No matter how bad it is, it will become a bargaining chip.

Thinking of this, Xi Shi had the courage from nowhere, raised his drooping eyes, and began to face the boy in white in front of him.

said word by word.

"."Young Master, there is no one in my country anymore, what can I do when I go back?"

"Where is there a place for my Yue girl in the Wu country?"

"So, I beg the son to take in Xi Shi, as long as he can follow the son, and Xi Shi can be a slave or a maid." Zhou.

Chapter 405

Xi Shi took a breath, as if he had spoken the words of a lifetime.

And then there is.

"Plop!" "Plop!"

Xi Shi could even hear the beating of his own heart and feel the hot temperature on the surface of the skin on his neck.

Blushing hot.

It was the first time she felt the feeling of living like a year.

Every second after the sentence is finished.

It was like suffering in a sea of ​​misery.

Until that sound appeared.


Zhang Sanfeng agreed very simply. As far as he is concerned, it is not a big problem to have one more person on the journey, and one less person is not a big problem. Anyway, the carriage is big enough, and it is not a big problem.

Moreover, Xi Shi is indeed seductive enough, even if he sits still and doesn't say a word, it is a beautiful landscape.

"Meaning, Young Master Zhang has accepted himself?"

At this moment, Xi Shi, who was hit in the head by a huge surprise, quickly reacted.

She was so excited that she couldn't restrain herself, and her first reaction was to kneel to thank her, but she didn't want to be supported by a soft force, so that her knees couldn't get down at all.

Zhang Sanfeng's voice came with the wind.

"You don't need to kneel, I don't like this here."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't seem to find any change in expression on his face, but after all, the look in Xi Shi's eyes was a little soft (bhag), not so cold.

Otherwise, Xi Shi might have thought that what he heard just now might be an auditory hallucination.

"That boy..."

"Don't leave your son, just follow Ah Qing and call me Big Brother Zhang."

Zhang Sanfeng interrupted Xi Shi's words and said without refusal.

"Okay...Okay, Brother Zhang."

Xi Shi replied softly.

Ah Qing was a little anxious, watching from the sidelines.

"Brother Zhang, take me with you too, I want to travel the world with you too."

Her face was full of anxiety, because she almost forgot that she and Big Brother Zhang hadn't made such an agreement.

He rushed forward impatiently and looked at Zhang Sanfeng eagerly.

It seemed that he was afraid that if Zhang Sanfeng didn't promise, he would leave her alone.

"Nonsense, what is wandering around the world, don't just use a few idioms and use them indiscriminately."

Zhang Sanfeng reached out and knocked on A Qing's little head, giving her a wake-up call. She was dumbfounded.

Hearing the voice of the two of them, Big Brother Zhang felt a little weird.

Ah Qing is okay, petite and lovely, the little girl next door.

Zhang Sanfeng has always regarded her as the kind of Gao Yue.

But Xi Shi is different.

She is obviously older than herself, and when Xi Shi, who looks like a royal sister-type girl, calls him, it feels a little discordant.

After all, it seems that he looks relatively young, and logically, he called Xi Shi and also called her sister.

"Could that eldest brother teach me to read and write? I grew up herding sheep, and the only characters I knew were my own names."

Ah Qing hit the snake on the stick and quickly stuck it.

After all, her mother told her not to talk to men casually, but also to talk, and the man who recognized it should take the initiative to attack without hesitation.

Women chasing men, interlayer yarn.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three times again, Ah Qing didn't dare to dodge, so he could only pick it up, but it only sounded loud, but his head didn't hurt at all.

"Your sisters and sisters all know how to read, go and learn from them."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally refused, because he was already tired enough during the day, and he had to teach people to read and write, but Ah Qing's character escaped.

Of course he refused.

As for the night, not to mention, if it weren't for the fact that he is a true immortal, I am afraid that it would be difficult to support him if he changed his mind. .

Chapter 406

However, after A Qing was knocked on the head three times, he seemed to have thought of something. His face was not annoyed at all, but his expression gradually became strange.

Like the fox who stole the chicken.

The kind of thief.

"I understand! Brother Zhang!"

Just as Ah Qing was about to say something, Zhang Sanfeng was shocked again, causing Ah Qing to slam his head again.

"You understand? You understand again?"


Seeing the two of them fighting, Xi Shi couldn't help but burst out laughing, a smile that bloomed at that moment.

Sinking fish and geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers.

Although it's a bit exaggerated, it can probably describe a person's beauty to the extreme, maybe it's like this.

Ah Qing was startled when she saw it, even though she had seen it many times.

But this time, the smile from the bottom of my heart, without any burden, was the first time Ah Qing had seen him.

There was envy and surprise in Ah Qing's eyes.

"Sister Xi Shi, why every time I see you, I feel that you are a little more beautiful, even more amazing than the first time I saw you."

Her little mouth murmured, and the envy on her face overflowed.

Xi Shi is so beautiful.

Although she is a woman, it is inevitable that she likes it.

Really ashamed of myself.

"A-Qing is also very beautiful. Besides, he is good at swordsmanship, which is beyond my reach. I also envy Ah-Qing."

Xi Shi said, her eyes were full of sincerity, without a trace of sarcasm, obviously this was her heart.

She is indeed envious of Ah Qing's swordsmanship.

If she could, she wouldn't be a drag on Brother Zhang in the future.

Xi Shi thought, looking at Zhang Sanfeng who was also looking at him, his eyes were gentle but did not hide his joy.

She was really happy to see him.

"That's right, Brother Zhang!"

Xi Shi weighed his words and said slowly.

"You can call me Yiguang, my original name is not Xi Shi, but Shi Yiguang."

"Okay, Yiguang."

Zhang Sanfeng agreed very simply.

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's answer was neat and tidy, Xi Shi also smiled, and there seemed to be a kind of satisfaction in his smile.

Looking at the sky outside the window, I couldn't help thinking that it would be better if it was dark.

If it is dark, the stars will come out.

My parents who turned into stars in the sky waiting for me silently, I guess I can see it.

In the world, a man called her name Yiguang.

"Sister Yiguang!"

Ah Qing also changed his tune and praised Yi Guang as being much nicer than Xi Shi. The person who changed his name was really not good enough.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

At this moment, while the three of them were chatting, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, neither light nor heavy, but in a hurry.

Soon, not long after, there was a respectful knock on the door.

Obviously, the owner of knocking on the door was in a hurry, but he did not lose his mind.

An inquiry sounded outside the door.

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