"Your Excellency! Is what you said true?"

Gongsun Yu's eyes widened, and he stared at Zhang Sanfeng with a tone of disbelief.

"If it's true, I'll pass the letter to Doctor Fan, and tell him the situation and your judgment."

Gongsun Yu couldn't wait, even though he was in his forties, he was considered an old man in Yue Kingdom.

But he was still excited and couldn't help but feel like he was gearing up.

I was very excited. I originally thought that being an embassy in the capital of Wu State that anyone could bully would be the main thing until I died.

After all, he is already old enough, and the gap between Wu State and Yue State is too great, and it is not a one-time thing to fight against.

At first, he thought that the revenge of the King of Yue was a matter of two things, but he didn't want to meet the two of them one after another.

One person told him that the revenge of King Yue in this life does not need to be avenged by future generations like King Wu.

The second person told him that King Wu was dead, and he would naturally be attacked by a group even if he lay down and did not interfere.

The former is Fan Li, and the latter is this handsome young man in his twenties.

Both gave Gongsun Yu a different feeling. Fan Li gave him hope that he could see King Yue come back, while Zhang Sanfeng directly put hope on his face and said.

"Well, this is the dream you want, take it, it's yours" ˇ. Although this kind of feeling is precarious, it is unrealistic.

But for Gongsun Yu, there is nothing better than today.

If it wasn't for his old age and inconvenience in his legs and feet, he would have wanted to kneel down and talk to the High Envoy.

Otherwise, every time he said a word, he would give him an urge to bow down and kneel down to save trouble.

"Just look, but you should leave and go back to Vietnam."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't mind reminding him.

After all, his impression of Gongsun Yu is still good. No matter what time he is, he always believes in himself and does not look down on him because of his age.

Although part of it was due to Fan Li's reasons, it also fully demonstrated that this person has a character that is not suspicious and does not use people suspiciously.

Since you believe in someone, you won't be busy thinking about it.

No matter what the price was, he believed without any regrets that Fan Li was like this, and Zhang Sanfeng was the same today.

"Okay, Your Excellency, I'll make arrangements now."

Gongsun Yu heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, but now he didn't say a word, he got up and went out to inform the staff inside the embassy.

After walking out the door, Gongsun Yu raised his head and looked at the sky.

The originally blue sky has turned into a blue-yellow color, closer to gray.

The sky in the distance has not yet darkened, and the lights of thousands of homes in Gusu City have not yet turned on.

So many things happened before the day came, Gongsun Yu felt that today was a dream.

For more than [-] years, the most real dream, if it is really a dream, then he hopes that he will never wake up.

In such a depressing environment over the years, being the head of an embassy requires a lot of perseverance.

If it weren't for the fact that he still wanted to see with his own eyes what Fan Li had promised him, he would plant the flag of Yue Kingdom on the wall of the capital of Wu Kingdom with his own hands.

I'm afraid he couldn't hold on anymore.

Now that it was over, he stroked his beard and walked towards the most crowded yard.

"."Brother Zhang, Master Gongsun and the others will be fine, right?"

After waiting for Gongsun Yu to leave, Xishi asked Zhang Sanfeng worriedly.

Apparently she was in a mess too.

"As long as I'm here, I'll naturally ignore it."

Zhang Sanfeng was lying on the back of the chair and said without opening his eyes.

After speaking, he took the Yuguang cup that had just been poured, and took another sip.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed while facing the cup.

I don't know if it's a pity that there is no more wine in the glass, or sigh...

The kingdom will be destroyed, and the building will collapse.Boat.

Chapter 410

"Brother Zhang, I'll just pour it for you. It's not that there is no alcohol."

After staying in the capital city of Wu State for half a year, Xishi's tone sometimes took on its breath without realizing it.

Wu Nong speaks softly, softly and softly.

Saying that, he poured another glass for Zhang Sanfeng.

Moreover, he took out two more cups, poured another cup for Ah Qing and himself respectively.

"Come on! Brother Zhang, today I, Shi Yiguang, are here to thank you for all the Yue people."

Xi Shi, who speaks Wu Nong's soft language and speaks boldly, has a different flavor.

After she finished speaking, she drank the wine in the glass without a drop.

However, after drinking Xi Shi, I felt a spicy taste spread in my throat.

He quickly opened his mouth and fanned it with his hand, trying to get some spicy taste.

Like a puppy panting in the summer heat.

Ah Qing looked at it and laughed.

"Sister Yiguang, haven't you ever drunk?"

"No, all I drank before were fruit wine. I've never had this kind of wine before. Looking at Big Brother Zhang, I didn't feel the slightest bit. I thought it was also fruit wine..."

After Xi Shi finished drinking, a blush appeared on his face, and he quickly explained.

Seeing that the wine was in the shape of amber, she thought it was fruit wine, but she didn't expect to make a mistake in judgment, and she made a big ugliness.

"Then tonight, if we're happy, we'll come here if we don't get drunk or go home!"

Ah Qing Shepherd also drank wine to keep warm.

However, the taste of the wine was much worse than this, except for the spicy throat and body warming, it was similar to eating a knife.

However, it was precisely because she had drunk that kind of wine that she felt the same as Zhang Sanfeng.

Give her a fragrant lips and teeth, a rich and mellow taste, very delicious.

Zhang Sanfeng saw it and didn't stop it. Anyway, it was fine for the two of them to sleep together at night. They were of the same age and gender, and they didn't need to worry about drinking and messing about.

However, after a few drinks, Ah Qing started talking nonsense.

What about the father-in-law, mother, and the name of the goat she raised, such as Ah Da came here to eat, don't rob Ah San's grass.

Of course, about him, Zhang Sanfeng only thought she was drunk and didn't take it seriously.

And Xi Shi's wine is much better than Ah Qing, sitting there fixedly, motionless, but his eyes are blurred and tight.

Especially when he looked at Zhang Sanfeng, the stars in his eyes seemed to be overflowing, shining brightly.

"Zhang... son."

she murmured.

"You're drunk (bhag)!"

Zhang Sanfeng returned.

"Master Zhang! Call me Yiguang!"

Her tone was a request, or an order.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally wouldn't care about drunk people, and smiled softly.

"Yiguang! You are drunk."

"Well, I'm drunk, and all my eyes are on you, one, two, three, four, many, many."

Xi Shi's eyes were blurred, and he raised his slender hands, not knowing what he was gesturing, or what he was showing in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

Then he suddenly fell on the table and got drunk.

Zhang Sanfeng had no choice but to use his spiritual power to get rid of the alcoholism for them.

But on second thought, maybe the changes in the Wu Kingdom today, it seems that it is not bad to be drunk, so there is no need to worry about it.

He picked up Xishi and wanted to send him into the room.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng's neck and shoulders were instantly caught by a pair of slender hands.

The hands are weak and boneless, and the body is refreshing.

The owner of the slender hand also opened his eyes and looked at him.

His eyes were full of brilliance.

Xi Shizhong didn't know whether it was the effect of alcohol or the effect of psychology, so he looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

Said reluctantly.

"Yiguang likes the son."

Just when Xi Shi wanted to say the next sentence.

I felt a strong male smell coming from my nostrils.

Her mouth was blocked! .

Chapter 411

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