Before Zhang Sanfeng could answer, Dongfang Mao and the old man in purple robe shouted.

"I am the walking of the Dongfang family, representing the face of the four hidden families. If I die in Yangzhai City for no reason, the Dongfang family will definitely not let you go."

"As long as you let me go back, I won't say a word of superfluous words. It's just a servant who died. It's not a big problem. If I die, the Dongfang family will definitely not give up!"

The two spoke different words, but the meaning was clear.

Zi Nu was also worried because of her actions, if she caused trouble and troubled her own Zhang Lang, it would not be beautiful.

If she could let them go, as he said, she would swallow this breath and let it go.

"Don't worry about it, you do what you want."

Zhang Sanfeng put down the teacup and said indifferently, without even looking at the two kneeling people.

"That's good, Zhang Lang!"

The purple girl smiled and said, and then she didn't even look at it.

Facing Gao Yuedao.

"Girl, use your sword!"

"No! Save the dirty hands of Sister Zi."

As soon as Gao Yue heard that he was going to kill someone, his feelings were not so deep, so he drew his sword and galloped towards the three people in the distance.

A sword light flashed across the sky, like a shooting star in the night, and it was bright in an instant.

The three of them are naturally unwilling characters.

The two of them retreated rapidly, and since it has become a mortal situation, it makes no difference whether they run or not.

Anyway, they are all dead, it is better to fight.

"Dao Er, help me stop her!"

Dongfang Mao ordered the servants like an iron tower. Although Dao Er's right hand is now broken, he relies on the golden bell hood that is close to Dacheng and Dacheng's iron cloth shirt.

Not to mention that I can stop a cup of tea or a stick of incense, I can still stop it in three minutes.

Moreover, Dao Er used the most stupid play and the most effective blocking method.

Exchange life for life, exchange his life for Dongfang Mao's life.

After receiving the order, Dao Er had no fear and directly hit Gao Yue's sword tip, causing her to stop chasing.

wrestle with it.

But the two of them were one from the window and the other to the gate.

Escape separately, so the probability of escape is the greatest.

This time, the only thought in their hearts was to escape from the city, and no matter what the situation was, they would never stop.

However, there is only one chance.

The same mistake, the purple girl will not make the second time, and Zhang Sanfeng does not need to do it.

Just listen to Duanmu Rong.


The sound was not loud, but there was a delicate air.

In an instant, Dongfang Mao, who was about to be in front of the runway window, and the purple-robed old man who was approaching the gate, including Dao Er who was fighting against Gao Yue.

Immediately, I felt a pain in my back, my legs were out of control, and my lower body was completely out of control.

Then the center of gravity was out of balance, and the whole person fell to the ground.

If you look at it alone, you may think that this is an ordinary flat ground wrestling, an accidental event.

However, once the three of them fell to the ground almost at the same time and in the same posture.

This was no accident, it was Duanmu Rong's secret hand on them before.

The acupuncture points are stimulated, and the internal force is hidden in the three acupuncture points. Within a certain range, only that internal force needs to be detonated.

It can make it appear to others that there is a way to point holes in the air.

This time, it was aimed at the escape acupoint, directly stimulating the acupoint with internal force, paralyzing both legs and making them unable to move.

"You're shameless! You actually played tricks on me!"

Dongfang Mao knew that he was about to die, and he was a little out of breath.

"This kind of internal force was completely incapable of feeling just now, and the inner force that this old man can't feel, I am afraid that only the best martial arts can do it!"

The purple-robed old man was much calmer, looking at the women in the distance with relief in his eyes.

Losing to a group of people who study martial arts is the best match, what else is there to say.

Just like the ordinary BOSS and VIP local tyrant players, they are directly met for seconds.

Putting it here, isn't this normal?

It is strange that BOSS can fight against local tyrant players for [-] rounds.

It's just that he prides himself on putting his skills in martial arts. Although he is not a top group, the top ten assassins are not too much.

But now that he is here, any teenage girl is better than him, and he is still a little frustrated.


The old man in the purple robe sighed, but suddenly thought that the second half of his life is also wonderful, and it is not that he has come here in vain.

Looking at the distance, Gao Yue has already headed Dao Er Xiao and is coming towards him

The purple-robed old man didn't think about anything else, closed his eyes, and waited until he died!

However, Dongfang Mao was so frightened that he was still not reconciled, and climbed with his hands that were still able to move.

It also made him afraid of a lot of distance.

However, there was another sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh.

Dongfang Mao looked back in horror.

Gao Yue had already coldly pulled the sword out of the purple-robed old man, and was wiping the blood on the corpse with the sword unhurriedly.

It seems to be torturing him, and walking to his side is a bit slow.

Press step by step.

And Dongfang Mao also kept crawling backwards with both hands.

"Don't come here!"

"Don't come here, I am a descendant of the Dongfang family, who can save me!"

"I can give a lot of money!"

Dongfang Mao shouted as he crawled, until a soft voice entered his ears.

Then there was a chill in the neck, and a tingling pain, before the brain responded.

Consciousness fell into a deep darkness. .

Chapter 384

A few days later, Zilan Xuan, which had been closed for a long time, reopened.

However, the original Zilanxuan card face, which was originally made of gilt, was taken down at an unknown time.

Instead, there are three big characters of Chunjiang Tower hanging in it.

It also means that this place has a new owner.

However, the departure of Zi Lanxuan did not affect the Chunjiang Building. After the opening of the Chunjiang Building, due to geographical factors and historical factors.

And most importantly, although the geisha inside is not as good-looking as the original Zilan Xuan, but it is more open.

It also led to the fact that Zi Lan Xuan changed its name to Chunjiang Tower.

It was still full every night in Yangzhai City, and the seats were full.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhang Sanfeng and his party who have already embarked on the road to Vietnam.

After dealing with Dongfang Mao and others that day, Zi Nu simply sold Zi Lan Xuan at a discount of [-] yuan to a well-known person in Yangzhai City, who also helped a lot of Zi Lan Xuan at the beginning. Investor.

Although it is a cheap sale, it can be considered to repay a little kindness.

The five carriages arrived at the country of Yue smoothly, that is, Niutou Ling, which used to be separate from Ah Qing.

But at this time, except for Xie Xiaofeng, who was no longer there, there were many others.

At that time, when Zhang Sanfeng removed the sword breath from his body, he had already left to return to his Divine Sword Villa, and he did not do much to retain him.

After all, given his state of mind at the time, it was indeed better for him to go back to retreat than to follow him.

Unsettling the foundation of kendo is not a trivial matter.

After the group got out of the car, they all began to look at their surroundings.

"Husband, the Ah Qing you mentioned is right here?"

Nongyu asked curiously as he looked at Niutouling, which was surrounded by green hills and green hills.

There are still some people shepherding sheep in the distance, but it does not seem to be a place where kendo masters can be raised.

However, with Gao Yue's Zhuyu in front, Nongyu didn't look down on her, but was very curious about how the girl named Aqing mastered the swordsmanship here.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly and wanted to say something, but he felt a strong aura from the West, approaching at extreme speed.

very familiar.

Although there were a few days of separation, Zhang Sanfeng still wouldn't forget Ah Qing's breath, but it seemed that this time, the breath was a little higher than before the separation.

Obviously, her swordsmanship has improved again, and Zhang Sanfeng can only sigh at her. She truly deserves the name of Sword Immortal.

Entering martial arts is as simple as eating and drinking.

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