A-Qing nodded with a bit of disappointment, indicating that he knew.

Not long after the few people were in the restaurant, they heard the sound of dense footsteps outside and the sound of armor colliding with each other.

Then Fan Li came in again, but this time, in addition to the accompanying guards, there was another one wearing a delicate helmet, the whole body was wrapped in thick iron armor, and an ancient sword was pinned to his waist.

Looks like a commander, or general.

However, Fan Li didn't introduce it, and Zhang Sanfeng didn't even see him.

"Zhang Shaoxia, the soldiers in Fangcun City, except for defending the city, everything else is outside."

"A total of [-] people, I hope Zhang Shaoxia can act boldly without any worries."

Fan Li seemed to be afraid that Zhang Sanfeng was worried or had reservations.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded, then stood up, took out a long sword from the soldier's body at will, and danced. Although this kind of short and long sword is not very good in workmanship, it still feels good.

So, Zhang Sanfeng took the long sword and walked outside the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, the small open space had long been surrounded by soldiers, and further afield, soldiers were surging on the street.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't say much and walked out.

The Vietnamese soldiers also seemed to know that he was the master of swordsmanship that Dr. Fan Li said, with shock in their eyes.

Without him, he looks too young, not like a master swordsman at all, but more like a rich and noble son.

That thin skin and tender flesh is a little more juicy than a woman's skin.

Where is it like a swordsman skilled in kendo.

However, before the Vietnamese soldiers came, Fan Li gave them a pre-school mobilization, emphasizing the youth of the teacher.

Therefore, they can accept it more or less, even if they don't accept it, with the advance intervention of Fan Li.

Nor were there so many people whispering.

The discipline of the entire army of more than [-] people has remained silent, as if waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to teach them swordsmanship.

Seeing that the Vietnamese soldiers were so well disciplined, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help nodding his head.

Sure enough, Yue Guo was able to try his best, naturally, there was his reason. The basic quality of these soldiers may be much better than Wu Guo.

Perhaps this is what the saying goes, people only give their lives when they have nothing to give.

The people of Wu State have gained too much after their victory, which has led to their current momentum, which is completely inferior to that of Yue State.

The people of Yue Kingdom dared to fight and fight with their lives, while Wu Kingdom, after plundering again and again, under the leadership of King Wu, indulged in enjoyment.

Soldiers are naturally reluctant to give up their lives.

However, this is indeed not a place to train people to practice swords, Zhang Sanfeng said to Fan Li.

"You should have a school ground here, let's go there!"

"Well, that's natural."

Fan Li brought more than [-] soldiers here, naturally to show Zhang Sanfeng his sincerity. He naturally felt unrealistic to teach swordsmanship here.

The best place to teach swordsmanship is naturally the school grounds.

In fact, the school grounds are not far from the wine shop, just a few blocks away, but this time, it was a long walk.

After all, it takes a little time for more than [-] people to walk through the streets.

This point, Zhang Sanfeng understands.

Therefore, after waiting for everyone to arrive, Zhang Sanfeng slowly walked to the highest point of the school field.

Let more than [-] soldiers see themselves.

Road slowly.

"I only teach one sword, and after one sword, I will understand it by myself."

The words are short, straightforward and easy to understand.

Although the following preparations have been made, it is still a bit unpredictable.

Really only teach one trick, one trick can learn what.

Questions such as these appeared in the minds of many soldiers.

However, after they saw Zhang Sanfeng's sword, they completely lost their ability to speak and think.

In his mind, there is only the style of that sword, which is unforgettable for a long time.

The school field under the shade of white clouds.

Zhang Sanfeng, a sword, white clouds roll, the scorching sun opens.

There is a swordsman in Fangcun, and a sword can lift the sky. .

Chapter 386

"Thank you young man for the gift of the sword, this kind of thought is not respectful."

"I also hope that the young man will not refuse our escort all the way."

Fangcun City, outside the west gate, five carriages are ready to go.

Fan Li brought a hundred guards to see Zhang Sanfeng off, holding a delicate jade tray in his hand.

At this time, he was bowing to Zhang Sanfeng.

The jade tray was covered with a thick layer of black cloth. From the gaps in the black cloth, you could see the golden light leaking from it.

Zhang Sanfeng did not refuse, after all, his sword was worth the price.

From the admiration in the eyes of the hundreds of soldiers, it can be seen that his sword has already conquered these Vietnamese soldiers.

If it weren't for Zhang Sanfeng's emphasis on being entrusted by others, not accepting apprentices.

Otherwise, he may now have several thousand more disciples-.

Only one sword is taught at first glance, but at Zhang Sanfeng's current state, only one sword is taught, a sword inscribed with sword intent.

A sword that can be engraved in the mind at all times, that sword.

It has surpassed many veteran swordsmen who have taught swordsmanship for decades.

Zhang Sanfeng asked the maid brought by Zi Nu to accept it at will, and then said indifferently.

"So, I have accepted the Yellow Turban, and Quan will pay for my sword teaching, so I don't need to escort me."

Zhang Sanfeng politely declined.

"But this journey is a long way, and with a hundred guards, you can also let those young people retreat in spite of difficulties."

Fan Li said respectfully.

"If people in the world know that our country treats our benefactors like this, they will be ridiculed."

"But you can't help me. Whether it's a hundred people or a thousand people, even if it's escorted by [-] people, what's the use?"

Zhang Sanfeng spread out his hands and looked at Fan Li helplessly. He had to tell the truth and rejected him, would he be happy?


This, after Fan Li listened to Zhang Sanfeng's words, his tongue that could have been articulate suddenly seemed to be tied, and he was speechless.

Although he agreed that what Zhang Sanfeng said was correct, in terms of the ceremony, Yue Guo was not wrong.

"Big brother! The capital city of Wu is a long way to go. Let's set off now."

Gao Yue urged the two to solve this embarrassing situation.

Fan Li could only give up perseverance when he saw this, shook his head helplessly, and sighed.

"Zhang Shaoxia, if there is a chance next time, the Vietnam Congress will hold a state banquet for you. Please don't refuse."

"discuss later."

Zhang Sanfeng neither refused immediately nor agreed.

But suddenly he thought of something.

The carriage had just driven a certain distance, and it stopped immediately.

Facing Fan Li, who had not gone far in the distance.

"Fan Li, if there is no way to go, you can go to Wudang to give it a try."


Fan Li had some doubts in his heart. Although he had heard about Wudang thousands of miles away from the small border country of Yue, he did not have a deep memory.

It's just strange why Zhang Shaoxia recommended him to go to Wudang, and how did he know that he was about to leave the country of Yue.

But now it has nothing to do with leaving the country of Yue, and the country of Wu has not been destroyed, so there is no need to leave.

Even King Yue couldn't see that he wanted to avoid the world, but he didn't want to be seen through by Zhang Shaoxia.

well!Fan Li couldn't help sighing in his heart, but he still kept the word Wudang in his heart.

If one day, the state of Wu is destroyed, then he really has to think about it.

The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks, the birds are exhausted, and the good bow is hidden.

If he doesn't go, it may be his true portrayal.

On the carriage side, Zhang Sanfeng, who had planted seeds in one person's heart, returned to the carriage as if nothing had happened, and continued on his way.


A line of carriages drifted further and further away, until they disappeared on the horizon and could no longer be seen.

Only then did Fan Li withdraw his gaze, and took the soldiers back to Fangcun City.

Now that the matter is over, he intends to wait here for the next round of handover soldiers.

Then he brought more than two thousand soldiers who had seen Zhang Sanfeng's sword and joined the King of Yue.

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