It was Dongfang Mao who was speaking, and he saw just now that his only bodyguard was Dao Er.

He was actually beaten back by a weak female streamer.

Moreover, the explosion of the woman's internal strength just now was too violent, making him unable to measure the standard strength of this woman for a while.

"who are you?"

Dao Er was punched to the bone by the woman, and his right hand could no longer be lifted, and his strength was [-]%.

He couldn't help being a loner who wasn't careful.

"Break into my house and demolished my house, you still don't know who we are?"

The blue-clothed girl looked at Dongfang Mao with a smile.

That smile made Dongfang Mao shudder.

"Are you... from Zi Lanxuan?"

Dongfang Mao's voice trembled a little, his eyes rolled straight, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The blue-clothed girl was Duanmu Rong who walked out of Zilan Xuan out of nowhere, and it was Zhang Sanfeng who accompanied her to eat the stew.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't take a look here, but said to the boss lazily.

"Boss, do you have tea?"

"Yes! But, tea is not..."

The boss woke up like a dream, and said with some sincerity.

"It doesn't matter, it's just tea!"

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand, and then turned around, like a melon-eating crowd, watching the scene in front of him.

He is not worried about Duanmu Rong. After all, Duanmu Rong, who is known as a genius doctor, is also an existence who has created his own internal strength.

Coupled with these daily teachings and deeds, following him, the strength has long been incomparable. .

Chapter 380

On the long street, many people have gathered around to watch the farce here.

When she saw a little girl knocking over a man a head taller than her, she burst into applause.

Duanmu Rong was embarrassed, but Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

With this control, Duanmu Rong has made further progress in "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians".

The explosion of inner qi just now was a move that Duanmu Rong realized from the "Eight Meridians" she created under his guidance.

A move that explodes the internal power stored in the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

If Duanmu Rong didn't keep her hands this time, she would burst out all the internal power in the Eight Extraordinary Meridians in one breath.

I am afraid that Dao Er is not as simple as breaking his hand, but the consequence of doing so is to lose his strength, and he will no longer be able to fight.

"If you know it, go back obediently, apologize to the purple girl, lose money, and want to run away after smashing people's ground. It's really yours."

Duanmurong said rudely.

"Don't even think about it!"

Seeing the mysterious girl who suddenly appeared, she first abandoned his servant Dao Er, and then wanted to arrest him back.

Dongfang Mao naturally refused, and turned around, heading straight for Zhang Sanfeng.

He remembered that this kid who was eating stew with the blue-clothed girl had no inner strength.

At that time, as long as she returns to defense, he will take the opportunity to escape.

Dongfang Mao's abacus rattled in his heart.

However, what Dongfang Mao didn't expect was that he was about to get close to the young man in white, who had no inner strength.

That girl in blue didn't care, she raised her small fist anyway, as if she was laughing?


However, at this moment, Dongfang Mao didn't have much thought about why she wanted to laugh, instead of going back and forth.

Today, he encountered too many strange facts. First, he encountered a girl who played with swords, with one-handed kendo skills, and even his guardian could not beat him.

The only way to fight for survival for the two of them is to use the game of perishing together.

Sad and deplorable, thinking about it now, there is a sense of sadness and remorse welling up from the bottom of my heart.

If he had just gone straight to the city gate, he wouldn't have met this blue-clothed girl.

You know, the blue-clothed girl probably didn't want to arrest him in the first place. If he hadn't wanted to kill the owner of the Luzhu stall, she wouldn't have the slightest intention to do anything.

Another braised food stall.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Mao felt resentment surge again.

"It's all fucking braised cooking stalls!"

How good it is to cook without brine, whether it is today or yesterday.

However, Dongfang Mao no longer intends to think about these things. Since the girl in blue does not return to defend, the original plan to run away will naturally fail.

Because the girl in blue just blocked the way to the city gate, and there are obstacles here.

If you want to run, you can only choose there.

In other words, Dongfang Mao has now become a trapped beast.

The only chance of life was on this young man in white, which made Dongfang Mao sigh that there is no way out.

If the young man had some skill and could fight with him for a few moments, so that he could not escape, then he would be truly dead today.

What a pity!

After all, the sky is still hanging down on my Dongfang Mao, otherwise, why would I be in a dead place again?

Send me such a wonderful hostage.

Looking at the interaction between the two just now, it was obvious that this young man had a higher status, and for Dongfang Mao, it was even more good news.

As long as he was carried out of the city, with him as a hostage, it would not be easy to wait for the support of the Dongfang family.


Before he got it, Dongfang Mao felt a little relieved, and even looking at Zhang Sanfeng, who was originally handsome and an eyesore, was now somewhat pleasing to the eye.

If this young man does not resist later, he will suffer less. After all, his status and status may be equal to him. Otherwise, if it is not status, how can there be such a girl guard.

Show some respect.

But thinking of this, Dongfang Mao felt a little jealous and sour. Why is this young man in front of me who is inferior to me in martial arts and has no inner strength at all.

Except a little bit more handsome than myself.

How could his family arrange for him such a beautiful maid to protect him.

He is two wood-like Daoyi and Dao[-], as well as an inexperienced Xuan Lao.

Thinking of Elder Xuan, his mood suddenly swayed, and this person also has a guardian.

Make him suspicious. If he doesn't (bhag) get past the critical moment, he doesn't have time to think so much, so he will hold the hostages in his hands first.

However, just as he was about to approach Zhang Sanfeng, he suddenly heard the sweet laughter of the blue-clothed woman.

"Master! Do you want tea?"


This word has been repeated in Dongfang Mao's mind, but he still can't understand who the girl in blue is calling to be the master.

But when his hand was about to touch the corner of Zhang Sanfeng's clothes.

There was a sharp pain in the palm of the hand, as if the fingers were cut by countless invisible sharp blades.

It made him so scared that he retracted his hand and looked at the ring finger of the middle finger of his right hand, and the upper half of the three fingers of the index finger, which had been cut into pieces.


Dongfang Mao was hurt by this unpredictable injury, so he screamed, half in physical pain, half in unbelievable shouting.

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"No inner strength, no inner strength!"

Even if he has the peerless hidden breath technique, it is impossible for him to not reveal half of it when he starts.

But now, Dongfang Mao didn't know what was hurting him, so he chopped his fingers directly.

The handsome young man who was originally independent from the world has also become a crippled man with three broken fingers.

"Who are you!"

Dongfang Mao knelt on the ground weakly, lowered his head, held his fingers, and asked with a crying voice.

Although Dongfang Mao wished to go forward and kill the young man who seemed to have no inner strength, he told him rationally, even if he came [-] times.

He might not be able to touch the corner of the boy's clothes. He saw the indifference of the girl in blue just now.

It's just that I didn't put it in my heart at the time, and now it's too late to regret it.

"Now you can speak!"

An incomparably indifferent sentence came out of the mouth of the white-clothed boy, and the words were clear and word by word, but Dongfang Mao was puzzled.

say what?for whom?

"Huh? Don't tell me? Then I won't listen."

Zhang Sanfeng took a sip of tea, then looked at Dongfang Mao, who bowed his head and said nothing, and said to Duanmu Rong with his mouth.

"Go and bring him back to Zilan Xuan!"

"Yes! Master!"

Duanmu Rong responded.

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