The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the long howling wind swept across the long street.

There is a curfew in Suzhou City, but there is no control over such sensual places.

The Qinhuai River is ten miles away, and the lights are lush, and there are countless guests and carriages coming and going.

Among them, Tianxianglou is the most among them, and there are not a few people who spend a lot of money in it. It is also the largest gold-selling cave in Gusu City.

The fifth floor of Tianxiang Tower is the tallest building on both sides of the Huaihe River.

But today, the guests on the fifth floor of Tianxiang Building have lost their minds and continue to look at the scenery outside.

"Doctor Ou, the king can this be good!"

There were no more than four people at the banquet, and besides that, there were not even girls who would accompany the drinks.

However, all four had serious expressions on their faces.

That sentence just now was said by a man in Chinese clothes sitting in the corner of the north corner, near the entrance of the stairs.

The man is about twenty-seven or eight-year-old, and his face is calm and heavy, giving people a sense of steadfastness, but he is hesitant at this time.

He was asking Xiang, sitting in the south, an old man with white beard and white hair, wearing a white robe of Wu nationality, and he had an old-fashioned feeling.

The old man also had a sad look on his face at this time. Now the state of Wu State is not as good as before, and since the State of Wu let go of Queen Yue in that battle.

King Wu became more and more wrong. He first killed Wu Zixu, and Sun Wu, the soldier saint, also went into seclusion.

There were two generals in the court of Wu Kingdom, who died and retired.

If the death of today's five ministers is to cut off their arms, the departure of Wu Zixu and Sun Wu is the real self-cut of eyes.

"Your Majesty is confused~"

The old man sighed and sighed for a long time, and only said this sentence. He also drank two or three glasses of wine in the middle. It was obviously very exciting for him today.

This old man named Ou Lian has been assisting for two generations, first the father of Wu Wang Fuchai, He Lu, and then the current Fuchai.

He also took care of most of the people's livelihood in the state of Wu, and he also took care of the taxation. Among the five ministers who died today,

There was one under his command.

"I heard that King Wu saw the immortal, and the immortal told him to collect the rare treasures, and if there is anything he wants, he can exchange for the elixir of life."

The person who said this obviously had eyeliner in the palace, and a man sitting on the right side of the old man, that is, the east seat of Tianxiang Building, said slowly.

The expression on his face was indifferent, and when he talked about the matter of King Wu, the corners of his eyes were only slightly raised.  …

"I wish my lord, this is what your sister said to you?"

A middle-aged man sitting in the west corner across from him, who was still wearing the official costume of Wu State, asked.

"Well, let me also collect rare treasures and present them to King Wu. King Wu must be very happy now."

That somewhat feminine and charming Zhu Kuang was the elder brother of Zhu Meiren, who was quite favored among Princess Wu's concubines.

On the other hand, the person who asked him was Qi En, who was one of the nine ministers in Wu State, and was mainly in charge of Wu State's diplomacy.

And the man sitting at the entrance of the stairs on the north side of Tianxiang Tower is also one of the nine masters, Zong Zheng.

His surname was Ji, and he could be considered to be somewhat related to King Wu, but he came from the state of Jin.

Except for the feminine Zhu Kuang who is not Jiuqing, the other three have a certain influence in the court.

"It's over, what can I do?"

Ji Zhun, who was sitting below, said bitterly.

"If we go up to persuade us, I'm afraid there will be a few more dead souls at the bottom of the river today."

He had no doubts about King Wu's murderousness at all. If one day someone told him that King Wu killed the entire court, he would not be surprised at all. .

Chapter 412

"I just find it rather strange, why did King Wu meet the immortal today."

Qi En didn't even bother to drink, and leaned against the railing of Tianxianglou.

He looked at the scenery outside the building, the moonlight was blocked by gray clouds.

I used to be able to see some of the city of Gusu clearly, but now I can only see a bunch of dark outlines.

"I heard that it has something to do with the Vietnamese embassy."


The white-haired old man Ou Lian didn't know about Wu Wangfuchai's itinerary today. He was outside the capital of Wu State today, inspecting people's conditions, so he didn't know what happened in the city of Gusu.

"Yes! The Vietnamese embassy, ​​Wei Zhong's head was brought over by King Wu as a gift."

It has long been rumored that the government has gone crazy for 17 years. Today, King Wu's behavior is too weird. He first condescended to go to the Vietnamese embassy to meet people, and even killed his courtiers as a gift.

If there is no such thing as the five ministers, I am afraid that this is something that the court and the opposition are talking about.

However, Wei Zhong is not a good person, he is just a person who is flattering and bullying, and has the same virtue as Bo Xi.

If he is the only one who is dead, it is impossible for the four of them to celebrate with each other.

"Vietnamese looks weird!"

"I already said that I can't let the tiger go back to the mountain!"

Ji Zhun was a little indignant.

He was unhappy for a long time. First, when the war was about to destroy Vietnam, he released the country of Yue, and then when Goujian came to Wu country to be a cow and a horse, he let him go back.

Really pampered again and again.

"It has nothing to do with Yue Guo. I heard that he is an outsider, but he has something to do with Fan Li."

It is well known that Zhang Sanfeng is not a Vietnamese.

As for the status of the ambassador, in their eyes, it is just something that can be thrown away at any time.

As long as it's not Vietnamese, it's fine to say.

Zhu Kuang knew everything about the news in the city of Suzhou.

After all, his intelligence network is the Tianxianglou underneath, so what kind of intelligence can't be heard?

"Immortal... That means the outsider is an immortal?"

The white-haired old man Ou Lian asked Xiang Zhu Kuang. The reason why he set the banquet here is naturally because the information is the most well-informed, and many puzzled questions can be asked Zhu Kuang.

"It's hard to say, King Wu didn't reveal whether it was him or not, and I don't have any news about the immortal. King Wu should have his own channels."

Speaking of immortals, Zhu Kuang is also blind, although he is a bit of a spy in other countries.

But those people have low identities, and it's okay to listen to ordinary news. If they want to collect information about immortals, I'm afraid it's a fool's dream.

"In any case, when you go to court tomorrow, you must not let King Wu go on like this, or who else would want to come to Wu to be an official."

Qi En's words were full of sincerity. As a courtier, he naturally wanted to share the lord's worries.

Although King Wu is now demented, isn't it the responsibility of a courtier to correct it?

"That's natural. Before tomorrow's court meeting, I will contact a group of ministers to give advice together. After all, immortals are too elusive and unrealistic to find."

Ou Lian was determined, obviously he already had a series of lists in his mind, and then he would join dozens of ministers to give advice together.

Think it can play a certain role in containment.

"Five people today..."

Ji Zhun was a little hesitant. If they joined forces, what if the King of Wu became angry again and cut them all down.

"It doesn't matter, those ministers all worked with King Helu, and they are considered to be the elders of the king. If they kill them, it means that King Wu is really crazy."

Ou Lian naturally knew who should be used to oppress him.

To govern the country with filial piety, the natural monarch must also abide by this rule.

"Then I wish you all a successful victory tomorrow, and the king will find his way back as soon as possible!"

Zhu Kuang raised his glass and congratulated.

The real feast has just begun. .

Chapter 413

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The candles on the candlesticks are bright or dark, and the candles have been burned halfway at some point.

A subtle sound came from outside the door. Zhang Sanfeng, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes, swept his mind slightly, and knew who it was.

But he looked at the messy room, there were clothes everywhere, obviously it was not suitable for people to come in.

He could only get up.

With that said, Zhang Sanfeng gently removed the jade arm from his body.

Looking at Xi Shi's peaceful face in his sleep, he shook his head.

No matter who wants to get, such a gentle and elegant beauty, how can she look like two people under the bed?

He got up without disturbing Xi Shi. She was very tired just now, but now she is naturally sleeping sweetly.

After all, she is not a person with inner strength like Jade Purple Girl, but a woman with no power to tie a chicken with her hands.

After getting dressed, he walked out the door calmly.

The clouds on the gray-white night sky dissipated at some point, and the wind stopped.

There is quite a kind of moonlight like the sea, scattered all over the place, and the vision is widened.

At this time, Ah Qing was very excited, because it was already the third watch, and she had not slept all night after sobering up, just to wait until now.

"Squeaky' ˇ!"

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