Time flies so fast, she sighed a little.

When will I be able to get out of this cage again and see my freedom again?

She raised her head and looked at the blue sky outside the window, as if within reach.

Perhaps it will have to wait until the State of Yue annexes the State of Wu. Although Fan Li once gave her a guarantee that it would not take a few years, she would never believe the counselor's words.

"I don't know if I can see the destruction of the Wu Kingdom in this life and this life."

Just as Xi Shi listened to the argument from the next door, the discussion and the chirping of birds and insects outside the window mixed into a chaotic sound, she saw two people suddenly appeared on the path outside the window.

There is a man and a woman, the man is handsome and elegant, like an exiled fairy, not like a mortal person, even her, who has always been touted as a fairy in the sky, can't help but feel a little ashamed in front of him.

And the woman, dressed in a green shirt, with a sweet smile and beautiful eyes, is also a pretty girl.

They are all relatively young people, are they from the Vietnamese embassy?

But why hasn't she seen it before?

Just when Xi Shi was curious about who Zhang Sanfeng and the others were, he suddenly discovered that the young man across from him, at some point, saw Xi Shi who was observing him through the gaps in the flowers and plants.

Let Xi Shi not be startled, his face instantly turned red, and he didn't dare to look any more, so he closed the window and didn't make any more noise.

Zhang Sanfeng was quite indifferent.

   "It must be Xi Shi!"

Although it was just a glimpse just now, he was able to see the whole picture of Xi Shi through the gap.

Well, beautiful is indeed beautiful, but there is a lack of charm, I don't know why.

The beautiful ones don't look like real people, giving people the feeling of a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was rather dull.

That's it?

However, he did not forget the purpose of the trip. He did not care about Xi Shi any more, but stepped forward and pushed open the house with the most breath.

The door was unlocked, and he opened it easily.

In this school-like room, the debate among the group has reached a fevered stage.

Some people were even impatient and shouted.

"Xishi must immediately dedicate it to King Wu, otherwise, we will die!"

"Wu Wang is not a benevolent monarch!".

Chapter 388

"Now, this is the only way. Presumably even if Doctor Fan knew about it, he wouldn't blame me for waiting!"

"Fan Li didn't give him a charter. Now we can only act on our own. What can he blame us for!"

"Besides, it was his idea to dedicate Xi Shi Jin to King Wu."

Obviously, the oppression of King Wu and Fuchai had already caused great pressure on everyone in the embassy.

It can be said that it is not easy to reach today, whether it is the drunken swordsman of Wu State outside the door, or the imperial doctor who comes from time to time.

If it wasn't for Xi Shi's frail body, he would have more or less problems when he was diagnosed.

But after so many days, King Wu's last patience is estimated to be exhausted. He thinks that he doesn't have much thought and is drinking with their players.

The ultimatum brought by today's swordsmen is a proof.

"Who are you!"

Suddenly, a questioning voice sounded in the house, and everyone followed their gazes and found that the door in the house was opened at some point.

Two strangers barged in, watching them.

"Where are the people? Where are Yan Xing and Yan Huo who are guarding the door?"

"How could 17 let strangers in!"

Someone was still insulting, it seemed that there were two people guarding the gate originally outside, but Zhang Sanfeng had already come in, and these can only be held accountable afterwards.

At this time, one person walked out of the crowd and walked towards Zhang Sanfeng. It was the owner of the Yue Guo embassy.

The owner of the Vietnamese embassy is an old man about the same age as Fan Li, named Gongsun Yu, but the difference is that his beard and hair are almost completely white.

His face is also older than Fan Li, but his age is only one year older than Fan Li.

Gongsun Yu came up first to ask Zhang Sanfeng a question, with a kind smile on his face, which was extraordinarily soft.

"Dare to ask this little friend with a tight face, he doesn't look like a native of Wu, I don't know where it came from?"

"How do you know that we are not from the Wu country!"

Before Zhang Sanfeng could reply, Ah Qing took the lead.

"Wu people won't be so polite and courteous, just be docile and warm!"

Zhang Sanfeng picked it up casually, this kind of thing is easy to know, why guess.

Gongsun Yu's eyes lit up when he heard his words, but he didn't expect that this handsome young man had extraordinary knowledge.

There is a sense of sight of a hero coming out of a teenager.

He also smiled and nodded.

"Little friend is right. The people of Wu who come here really don't know how to speak well, because every time they step into this place, they will feel proud. After all, our king once was a slave here for three years."

When Gongsun Yu talked about his King Yue, there was still a trace of unbearableness in his eyes.

Wang was a slave for three years, and it would be a great humiliation to let that courtier think about it.

It was also a serious blow to the Vietnamese people.

After all, the people of Wu State would humiliate them with the matter of Goujian, the king of Yue.

This is also the reason why the Yue people work together, and the Wu people's ability to taunt is also a must.

"Brother Zhang, you are so smart!"

Ah Qing suddenly realized, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng with admiration.

However, she was tired of hearing Zhang Sanfeng's praise along the way, so she naturally ignored this sentence.

Turning to face Gongsun Yudao.

"I'm here to pick up someone."


Gongsun Yu had some guesses in his heart, but he was a little unbelievable.


The voice was calm, not much.

But everyone present was startled.

"Are you sent by King Wu?"

Someone blurted out and asked, and as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room became a bit tense.

Although they have already planned, they are going to give it to King Wu.

But this way of coming to the door to grab them still made them a little unhappy, and even with that indifference, they all felt that it was a mockery.

Let the people in the Vietnamese embassy feel that inexplicable humiliation again.

"No, Fan Li promised me."

Zhang Sanfeng's words were not long, but there was a personal name that made everyone dazed and hard to understand.

"Fan Li?"

"Are you from Vietnam?"

Someone was busy asking.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the man inexplicably.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing."

The man let out a haha, but he was inexplicably shocked. Could it be that Fan Li's letter said at the beginning that the swordsman master he met was this kid in front of him?

"Is there a token?"

Gongsun Yu had already guessed, so the only thing missing now is evidence.

"Before leaving, he gave me this."

Zhang Sanfeng took out a gadget from his sleeve that Fan Li had given him before leaving, a broken wooden sign.

When it comes to time, when you arrive at the capital of Wu State, you can show this thing to the embassy's talker.

Sure enough, after the broken wooden sign was given to Gongsun Yu, the old Gongsun Yu suddenly rejuvenated, and suddenly bowed to Zhang Sanfeng.

"My subordinate Gongsun Yu, meet the ambassador."

The others were still a little baffled, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng and Gongsun Yu in confusion.

Zhang Sanfeng was calm, seeing his actions, he knew that it must be Fan Li's fault.

Maybe he was carrying a lot of identities for himself, such as the messenger of the King of Yue, a confidant.

What, as long as you take the wooden sign, you are all obedient, and his words are the words of the King of Yue, and other orders.

Sure enough, Gongsun Yu knelt down not long after.

He turned his head and yelled at the group of people behind him!

"Why don't you kneel down to greet the ambassador when you see it? Could it be that what I said doesn't work?"

Gongsun Yu's anger seemed to wake them up, and they knelt down in a hurry, less than three breaths.

In the house that was originally standing, dozens of people all knelt down and shouted again along with Gongsun Yu.

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