.

However, in the next second, an unstoppable energy came, and a small fist only half a minute of his fist slammed into his hand.


The sound of bone crushing has already sounded almost at the moment of contact.

Even though he has practiced the horizontal exercise for many years, Dao Er has long been not afraid of ordinary pain, but this inch of bone fracture, the pain of ten fingers connecting his heart, still makes him unacceptable.

This is not to say how strong this person is, but the internal force to crush.

If the inner strength of Dao Er is a small lake, then the inner strength of this shooter is as vast as the sea, which is simply incomparable.

"."how is this possible!"

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