"Meet Your Excellency!"

"Get up!"

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently, he didn't feel any change in the mood of these people kneeling down, but felt that their etiquette was too cumbersome.

There are several movements required to kneel once.

"Your Excellency is here for Miss Xi Shi?"


"Miss Xi Shi is next door, if you want to meet, the lower official can introduce you."

"Let's go then!"

Zhang Sanfeng's tone was indifferent, and he couldn't tell whether his mood was good or bad at this time.

But it happened to be this attitude that made many people who felt that he was too young, wanted to say it but didn't dare to say it.

That invisible deterrent is indeed a little intimidating.

"Miss Xi Shi?"

"Are you there?"

Dongfang Yu brought Zhang Sanfeng and Ah Qing to the next yard. After entering, they knocked gently on the door.

There was also a noise inside.

"Master, what's the matter?"

The voice from inside was soft and glutinous, with a sweet accent.

After speaking, the door also opened, and a fairy-like face appeared in the crack of the opened door.

When Ah Qing saw Xi Shi, she was stunned.

Even if she didn't put a trace of powder on her brows, the world seemed to have no color.

"How...how could this be..."

What A Qing said later was indescribable, and she was a little stunned.

Under tension, I can only speak.

"What a beautiful woman."

At this time, Xishi looked blankly at Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were as indifferent as he had just seen her, he didn't see the obsession with her face, and he didn't feel sorry for him because of her identity.

It is the kind of eyes that are very pure, very clear, without any trace of impurities. .

Chapter 389

"This is the Ambassador, and this is Miss Ah Qing."

Gongsun Yu hurriedly started to make an introduction.

"Xishi has seen the Ambassador, and Miss A Qing."

Xi Shi saluted them one by one.

"Let's come in and talk."

Xi Shi took the initiative to invite, but his eyes never left Zhang Sanfeng, and he looked at him in a blink of an eye.

"If that's the case, then the subordinates will retire first."

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the two of them, Gongsun Yu withdrew knowingly, and before leaving, he pulled A Qing, who was stunned by the side, away.

The solitude of the two suddenly made Xi Shi speechless, although she had a good impression of Zhang Sanfeng at first sight.

But that doesn't mean two people can be alone in the same room.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is still afraid that being alone in a room may be detrimental to Zhang Sanfeng. Wu Wangfuchai is not a good character.

Although she just heard the movement over there.

It is already known that he is an envoy sent by the Yue Kingdom, and his position is higher than that of the museum owner.

However, how can one person fight against the entire country, even the King of Yue, he would not dare.

"Son, this is not good!"

"Being alone in a room, I don't know how many rumors spread out."

Xishi wanted to persuade Zhang Sanfeng to retreat, and said a little anxiously.

"Oh? If it spreads out, the girl's reputation will not be guaranteed?"

Zhang Sanfeng said with great interest, in his perception, a wave of people with strong breath came from outside, and they were quickly approaching the Vietnamese embassy.

Thinking about it, it should be the swordsman of the Wu Kingdom they said?Or someone sent by King Wu?

But the goal is always the Vietnamese embassy.


Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng had misunderstood, Xishi couldn't help but step back half a minute and hurriedly explained.

"The main thing is, if it is spread out, the son's life..."

The second half of the sentence did not come out, but the worry in Xi Shi's eyes could not be faked.

"Is your life at risk?"

Zhang Sanfeng completed the latter sentence for her, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly on his indifferent face.

Either disdain, or self-deprecating.

In terms of the former context and environment, Xi Shi prefers the latter, but even if Xi Shi has just met Zhang Sanfeng.

The unique temperament he exuded made her sure that the young man in front of him was not a self-deprecating person.

Remove one wrong answer, and all that remains is the correct answer.

Although he knew that it was impossible in his heart, in fact, Xi Shi believed more or less in his heart.

But still persuaded, just think he is a teenager with high spirits.

"Of course I don't mean that. I mainly think that you don't need to provoke King Wu for a weak woman like me."

Xi Shi's words can't be wrong if anyone listens to them.

But to Zhang Sanfeng, it was an outright mistake.

"What is King Wu? Even if I snatch you away in front of him, he probably won't dare to say half a word."

Zhang Sanfeng's words made Xi Shi a little ashamed, and the word "grab" made her both ashamed and annoyed.

"Besides, the peace between Yue and Wu is never a woman's turn to sacrifice."

Zhang Sanfeng has experienced so much literature in later generations, and naturally he feels that such things as beauty schemes are not on the table.

Especially between countries.

Furthermore, in the later generations, the fate of Xishi's history books is extremely tragic.

Except for a few unofficial history, she was taken away by Fan Li, traveled around the five lakes, and went back to the mountains and forests.

Most of the historical records and poems are that Xi Shi died in Shen He, and Wu Zixu died in the same way.

After finally seeing the soldiers of the Yue Kingdom rushing into the capital of the Wu Kingdom, his life also came to an end.

The freedom I thought was just a dream.

The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, and the bird is hidden.

Not so much.

"No need for women..."

This.... this sentence alone made Xi Shi's heart move. It was the first person who said in front of her that the country does not need to sacrifice a woman to achieve prosperity.

The country should not sacrifice a woman for the sake of being strong.

It was the first time she heard this, and it sounded good.

The look in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes became even more splendid, but she still insisted.

"Let's go quickly, Xi Shi is already very happy that you can say these words."

"I will never forget the mission of Yue Guo."

Xi Shi softly persuaded.

At this time, there was a noise outside the house, and the sound was faintly visible.

"Yanxing, Yanhuo, you two brothers are actually!"



There were several more sounds of heavy objects hitting things, walls, and floors, and then the sound of uniformly unsheathed weapons appeared.

Then, yes.

"If you want to move again, you will definitely kill me!"

A middle-aged man's voice sounded outside the house, obviously not from the Vietnamese embassy.

It was quiet outside the chaotic house, only the sound of footsteps approaching step by step.

"There's someone outside! Your Excellency, let's hide!"

Xi Shi said in a low voice, what would happen if he was seen by the swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom, Xi Shi did not dare to think about it.

Having said that, he still wanted to get up and wanted to hide Zhang Sanfeng. His eyes couldn't help but look under the bed, the wardrobe, the bed, and behind the curtains.

"What are you hiding from!"

"."It turns out that Miss Xi Shi refuses to meet the king, so it turns out that she is here for a private meeting!"

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