"Your Excellency, are you there?"

...... 0

It was a familiar old voice.

"Come in."

When Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, he knew why the people outside the door had come.

The door was unlocked and opened with a creak.

The person who came in was Gongsun Yu, and his face was red at this time, as if he had eaten Shiquan Dabu pills.

With slightly brisk steps, he walked to Zhang Sanfeng step by step and said respectfully.

"Your Excellency, I heard that you are searching for treasures?"


Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

He was not surprised that the Vietnamese embassy got the news so quickly.

It seems that King Wu is still impatient after this time.

As soon as he got Zhang Sanfeng's promise, he probably summoned the minister to spread the news.

So much so that even the Vietnamese embassy received the news.six.

Chapter 407

Gongsun Yu was also very excited, and after hearing Zhang Sanfeng's personal admission, it was even more difficult to stop and blurt out his debut.

"Your Excellency, do you know what the court of Wu State looks like now?"

With a face, "Want to know? If you want to know, come and ask my expression."

However, Zhang Sanfeng calmly picked up the Yuguang Cup again, and said slowly after Xi Shi poured him a glass of wine.

"It's nothing more than chickens flying and dogs jumping, and everyone is in danger."

"Presumably King Wu chose the stupidest thing."

Zhang Sanfeng took a sip of the wine unhurriedly. It was rich and fragrant, and sweet in the throat. Gusu's wine had a unique flavor.

He sipped the drink carefully, and the other Gongsun Yu was even more astonishing, like seeing a heavenly man.

said suspiciously.

"Your Excellency, did someone say it one step ahead of me?"

The surprise in his voice is self-evident.

"Museum owner, before you came, no one came here. Brother Zhang has been with us all the time."

Xi Shi poured another half glass for Zhang Sanfeng, and then said to Gongsun Yu with a smile.

Gongsun Yu was quite taken care of by her in the Vietnamese embassy, ​​although she could only do her duty, but in this era.

It is not easy to be able to do one's duty.

Xi Shi, thank you too.

So she didn't mind explaining two sentences for Zhang Sanfeng.

"That's weird! Is it possible that the High Envoy can really know the world's affairs without leaving the house?"

Gongsunyu touched his half-white beard and said incredulously.

"Brother Zhang is right?"

Ah Qing is also curious, but what she is curious about is whether Wu Guochaotang is really in danger as Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Your Excellency is absolutely right. Not long after King Wu summoned the ministers back to the palace, five high-ranking ministerial residences in the city were raided and destroyed by the palace soldiers."

"The soldiers of the palace were ordered by the king to loot gold and silver treasures there."

Gongsun Yu was a little excited when he talked about raiding the house, and he danced and gave it back to Xi Shi. Ah Qing and the others pointed out the direction of the five houses.

"Killing five ministers at one time, plus today's Wei Zhong, six ministers all at once died like this?"

Xishi, who also had some training in the state of Wu's government, naturally understood the key.

It can be said that the death of these six ministers is like the death of King Wu, no wonder Gongsun Yu is so happy...  

"As an emperor, it is really unwise to kill too much, and to be eager for success."

Zhang Sanfeng had expected this for a long time, and when he saw Gongsun Yu's blushing face, he knew that things really went on as he wanted.

First, the ministers were taken away, and all officials were separated from their virtues, and then the people were taken away, so that the people would no longer have the king of Wu. At that time, the state of Wu could be destroyed by turning over the state of Yue.

"But ministers usually don't die one, are they all honest? How can they die five in a row?"

Ah Qing is more curious, it is normal to die one or two, how to die five at a time.

This is too exaggerated, it's bizarre, it's not like killing chickens to warn monkeys.

Half of the monkeys were directly killed, with no effect.

"I don't know about this, but according to rumors in the palace, there was a dispute in the palace, and then the five ministers were all pulled out of Shen Jiang."

Gongsun Yu shook his head, all he knew was this, but the truth was still there, say five, but not much.

Moreover, the five ministers were the same as Wu Zixu. Shen Jiang died, which is enough to show that the anger of King Wu has been so high that it can explode at the touch of a button. .

Chapter 408

You must know that in Wu State, Shen Jiang was a very terrible punishment, and he could not even leave a grave, let the fish bite.

If this kind of punishment wasn't for King Wu's rage, and it was rarely used against people, and today's five people were all his humerus ministers, King Wu must have been extremely angry.

"Anyway, I didn't think that the strategy of the High Envoy was so effective that King Wu would kill even the former beloved minister regardless of his humerus."

Gongsun Yu's words can be said to be extremely humble, as if there is a kind of situation, if Zhang Sanfeng asks him to die, he will die without hesitation.

17 "God's will."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't say much, King Wu reached this point in one day today.

Of course there are his factors, but most of them are due to their own reasons.

And Zhang Sanfeng's bait, at best, only served as a catalyst.

Gongsun Yu continued to talk about the current state affairs of Wu State with great excitement, and the various bureaus responded.

For Wu officials, today is a very dark day.

King Wu was famous for his bloodthirsty and irritable anger, but in the past, the most excessive killing was Wu Zixu, so he still gave him death.

Although Wu Zixu finally said what Wu Zixu said, the furious King Wu changed it into a corpse that would sink into the river, and he would never see the light of day.

But usually he is quite restrained.

The killings were just some insignificant little people, or the servants in the palace, and basically they would not move the ministers.

But today, there are five people in one move, and they are all quite important.

Although the status of these five people is not as good as that of the three princes and the nine ministers, they are still among the best and the backbone.

Therefore, although King Wu quickly arranged for five substitute officials to take over, those substitute officials were all panicked, and God knew if they were the next one.

Inside and outside the court, people are panicking.

Of course, for the people in the Vietnamese embassy, ​​today is a great day, even more than the three joys in life.

On the night of the bridal chamber, when the golden list was inscribed, it couldn't compare to the surprise of this moment.

First, the problem of Xishi's contribution that has been plaguing them was solved.

Then, the swordsmanship of Yueren Ah Qing raised his eyebrows in front of the swordsmen of Wu State.

On top of the news that he just got, King Wu went crazy, killed five ministers and raided their homes.

This self-cutting arm-like operation made everyone dizzy.

"Then can we sit and watch King Wu's good show now? If King Wu continues to kill like this, we don't have to fight anymore!"

Ah Qing listened to the applause.

Gongsun Yu took a sip of the tea handed over by Xishi, and said with a grin.

"If it really goes on like this, it will definitely be the best for us Yue people, but I'm afraid of accidents. I don't know what the Ambassador thinks?"

Gongsun Yu came here for the first purpose of announcing the good news, and naturally he wanted to hear Zhang Sanfeng's high opinion.

But he didn't want Zhang Sanfeng's next sentence, so he almost fell to the ground.

"What else can you see, just lie down and watch."

Still indifferent to the tone without a trace of emotion, even a major event like the rejuvenation of the kingdom could not arouse his mind at all.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng said one more sentence for fear of his misunderstanding.

"Just lie down and wait to die."

"Lie down and wait for Wu State to die."

When the monarch is terminally ill, the only antidote is to overthrow the monarch, but in Wu, this is not practical.

So, some things, when you start a certain way, there is no turning back.

There is only abyss ahead, and all you can decide is the speed of falling into the abyss.

Now we just need to see, whether King Wu is in one step or just tortured for a long time. .

Chapter 409

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