There are also a few people chatting in the ears.

"Someone seems to be coming over there' ˇ?"

"Really? Why didn't I see it?"

"A little under that tree, see?"

"I see! It really is!"


"Sister Ah Qing!"

As the figure got closer, Gao Yue also saw the green-shirted woman galloping over, it was Ah Qing who had just parted.

Her attire at this time was exactly the same as before the separation, but it was very clean and did not look old at all.

"Mr. Zhang... Big Brother Zhang!"

The girl in the green shirt ignored the five gorgeous carriages and saw that Zhang Sanfeng's voice trembled a little, and his delicate voice had a hint of discoloration.

The title of Big Brother Zhang was decided by Zhang Sanfeng himself when they parted.

"Your swordsmanship has improved again!"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Ah Qing approvingly.

"Well! Bai... Eunuch Bai has been with me these days."

The green-shirted girl said a little shyly, the white ape had long since disappeared, but she didn't want it to appear frequently to compete with her when she was in a daze on her lawn these days.

"Oh? That's fun!"

Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew that the father-in-law Bai in Ah Qing's mouth was possessed like a sword fairy, and he fed Ah Qing all the time from the age of thirteen or fourteen to sixteen or seventeen.

The white ape who finally gave birth to the Yue female swordsmanship.

"Brother Zhang, do you want to meet? Eunuch Bai will be very happy if he sees your swordsmanship!"

"But Eunuch Bai can't beat me now, so he probably won't be able to take your move."

"just forget it."

Ah Qing suddenly changed his mind, because it was a fact that the original White Ape could not beat her now, and Big Brother Zhang, who was able to take her down with a single sword, was even more crushed by the White Ape.

Seeing and not seeing is already meaningless. In addition, the white ape is a beast. If he commits a beast, and wants to attack Brother Zhang, it will be troublesome.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded, White Ape really had nothing to see, but if he had a chance to meet, it would be unnecessary to waste time.

He is still worried about the situation on Fan Li's side.

You know, he can write a ruthless man who can swallow Wu Jiushu.

"So did you say goodbye to your mother?"

The last time the two talked, Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew that there was a mother in her family, the one who warned Ah Qing not to talk too much with men. "

"Of course I said it!"

"I can leave at any time now, and I have nothing to bring, just a sword and a green bamboo stick."

Ah Qing said carelessly.


"Fangcuncheng, let's go!"

Zhang Sanfeng gave an order, and the carriage turned around and started again.

The five carriages soon returned to the fork, and then turned to the road in Fangcuncheng.

It didn't take long before they arrived at the towering border city.

The movement caused by the five carriages was not small, and Zhang Sanfeng and Ah Qing did not deliberately hide their traces and appearances. It didn't take long.

Zhang Sanfeng and his party were resting in a restaurant with three cloth banners hanging, and Fan Li, who was dressed in the clothes of an official who crossed the country, came to the restaurant in person.

There were two guards in armor behind him.

"Master Zhang, long time no see, and Miss Aqing, Miss Duanmu and Miss Gao."

Fan Li came forward to say hello, Zi Nu and Nong Yu happened to be chatting in the carriage, so Fan Li didn't see it, but he was quite curious.

"Master Zhang, this time there are three more carriages than last time. Is your son going to move to Yue Kingdom?"

"I, Fan Li, warmly welcome you on behalf of the King of Yue. If you don't dislike the capital, I will live in my mansion.

I have to say that Fan Li's mouth can indeed speak, and when you talk to him, you never have to worry about finding a topic.

And talking to him, he won't appear to be particularly restrained, but rather open, just like an old friend for many years.

However, it seems to outsiders that an old man in his forties chatting happily with a group of [-]- or [-]-year-old boys and girls is a very strange thing in itself.

"I'm here, of course, to help you."

Zhang Sanfeng picked up the wine glass, looked at the liquid that was as bright as blue waves, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and said.

"That is, that..."

"When will the son leave?"


Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Then I'll ask your son to agree to an unkind request from Fan."

Fan Li suddenly leaned over and thought about Zhang Sanfeng making a bow, but Zhang Sanfeng was indifferent, but the guard behind him was startled.

They have never seen such a big gift. .

Chapter 385

"Since it is an unkind request, there is no need to ask again."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently.

"Also ask the young hero to save my Yueguo, and our Yueguo can pay all the price!"

When Fan Liquan didn't hear Zhang Sanfeng's words, he went straight to pay his respects again and ask again.

Without him, swallowing Wu Jiuce, only the last strategy, strong force.

The swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom are skilled in swordsmanship, and they are no match for the Yue Kingdom.

If you want to defeat Wu, you naturally need a swordsman who can easily defeat Wu swordsmen to teach swordsmanship.

Originally, Fan Li wanted to find A Qing's master to teach her, but when he saw Zhang Sanfeng, he knew there was a better choice.

His swordsmanship was much higher than that of Ah Qing. If he was willing to teach Yue soldiers swordsmanship, He Chou would not be able to swallow Wu.

"Including your life?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Fan Li with a smile, but his voice was indifferent, cold, and a little alienated, which made Fan Li feel flustered.

However, Fan Li still lowered his head and said without hesitation.

"If Zhang Shaoxia wants Fan Li's life, he can take it at any time, but I urge you to pass on our Yueguo swordsmanship."

After speaking, he stopped talking, as if waiting for Zhang Sanfeng's judgment.

"Since you have said so, it would be inhumane if I don't help. Well, I will only teach one trick."

"But I don't care how much you can learn."

Zhang Sanfeng took a sip of wine and continued.

"That's it, no need to say more."

"Many thanks to Zhang Shaoxia, Zhang Shaoxia's kindness, we are all over the country, and we will never forget it!"

"Then Fan Li will retire and call the soldiers!"

Fan Li also knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he could only bow his head and slowly retreat.

"Brother Zhang really wants to teach their swordsmanship?"

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng agreed to teach Yue Guo swordsmanship, Ah Qing seemed very happy and asked with a smile.


Zhang Sanfeng said casually.

"That's great, the people of Wu country have been bullying me for too long!"

As she spoke, Ah Qing seemed to see the soldiers of the Yue Kingdom who learned the swordsmanship taught by Zhang Sanfeng defeat the Kingdom of Wu. She could not wait to applaud!

"You can also pass on swordsmanship, I remember that you are not quite tempted?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Ah Qing with a half-smile but not a smile, with a hint of provocation.

After all, Ah Qing's swordsmanship is more than enough to teach Yue soldiers, otherwise there will be no future three thousand Yuejia to swallow Wu.

"If Brother Zhang taught me, I wouldn't be ugly."

Ah Qing said a little embarrassedly, as if thinking of something and a little shy.

"By the way, Brother Zhang (bhag), don't your two wives come in?"

Aqing asked.

Along the way, Ah Qing naturally learned about the relationship between Zhang Sanfeng and Zinu, Nongyu and others through Gao Yue and Duanmu Rong. Although she was shocked, she thought it was more reasonable.

It was just inevitable that she was still a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, after a while of adapting, she gradually accepted this fact.

"No, they seem to have something to do, don't worry about them, we'll just eat ours."

"Little Er, a few kilos of cooked beef."

Zhang Sanfeng casually ordered the menu and said casually.


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