Carry out targeted training.

He can't wait to tell Gou Jian that the plan to swallow Wu Jiu has been completed, and Wu Guo is not far from destroying the country!

At this time, in the capital of Wu State.

In the Vietnamese embassy, ​​many swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom were already surrounded outside.

Many people were drunk and slapped the tightly closed wooden windows.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Open the door!"

"I heard that you have a beauty, come out and let the big guys take a look!"

"Yes! There are beauties in Yue Kingdom, but we don't believe it. Stand up and let us take a look. We will believe it!"

"Open the door! Why is the Vietnamese embassy just like your king, a tortoise?"

"Open the door...or you'll break your door!"


There was a commotion outside, and the owner of the Yueguo Embassy was very worried at this time. Seeing the movement coming from the door, he was even more frightened.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

For fear that in the next second, these vicious swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom would rush in and start a killing spree.

Fortunately, these swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom were not the conscientious ones. Although they were drunk, they were still a bit rational.

It's just that he's making a fuss outside and playing crazy with his alcoholism.

But even so, it still caused a lot of shadows to the staff in the Vietnamese embassy.

Going out to buy a dish is like stealing chickens and dogs.

The reason for the incident still had to be mentioned a few days ago.

Originally, Fan Li was sending Xishi to the King of Wu.

But for some unknown reason, King Wu refused to offer Xi Shi because he even looked at it.

Xishi could only be stuck in the capital of Wu State for a time, waiting in the embassy of Yue State to be summoned by King Wu at any time.

...... 0

However, Fan Li could only go back early and tell the King of Yue that he had had enough of this city during the three years that Wu and the King of Yue had been slaves and servants together.

And things changed, it happened a few days ago.

First, King Wu suddenly remembered that there were beauties in Vietnam, and then the head of the embassy had to delay getting the letter from Xi Shi to King Wu.

This put them in a dilemma, but in the end, the embassy owner resisted the pressure and believed in Fan Li.

Instead of giving Xishi to King Wu, he said he could not get sick.

The remark that he was not sick was like a joke in an instant, and it spread to the upper and lower courts.

Others said that the beautiful women presented by the Yue Kingdom should not be ugly. They felt that they had no face to face the King of Wu, and they said that they could not be sick.

This kind of remark is actually not very credible, but it is the best excuse for a group of drunkards.

As a result, there was a situation in which many swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom made a fuss about the Yue Kingdom embassy.

"I don't know what Doctor Fan is doing."

"If this goes on, he won't be able to delay for long."

"If you don't make arrangements again, it will be a matter of time before Xi Shi will be offered."

The owner of the embassy was a little anxious, but he couldn't help sighing when he saw a small house with the door closed.

Thinking that Xi Shi, who came inside, was more anxious than him, like a piece of goods, being robbed by people.

well!As expected of such a beautiful person.

Beauty is a disaster, nothing more than that.

"Just a few days if you can."

"Anyway, do your best and obey the destiny."

The head of the Vietnamese embassy silently set a bottom line for himself.six.

Chapter 387

The warmth of spring has not yet gone, and the summer wind has risen.

Zhang Sanfeng and his party did not take long to travel from Fangcuncheng to Gusu, the capital of Wu State.

In addition, the speed of the carriage is relatively uniform, and there is no deliberate hurry, but there is no stop in the middle of the day.

It can be said that except for some necessary conditions for bathing, other things are done on the carriage.

such as eating.

So, wait for the carriage to arrive in Suzhou.

Everyone still felt a little unsatisfied, feeling that the journey was so short, as if they had just set off from Fangcun City yesterday.

"Is this the capital of Wu State, Gusu?"

Ah Qing was born in Yue Kingdom, and grew up listening to the war in Yue Kingdom. Naturally, he had an inexplicable feeling about the capital of Wu Kingdom, which had hung Yue Kingdom up and fought.

"It's far worse than Xianyang."

However, compared to Ah Qing, the other people are well-informed and have little interest in this small capital of the Wu Kingdom.[-]

It is nothing more than a large Yangzhai City.

The difference is that there are more people in swordsman costumes here than they've seen anywhere else.

There are many iron and tin materials in Wu State, which are the materials for making swords. Therefore, there are many swordsmiths who have forged many famous swords through the ages, such as Gan Jiang and Mo Xie.

The swords made by the state of Wu are therefore the pinnacles of the current era and the region, whether it is Yue, Chu or Qi, they are all unattainable.

However, after Gao Yue and the others entered, they were still a little surprised that this Gusu City was actually a city with a land and water chessboard.

The water and land in the city are parallel, and the river streets are adjacent to each other, which can be regarded as a unique landscape.

Just when Gao Yue and the others were curiously looking at the scenery outside the window.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't move, he didn't feel much inward movement towards the buildings in the style of Jiangnan water town.

In the heart of the embassy's Xishi, but a little thought.

One thing to say, the main purpose of his coming to the capital of Wu State was to see if he could find map fragments here.

Then let's take a look at Xishi, one of the four beauties who is said to be able to sink fish and geese, and close the moon and be ashamed of flowers.

Just how beautiful is it that the expression on Ah Qing's face turned into worship, and she gave up her determination to kill her.

Zhang Sanfeng's carriage checked in from the south of the city, while the embassy of Yue Kingdom was in the east of the city, not far from each other on the map.

However, the carriage was quite bloated under this small bridge and flowing water, with powder walls and black tiles, and the time was long in traffic jams, plus it took a lot of time to make rounds.

Just arrived at the destination, the Vietnamese embassy.

The door is open, the front is deserted, and the surrounding shops are not open. Only a few tea stalls and wineries in the distance are still open, but they are far away.

"anyone there?"

Ah Qing went up to say hello.

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng's breath swept away, he knew that there was almost no one outside the Vietnamese embassy, ​​and only the inside had such a breath.

Gather in one or two rooms and appear to be partying.

Sure enough, after Ah Qingmao went in hastily, he didn't find any trace of people. He looked at Zhang Sanfeng in confusion and wanted to say something.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't say a word, and walked towards the direction of overflowing breath, even if he wanted to come to the party, he would leave some people to guard him.

Looks like something should have happened.

"What to do! There is no news from Doctor Fan. Now King Wu has ordered us to send Miss Xishi to the palace in the afternoon, or we will be expelled from the capital of Wu State."

In a large enough house, it was empty, with no furniture, except for a lot of weapons hanging on the wall.

It looks like an indoor school ground.

But at this time, the voices were full of people, buzzing like flies.

"If you want me to say, since Dr. Fan asked us to stay, we also kept him. Now that King Wu ordered, we might as well just let it go."

"It's not our fault anyway."

Some people have already begun to feel timid and feel that there is no need to fall out with Wu Guo over a woman.

You must know that if they were expelled from the capital of Wu State, then the King of Yue would be guilty, but they were unlucky.

If they lose, they lose because of this flexibility, so for them, the current problem is whether to gamble to the end or just let it go.

The latter is relatively stable, while the former is more risky.

"Yeah, yeah! It's just a woman, just give it to him."


Xi Shi was in a hut next door, looking at the garden full of flowers and plants outside the window, lowered his eyebrows, and felt sad.

Although separated by two walls, the sound from the hall still made her feel a little anxious and depressed.

She came to Wu State with a mission, and her goal was naturally to be a disaster that would bring disaster to the country and the people, as Fan Li once said.

To be fascinated by Wu Wangfuchai, you don't need to convey any information, you just need to do this.

Although she had accepted her own destiny, it was a little chilling to hear that she was exchanged as a piece of goods.

She doesn't know what's going on now, but she suddenly misses her hometown. At that time, she was still a girl with a veil, if she wasn't accidentally seen...  

Maybe there are several children under his knees now.

First, I studied in the capital of Vietnam for a few years, and then I stayed here for nearly a year.

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