The current King of Wu has been carried away by his past victories, and he still looks down on the country of Yue and any country that has been defeated by him.

Always indulge in the past, until the army comes to the city, you may come to repentance, but it is too late to say anything.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head at this.

"No, tell Fan Li that I have done what I promised him, just wait and see what happens."

"Okay, Your Excellency, I will now pass on the book to Doctor Fan."

The indifferent voice seemed to carry a magic power, which calmed Gongsun Yu's originally uneasy heart.

I saw Gongsun Yu, who was full of white hair, just like a child who just entered school and would only nod his head in response to the teacher.

Here it is.

The crowd dispersed, and although there were discussions, they were all pointing and pointing from a distance, and no one dared to bother Zhang Sanfeng anymore.

Zhang Sanfeng walked straight back to the small courtyard, and Xishi also followed behind, except for Mr. Zhang at the beginning.

He was silent.

I don't even know what's on my mind.

However, at this time, Zhang Sanfeng opened his mouth with a smile. .

Chapter 403

"Now that you are free, you can go wherever you want, how does it feel?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng heard footsteps behind him, and then looked back.

However, he had already discovered that Xi Shi's eyelids were shedding tears, and he was staring at himself, his expression was pitiful.

"Why are you crying?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked Xi Shi, who was speechless and only crying.

After Xi Shi listened to it, he felt that Zhang Sanfeng's usual plain voice seemed to carry a vague concern?

It made her originally sluggish heart start to get excited.

 17 "Does Mr. Zhang care about me?"

She quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and smiled hurriedly with embarrassment.

"Son, I'm just too happy."

The expression swayed between the words, giving people a feeling of pity.

"Then... what are your plans in the future? If you go back to Yue or settle in Wu, you can."

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to hear her opinion.

When Xi Shi heard the options given by Zhang Sanfeng, he seemed a little dissatisfied, and there was some anticipation in his words.


What Xi Shi wanted to say was, is there no other option?

For example, as long as she can travel with the son and enjoy the various countries, she is willing to be a slave and a maidservant.

For example, I told King Wu before Mingming that she was his, why should she be regarded as a burden and left here.

Thoughts were flying in Xi Shi's mind, and he was even more uneasy in his heart, unable to say what he said.

For a time, one person was listening, but one person didn't dare to speak.

If he said it out loud, although Young Master Zhang was not like the kind of person who would easily say sad words, Xi Shi didn't want to experience that feeling.

"Young Master...Young Master's words don't count."

In the end, Xishi racked his brains to think about it, and only came up with this sentence to imply Zhang Sanfeng, to remind him of what he had said to King Wu, Gongsun Yu and others.

However, when she finally summoned up the courage to speak, she found that Zhang Sanfeng had already entered the room, and there was no one in front of her.

And the other side.

Zhang Sanfeng waited for a long time for Xi Shi to speak, but he didn't see her spit out a word. He felt that she might be shy, so he was embarrassed to say it, but he was also embarrassed to refuse.

So I took the initiative to go back to the room, gave her a step down, and pretended that nothing happened.

After returning to the room, Ah Qing's eyes lit up when he saw him playing with the ancient sword.

"Brother Zhang! You are back!"


Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly, and found a place to sit down.

Ah Qing also quickly got up, stuck next to him, and said.

"Where did you take King Wu? You were gone in the blink of an eye just now."

In the conversation, Ah Qing was very curious, this kind of fairy method is no longer something that mortals can explain.

Zhang Sanfeng has nothing to hide about this. After all, he is not the only true immortal in the world, and he will know sooner or later.

"I haven't flown in the sky yet, Brother Zhang."

There was a hint of laziness in Ah Qing's soft voice, like a little wild cat rubbing against its owner's leg, the kind that wants to hug her.

"I'll take you next time I have a chance, just don't be scared to cry."

Zhang Sanfeng made a promise casually, and it was nothing to him.

"Brother Zhang is talking nonsense! I won't!"

Ah Qing looked in disbelief.

"Then take a look."

Zhang Sanfeng had a smile on his lips. He took people to heaven, but he had never seen a few people with stable hearts.

They were so frightened that they wanted to hang their whole body on him. .

Chapter 404

It was fun to chat inside, but Xi Shi, who was standing outside the door, felt a little uncomfortable.

Began to regret his hesitation and cowardice.

This was the first time that she hated her own temperament. If it was changed to Miss Ah Qing, she would definitely not be as sentimental as herself.

He will only ask him generously why he is not included in the future plan he made for himself.

If there is no future for him, what is the future called?

Not knowing where the courage came from, Xi Shi summoned the courage to face the door and said in a very low voice.

"Young Master Zhang, Xi Shi doesn't want to go back to Yue State, nor does he want to stay in Wu State, Xi Shi, he wants to stay by your side!"

As if taking the wooden door in front of him as Zhang Sanfeng, his cheeks flushed red after speaking.

Thinking that the next time I see Young Master Zhang, I will be so brave.

However, in the next second, with a creak, the door suddenly opened.

Xishi, who had a blushing face at first, wanted to find a seam and burrow directly into it.

Don't even dare to look.

However, a suspicious female voice sounded beside her ear.

"Sister Xi Shi, what are you doing standing at the door" ˇ."

Xi Shi looked up, and it was A Qing with a confused face.

She can only secretly hope that she is lucky, otherwise if Zhang Gongzi hears, she doesn't know what to do, but she feels a little lost in her heart.

It would not be bad if Young Master Zhang heard this.

"No... nothing."

Xi Shi's blush spread to his neck, and his pink neck was the same color as the blush on his face.

She faltered to avoid Ah Qing, then walked in on her own, and then chose to sit on a seat opposite Zhang Sanfeng.

After sitting down, the tangled mood so far made it difficult for her to calm down.

Zhang Sanfeng also seemed to see Xi Shi's current entanglement, but he was too lazy to talk to him.

He started looking at the glass cup that he had been rubbing in his hand for a long time.

I have to say that this kind of jade-colored glass cup can be played with in the hand.

It will give people a warm and hot feeling, and it feels great.

"Young master, that's the Yuguang Cup. It is said to be worth a thousand gold. The King of Yue gave it to me."

Xi Shi said Ai Ai for a while, as if he was explaining it kindly.


Zhang Sanfeng basks in the sun, and the price-performance ratio is too low. Except for the appearance and feel, this wine glass is useless. It is estimated that only the emperor will collect it specially.

After playing for a while, he put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at Xi Shi, who was still keeping his head down and didn't speak.

"so what have you thought of?"

"Should I stay in Wu State, or go back to Yue State?"

Zhang Sanfeng's problem, although simple, to Xi Shi, it was like a flood that burst a dyke and could not be faced directly.

However, Xi Shi understood that if he delayed any longer, he might really have no chance.

After all, she also heard outside just now that Wu Guo's affairs are over, and Zhang Gongzi's promise to Fan Li has been done.

It is meaningless to stay in Wu State.

Therefore, if she doesn't pay close attention to her superficial intentions, I am afraid that even if she is lucky enough to escape King Wu, I am afraid that she will not be able to escape King Yue.

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